My True Cowboy. Shelley Galloway

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Название My True Cowboy
Автор произведения Shelley Galloway
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408951316

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then. Let’s get started before Stan comes around.”

      “Yes, let’s definitely do that.”

      As Rosa started dealing, the elderly lady looked Susan up and down. “Are you sure you’re all right? Something about you looks different today.”

      “I’m fine.” She picked up her cards. “Let’s just concentrate on our hands, shall we?”

      But instead of accepting Susan’s efforts to move them on, the older lady grimaced. “Don’t you start talking to me like I don’t have a brain in my head, Susan Young.”

      “I wouldn’t dare.”

      “You better not, you hear me? You’re one of the few people in this place who treats me like I still have my wits about me. A couple of the nurses here talk to me like I’m in kindergarten. Yesterday, at dinner, one of them asked if I needed help cutting my chicken.”

      Susan hid a smile at that. She wouldn’t dare ask Rosa if she needed help cutting meat. At least, she wouldn’t if there was a knife nearby!

      As she sat across from her at the card table, Susan fiddled with her cards. “Just so you know, I really do like playing cards with you. I don’t look at it as a task. I promise I don’t.”

      Reaching out, the elderly woman patted Susan’s arm. “I know, honey. Now, let’s play before I lose my eyesight.”

      They ended up playing four games over the next hour. Susan won a hand, Rosa won the next two, and as they played the fourth round, the tension between them intensified as their competitive spirits took control. As always, they concentrated on their latest cards as if their lives depended on it. A little crowd gathered around and cheered them on.

      Susan was just about to draw another card when Rosa called out, “Gin!” and slapped her cards on the table victoriously.

      Susan leaned back against her chair and sighed. “One day I’m going to beat you, fair and square.”

      “I won’t hold my breath,” Rosa retorted, but there was a bright light in her eyes that hadn’t been there when Susan arrived. “Same time tomorrow?”

      “I don’t know if I can. I have some work I need to do on the computer that might take a while.”


      “I can’t Friday, either. I’m, uh, taking the day off.”

      “Susan Young, I know it’s Labor Day weekend, but are you taking vacation already? Or are you finally going to tell me what’s got you so stressed and worried?”

      “I’m not taking vacation….” Though she was tempted to leave it at that, the concern in Rosa’s eyes practically asked her to share. “But I am kind of stressed today. You were right about that. And it actually does have to do with my son,” she said as the rest of the residents drifted away.

      “Has he gotten worse?”

      “I’m not sure. He’s been getting low a lot, which means his blood sugar’s been taking nosedives. I just found out that he’s going to have to go back to the hospital for another round of tests,” she said slowly. “But I’ll play on Monday. Kay should be fine with that.” Though it was a school holiday for Hank, she hadn’t even thought about asking for the day off.

      For a moment, Rosa’s eyes softened. “That’s fine, Susan. We’ll see each other on Monday. No problem.”

      “Thanks for understanding.”

      “Mind if I give you a piece of advice?”

      She shook her head.

      “You put that boy of yours first, every single day. A mother’s duty is more important than any job.”

      “I know that. But it doesn’t pay the bills.”

      “Bills will get paid—they always do, sooner or later. But you can’t get days missed back. I can promise you that.”

      Susan would have hugged the lady if she was the kind of person who hugged. “Thanks, Mrs. Ventura.”

      The older woman waved Susan off with a hand. “We don’t need a scene now. Now, you best go mill around and chat with the rest of the folks here. The last thing you need is the dragon lady to fuss at you again.”

      Doing her best not to chuckle at the name, Susan stood up. “Thanks, I will.”

      “And, Susan?”

      “Yes, ma’am?”

      “That Stan is sitting over there by himself, struggling with his crossword again. Why don’t you go see if he needs some help. He almost always does. He’s not too smart, you know.”

      “I’ll go do that right now.”

      ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Cal was sipping a Coke from the machine and trying to determine how many cattle they should plan to take to market, when two people he hoped never to see again in his lifetime appeared down the hall. The smaller of the pair scampered over.

      “Hi, Mr. Riddell. It’s me, Hank.”

      Seeing them only made him recall being a complete and total jackass. Holding out his hand, he shook Hank’s. “Hey, buddy. How are y’all doing?”

      “Not so good,” Hank said as his mother approached and stood right behind him. “We’re here. Again.”

      Susan patted her son’s shoulder. “It couldn’t be helped.”

      “In that case, I’m sorry to see you.” When her eyes narrowed, he silently groaned. Was he ever going to be able to have a conversation with her without sticking his foot in the middle of it? “What I meant to say was, I thought this place would have been just a memory for y’all by now.”

      Hank answered for the still-silent Susan. “Well … we were home, but now we’re back. I’m getting tests again, aren’t I, Mom?”

      “Tests?” A strange sensation burned the back of his neck, reminding him that he hadn’t spared a thought about why Hank was getting stuck so much.

      “Yes. More tests.” Susan nodded, punctuating the gesture with a smile that didn’t come close to meeting her eyes. “Excuse us. We need to be on our way, as well.”

      Now he felt even lower than a snake’s belly. Just because he was in a permanent bad mood, it didn’t mean he had to take it out on innocent women and children. “About the other day—I’m sorry if I was a bit abrupt.”

      “A bit?”

      “A lot. This thing with my dad, it’s brought out the worst in me. I’m sorry,” he repeated. “And, Hank, you’re right. I shouldn’t have said shut up to you.”

      Hank grinned, showing a wide gap where an incisor used to be. “S’okay.”

      For a moment, he didn’t think she was going to respond. Then, ever so slowly, she nodded. “Apology accepted. Now, we really need to be on our way.”

      Just as she passed, Cal smelled gardenias again. Gardenias and something spicy underneath. For too long, his gaze tarried on that auburn hair of hers, wondering how a person could manage so much of it … when he met the boy’s eyes.

      “Hank, are you ready?” a nurse asked as he approached.

      “Sure.” Hank grimaced. “Sorry, but I’ve gotta go. I’ve got to go pee in a cup.”

      “Good luck with that.”

      Hank grinned. “Thanks,” he said as the nurse escorted him down the hall. “See ya, Mom.”

      “Okay.” She smiled at him and the nurse until they were out of sight. Only then did the full extent of her worries cross her face.

      Making Cal feel another tug toward her. As he knew from his experience with his little sister, Ginny, nothing was