The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow. Debbie Macomber

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Название The Road To Love: Love by Degree / The Rain Sparrow
Автор произведения Debbie Macomber
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474068697

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by comparison, I come in a poor second.”

      “I wouldn’t say that.”

      “Then why can’t you take your eyes off Danielle?”

      “Danielle. Hmm.” He looked away from the other woman and stared blankly into Ellen’s face. “Sorry.” For her part, Ellen instinctively turned her back on Reed, unable to bear the sight of him holding and kissing another woman.

      “Someone must have got their wires crossed.”

      “Like me,” Ellen muttered. She’d been an idiot to assume that Reed had meant anything by his invitation. He’d just needed someone to take to this party, and his first choice hadn’t been available. She was a substitute, and a second-rate one at that.

      “What do you want to do?”

      Ellen frowned, her thoughts fragmented. “I don’t know yet. Give me a minute to think.”

      “You two could always fight for him.”

      “The stronger woman takes the spoils? No, thanks.” Despite herself she laughed. It certainly would’ve created a diversion at this formal, rather staid party.

      Craning his neck, Ralph peered over at the other couple. “Reed doesn’t seem too pleased to see her.”

      “I can imagine. The situation’s put him in a bit of a bind.”

      “I admit it’s unpleasant for you, but, otherwise, I’m enjoying this immensely.”

      Who wouldn’t? The scene was just short of comical. “I thought you said Reed was a one-woman man.”

      “I guess I stand corrected.”

      Ellen was making a few corrections herself, revising some cherished ideas about Reed Morgan.

      “I don’t suppose you’d consider staying with me for the rest of the evening?” Ralph suggested hopefully.

      “Consider it? I’d say it’s the best offer I’ve had in weeks.” She might feel like a fool, but she didn’t plan to hang around looking like one.

      Ralph nudged her and bent his head to whisper in her ear. “Reed’s staring at us. And like I said, he doesn’t seem pleased.”

      With a determination born of anger and pride, she forced a smile to her lips and gazed adoringly up at Ralph. “How am I doing?” she asked, batting her lashes at him.

      “Wonderful, wonderful.” He swung her energetically around to the beat of the music. “Uh-oh, here he comes.”

      Reed weaved his way through the dancing couples and tapped Ralph on the shoulder. “I’m cutting in.”

      Ellen tightened her grip on Reed’s colleague, silently pleading with him to stay. “Sorry, buddy, but Ellen’s with me now that your lady friend has arrived.”

      “Ellen?” Reed’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her intently. The other couples were dancing around them and curiously watching the party of three that had formed in the center of the room.

      She couldn’t remember ever seeing anyone look more furious than Reed did at this moment. “Maybe I’d better leave,” she said in a low, faltering voice.

      “I’ll take you home,” Ralph offered, dropping his hand to her waist.

      “You came with me. You’ll leave with me.” Reed grasped her hand, pulling her toward him.

      “Obviously you were making provisions,” Ellen said, “on the off-chance Danielle showed up. How else did she get in here?”

      “How am I supposed to know? She probably told the manager she was with me.”

      “And apparently she is,” Ellen hissed.

      “Maybe Reed and I should wrestle to decide the winner,” Ralph suggested, glancing at Ellen and sharing a comical grin.


      Obviously, Reed saw no humor in the situation. Anger darkened his handsome face, and a muscle twitched in his jaw as the tight rein on his patience slipped.

      Ralph withdrew his hand. “Go ahead and dance. It’s obvious you two have a lot to talk about.”

      Reed took Ellen in his arms. “I suppose you’re furious,” he muttered.

      “Have I got anything to be angry about?” she asked calmly. Now that the initial shock had worn off, she felt somewhat distanced from the whole predicament.

      “Of course you do. But I want a chance to explain.”

      “Don’t bother. I’ve got the picture.”

      “I’m sure you don’t.”

      Ellen stubbornly refused to look up at him, resisting for as long as she could, but eventually she gave in. “It doesn’t matter. Ralph said he’d take me home and—”

      “I’ve already made my feelings on that subject quite clear.”

      “Listen, Reed. Your Porsche seats two. Is Danielle supposed to sit on my lap?”

      “She came uninvited. Let her find her own way home.”

      “You don’t mean that.”

      “I certainly do.”

      “You can’t humiliate Danielle like that.” Ellen didn’t mention how she felt. What was the point? “Don’t—”

      “She deserves it,” he broke in.

      “Reed, no.” Her hold on his forearm tightened. “This is unpleasant enough for all of us. Don’t compound it.”

      The song ended and the music faded from the room. Reed fastened his hand on Ellen’s elbow, guiding her across the floor to where Danielle was standing with Ralph. The two of them were sipping champagne.

      “Hello again,” Ellen began amicably, doing her utmost to appear friendly, trying to smooth over an already awkward situation.

      “Hello.” Danielle stared at Ellen curiously, apparently not recognizing her.

      “You remember Ellen Cunningham, don’t you?” Reed said.

      “Not that college girl your brother’s renting a room to—” Danielle stopped abruptly, shock etched on her perfect features. “You’re Ellen Cunningham?”

      “In the flesh.” Still trying to keep things light, she cocked her head toward Ralph and spoke stagily out of the side of her mouth, turning the remark into a farcical aside. “I wasn’t at my best when we met the first time.”

      “You were fiddling around with that electrical outlet and Reed was horrified,” Danielle inserted, her voice completely humorless, her eyes narrowed assessingly. “You didn’t even look like a girl.”

      “She does now.” Ralph beamed her a brilliant smile.

      “Yes.” Danielle swallowed, her face puckered with concern. “She looks very...nice.”

      “Thank you.” Ellen bowed her head.

      “I’ve made a terrible mess of things,” Danielle continued, casually handing her half-empty glass to a passing waiter. “Reed mentioned the party weeks ago, and Mom and I had this ski party planned. I told him I couldn’t attend and then I felt guilty because Reed’s been so sweet, escorting me to all the charity balls.”

      Ellen didn’t hear a word of explanation beyond the fact that Reed had originally asked Danielle to the party. The other woman had just confirmed Ellen’s suspicions, and the hurt went through her like a thousand needles. He’d invited her only because Danielle couldn’t attend.

      “There’s no problem,” Ellen said in a bland voice. “I understand how these things happen. He asked you first, so you stay and I’ll leave.”
