Private Indiscretions. Susan Crosby

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Название Private Indiscretions
Автор произведения Susan Crosby
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472037565

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before because I was young and naive. Those days are gone.”

      “You landed on your feet. Bagged yourself a rich, powerful guy. Slipped right into his job like you earned it.”

      “I was voted in.”

      “Sympathy. Pity.”

      Before she could answer, she felt her arm being tugged. Lilith dragged her away. “Look agreeable for your constituents, Senator,” Lilith said, moving her across the room, a cool smile on her perfect oval face. “Somebody will gladly pass this incident to the tabloids, you know. A few people have been panting for a moment like this.”

      “He’s blaming me, Lilith. Me. Like he wasn’t causing trouble from the beginning tonight.” She lowered her voice. “Asking me to dance when he knows I don’t want anything to do with him.”

      “Calm down.”

      “I’m ready to go.”

      Lilith patted her arm. “Soon, my dear. You’ve got to put on a show for a little while longer, then, fortunately for you, you’ve got me, a seven-months-pregnant friend, to use as an excuse. I’ll let Candi and Willow know we’ll be leaving a little earlier than we figured.”

      They’d planned a slumber party like the old days. Dana had been looking forward to it. Now she just wanted to be alone.

      It took her an hour to work her way through the curious crowd and another three hours of wine and girl talk before she had time to herself. Dressed in her robe, she wandered out to the front porch and sat in the swing, easing it back and forth, the chain groaning quietly, the motion soothing. Her parents were visiting relatives in Florida, but Dana could feel their presence. How many nights had they sat here, talking and watching the stars?

      The peaceful memories tried to wrap her in a quilt of comfort, but her eyes stung at the emotional whirlwind the night had been. The vindictive exchange with Harley and her sexual awareness of Sam put her on edge—she, who was known for her calm, rational behavior. Did he know why she’d apologized or had she been too vague?

      Of course, he’d been vague with his thank-you, too.

      Dana tucked a hand in her robe pocket to find Sam’s business card. She ran her thumb over the gold embossing of the company name, ARC Security & Investigations. She recalled a Los Angeles address, that the card listed phone, fax, cell phone and pager numbers. No title was printed under his name. Because the firm was too small? Maybe even a one-man operation? Sam Remington, Private Investigator. Amazing.

      “Can’t sleep, either?”

      Dana jumped when Lilith settled on the swing.

      “I’ve got a baby break-dancing in my womb. Must be all that 1980s music,” Lilith said, a smile in her voice. “What’s your excuse?”

      “I usually read committee reports as sleep aids. I decided not to bring any paperwork with me this time.” Dana nestled her shoulders into the swing cushion and glanced at Lilith. She’d let her hair down, an ebony curtain that trailed down her back. “This is nice,” Dana said. “We haven’t had any time alone since you got married last year.”

      “I’m sorry.”

      “No, don’t apologize. It wasn’t a criticism. I know what it’s like, having a new husband and a demanding career. I missed you, that’s all. When you stayed with me for those few weeks after Randall died, I got used to having you around.”

      They swung in silence for several minutes. Dana closed her eyes and listened to the night noises of crickets and frogs and other creatures who traveled the forested surroundings. What sounded like a man walking was probably a deer, but it could easily be a fox or raccoon or even a mountain lion.

      “Why didn’t you tell me you decided to run for reelection?” Lilith asked.

      Dana heard the underlying hurt that she wasn’t the first of her friends to know. “Candi was wishing out loud. I certainly didn’t tell her anything. I haven’t even made up my mind.” She tried not to cringe at the lie.

      “Then, why didn’t you correct her?”

      “Sam’s arrival coincided, I guess. That whole business with Harley.” Lame, Dana. Really lame. “Would you believe I forgot about it?”

      Lilith frowned. “Actually, no. It’s totally unlike you.”

      “I know.”

      “You’re going to be inundated by the media.”

      “I know.”

      They slipped into silence again.

      “I couldn’t believe that Sam showed up,” Lilith commented. “He hasn’t changed, has he? Drop in unannounced then leave before you know it. Still playing by his own rules. Still keeping his distance.”

      “What’s wrong with having your own rules?”

      “Are you defending him?”

      Was she? “I liked him. I did go to the prom with him, you know.”

      “Right. One date. A sympathy date at that.”

      “Don’t say that.” When he left without saying goodbye, he’d hurt her in a way like no one had. Still, she had a tender spot for him in her heart. Maybe because she vividly remembered the sad little boy who’d lost his mother when he was ten. Maybe, too, she remembered strong feelings on her part that were never resolved. Her friends hadn’t seen that his eyes could sparkle with humor as well as challenge. She’d been a little bit in love with him for years, then the night of the prom had fallen even more—until everything changed, for a reason she never knew.

      He was an enigma then, and more so now. Why had he come when he seemed to have no intention of staying beyond a brief conversation with her? And why in such a public forum?

      “All I’m saying is that he could’ve had friends, but he didn’t try,” Lilith said a little defensively.

      “Maybe so. We don’t know what he went through with his father, do we? All I know for sure is he did well in school and got out of town when he could. He seems to have made something of himself. He looked fabulous, don’t you think?” Dana almost sighed.

      The swing bounced crookedly as Lilith sat up. “You’re kidding.”

      “You didn’t think he was incredibly sexy?”

      “No.” Horror crept into her voice. “Absolutely not. If I saw him coming toward me on the street, I’d find a way to avoid him.”

      Dana laughed. “I’d want to be walking beside him. I’d feel safe.”

      “You’re attracted to him!”

      “What if I am?” Dana took few people into her confidence—a life in politics didn’t invite much trust. She rarely talked about Randall, about their personal life, not even to her oldest friend, so why discuss Sam?

      “Is he single?” Lilith asked.

      “He wasn’t wearing a ring.”

      Lilith’s expression turned sympathetic. “I know you must be lonely, Dana, but there are plenty of other men who would be good choices. A man who doesn’t fit into your world could cause a lot of talk. The wrong kind of talk could ruin your chances for reelection. You know that.”

      “I do know.”

      “So, you’re not going to see him?”


      “What are you going to do about Harley?”

      The quick change of subject confused Dana. “What about Harley?”

      “He was humiliated tonight. More than once. You don’t think he inherited his daddy’s skill for vengeance along with the ranch?”

      “He’s not dealing with an ignorant seventeen-year-old this