Impossible to Resist. Janice Maynard

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Название Impossible to Resist
Автор произведения Janice Maynard
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408977903

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seem to help herself. He was gorgeous. And smart. And far more appealing than any man she’d met in years.

      Jacob didn’t bat an eye at her not-so-subtle move. Was she making any impact on him at all? Or was he really immune to her femininity?

      His even tone gave nothing away. “I’m not the only one, but I’m working to develop what one day may become a cancer vaccine.”

      “Well, crap.” She pulled her knees to her chest and glared at him. Whether he meant to or not, he had shut her down.

      “That’s a problem for you?”

      “How am I supposed to lure you away when my selfishness could cost someone their life?”

      “It’s rarely that time sensitive, Ariel. We’re talking research that takes months, years. And to get back to your original concern, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m a big boy. I make my own decisions, and I can entertain myself.”

      “Do you work out?”

      Again the flummoxed look. “Following your conversational gambits is like chasing a rabbit in the woods.”

      “Sorry. My mind jumps. Can you answer the question?”

      His eyes narrowed. “I swim laps at Gareth’s pool. I walk up and down the mountain when the mood hits me. I cut firewood for the winter. Have I passed?”


      “The test. I got the impression that you were looking for some specific answers.”

      If nothing else, she had annoyed him. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m merely trying to establish what kind of man you are.”

      “There are varieties?”

      “Of course there are. I’ve nailed you as the selfless, driven, save-the-world type.”

      He stood up. And from her vantage point, he looked really big. “Come here, Ariel.”

      She obeyed, more out of curiosity than anything else. When they were standing toe to toe, he reached out and tucked her hair behind her ears. Shivering, she lifted her chin and met his gaze head-on. “What do you want?”

      “I’m wondering how good an actress you are. If you want to make people believe that you and I are a couple, we’ll have to kiss at least once or twice, right?”

      Her throat dried as she tried to swallow a lump the size of Texas. “Does that mean you’re considering my proposal?”

      His gray eyes warmed to charcoal embers. “Answer my question first. Would we have to occasionally kiss?”

      She nodded slowly, feeling completely out of her depth. Rarely did a man manage to throw her off kilter. But Jacob Wolff was giving it his best shot. “Yeeessss,” she drawled. “I’d say that would be necessary and appropriate.”

      His quick, self-deprecating smile warmed her to her toes. “Well then, let’s give it a shot.”

      Before she could agree or protest, or better yet shoot back with a smart-ass response, Jacob’s mouth moved across hers.

      Ariel had kissed lots of men. Some tasted like cigarettes or salami. A few were pleasant but unremarkable. The guys who had something to prove usually bent her neck backward at an awkward angle. And occasionally there were one or two who were genuinely good at locking lips.

      Jacob’s kiss defied description, mostly because she didn’t have the mental sharpness to analyze it. Her synapses were firing like random paintball gun explosions, making her knees rubbery and her head muzzy. Jacob’s arms encircled her firmly, bringing her close to his chest. He was determined and possessive, but not forceful. The caress of his lips on hers was toe-curlingly sensual, but with barely a hint of tongue.

      For a first kiss, it was damned near perfect.

      They broke apart in unison. Ariel stumbled backward, reaching behind her for a seat. Unfortunately, reaching for her habitual cheeky repartee was not so simple. She cleared her throat. “Not bad, Doc. Especially for a first take.”

      He folded his arms across his chest. Was he breathing hard? She’d like to think so.

      When he remained silent, she squirmed. “What’s going on in that computer brain of yours?”

      “I’ll do it,” he said quietly.

      “Because of the kiss?”

      He shook his head. “No. Because as much as I hate to admit it, you have me pegged. I can’t let you go off on your own knowing you could fall ill at any moment.”

      “You don’t look too happy about it. Was kissing me so awful?”

      “Let’s get something straight, Ms. Ariel Dane. I’ll kiss you when the occasion demands it. And God help me, I’ll enjoy it. But that’s as far as it goes. You’re my patient.”

      “Who said I wanted it to go any farther?” she pouted. “Do you think you’re irresistible?”

      “I’m a man … and you’re an incredibly beautiful woman. Things happen.”

      “What kind of things?” When he got on his high horse, it was fun to tease him.

      “Lord, you’re a brat.” The words were exasperated, but his reluctant smile was laced with humor.

      “You can keep telling yourself that I’m little more than a child, but it’s not true. I grew up a long time ago. Eyes wide open. Ideals shattered. Illusions dissolved. I’m no ingénue. And I’m in charge of my life. So while I will be eternally grateful for your help in this specific situation, I don’t need or want you to boss me around.”

      “When it comes to your health, I’ll have the last word. Or the deal’s off.”

      “I don’t understand.”

      “If I tell you to nap, you nap. If I expect you to eat healthy meals, that’s what will happen. You’re hiring me to be your doctor. The boyfriend is only a front. He won’t make any demands, but Dr. Jacob Wolff will have plenty.”

      Her heart fluttered in her chest. Jacob’s dictatorial manner might have raised her hackles in another situation, but after that kiss, his masculine authority made her swoon inwardly with an entirely non-PC fit of feminine vapors.

      “Then we have a deal?” At this point, she might cry if he backed out. And she never cried in real life.

      He nodded once, his pewter gaze hooded. “I may be losing my mind, but yes, we have a deal.”

      She wanted to throw herself in his arms and try for kiss number two. But she restrained herself. If Jacob was impressed by decorum and common sense, she could reform. Probably. “Thank you, Doc,” she said quietly. “And since you’re in the mood to say yes, I’ll ask you again. May I spend the night?”


      Jacob tried to take her words at face value. He really did. But he was fairly certain the little minx was baiting him. She was so accustomed to getting what she wanted, her boldness came across as a mix of innocence and unabashed confidence.

      Kissing her had been a test—for him. He wanted to know what he was up against before he agreed. Given the way his body reacted to hers, the answer to her proposition should be an unequivocal no. But even knowing the danger she presented, he couldn’t get past the fact that she needed him. And God help him, he couldn’t turn her away.

      He picked up the remote and turned off the TV. It had been playing quietly in the background while he and Ariel sparred. Keeping his back to her for a few seconds, he marshaled his thoughts. It was inevitable that she had picked up on his attraction to her. His erection had pulsed between them during that restrained but surprisingly steamy kiss.

      But she needed to know from the beginning that he wouldn’t be led around by his— Oh, hell. She was probably amused by his