The Durango Affair. Brenda Jackson

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Название The Durango Affair
Автор произведения Brenda Jackson
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408941928

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pregnancy. Knowing about it and not doing something about it was completely unacceptable.

      He had knocked her up and had to do what he knew was the right thing. Given the implications of their situation, getting married—even for only a short period of time—was the best course of action. He and Savannah were adults. Surely they could handle the intimacies of a brief marriage without wanting more. It wouldn’t be as if he was giving up being a bachelor forever.

      “Well, consider yourself off the hook,” Savannah said, reclaiming his attention. “The only person who knows you’re my baby’s father is Jessica, although I’m sure she’s shared the news with Chase by now. If we ask them not to say anything to anyone I’m sure they won’t.”

      “But I’ll know, Savannah, and there’s no way I’m going to walk away and not claim my child.”

      For a quick second she felt a softening around her heart and couldn’t help appreciating him for declaring her child as his. But she would not marry him just because she was pregnant.

      She gave him a brittle smile as she rose to her feet, clinging on to her carry-on bag and placing her camera pack on her shoulders. The sooner she left Montana and returned to Philadelphia, the better. “Thanks for the offer of marriage, Durango. It was sweet and I truly appreciate it, but I’m not marrying you or anyone just because I’m pregnant.”

      Durango stood, too. “Now, look, Savannah—”

      “No, you look,” she said, eyes narrowing, her back straight and stiff. “That’s what happened with my parents. My mother got pregnant with my brother. Although my father did what some considered the decent thing and married her, he was never happy and ended up being unfaithful to her. It was a marriage based on duty rather than love. He met another woman and lived a double life with her and the child they had together.”

      She inhaled deeply before continuing. “Dad was a traveling salesman and my mother didn’t know that he had another family, which included Jessica, on the West Coast. His actions were unforgivable and the people who suffered most, besides his children, were the two women who loved him and believed in him. In the end one of them, Jessica’s mother, committed suicide. And I watched the hurt and pain my mother went through when she found out the truth about him. So no matter what you say, I would never let a man use pregnancy as a reason to marry. I’m glad we had this little chat and I’ll keep in touch.”

      Chin tilted, she turned and quickly walked away.

      “I’m sorry, ma’am, due to the snowstorm headed our way, all flights out have been canceled until further notice.”

      Savannah stared at the man behind the counter. “All of them?”

      “All of them. We have our hands full trying to find a place for everyone to stay so they won’t have to bunk here for the night. It seems that all the hotels in the area are full.”

      The last thing she wanted to do was sleep sitting up in a hard chair.

      “You’re coming with me, Savannah.”

      She turned around upon hearing the firm voice behind her. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

      Durango took a step forward. “Yes, you are. You heard what the man said. All flights out have been canceled.”

      “Is this man bothering you, miss? Do you want me to call security?”

      Savannah smoothed the hair back from her face. This was just great. All she had to do was look at Durango’s angry expression to see he did not appreciate the man’s question. To avoid an unpleasant situation, she glanced over her shoulder at the ticket agent and smiled. “No, he isn’t bothering me, but thanks for asking. Excuse me for a moment.”

      She then took Durango’s arm and walked away from the counter. She was feeling frustrated and exhausted. “I think we need to get something straight.”

      Durango rubbed his neck, trying to work away the tension he felt building there. “What?”

      She leaned over and got all into his face. “Nobody, and I mean nobody, bosses me around, Durango Westmoreland.”

      Durango stared at her for a long moment then forced back the thought that she was a cute spitfire. Okay, he would be the first to admit that for a moment he had been rather bossy, which was unlike him. He’d never bothered bossing a female around before. He then thought about his cousin Delaney, and remembered how overprotective the Westmoreland males had been before she’d gotten married, and figured she didn’t count. But this particular woman was carrying his baby and he’d be damned if she would spend the night at the airport when he had a guest room back at his ranch that she could use. He decided to use another approach. It was well-known within his family that he could switch from being an ass to an angel in the blink of an eye.

      He reached out and took her hand. “I do apologize if I came off rather bossy just now, Savannah. I was merely thinking of your and the baby’s welfare. I’m sure sleeping here in one of those chairs wouldn’t be comfortable. I have a perfectly good guest room at the ranch and you’re welcome to use it. I’m sure you’re tired. Will you come to the ranch with me?”

      His words, spoken in a soft plea, as well as his ensuing smile, only made Savannah’s blood boil even more. She recognized the words for what they were—smooth-talking crap. Her father had been a master at using such bull whenever he needed to unruffle her mother’s feathers. And she was close to telling Durango in an unladylike way to go to hell.

      And yet, spending the night here at the airport wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do. She would love to go someplace, soak in a tub then crawl into a bed. Alone.

      She met his gaze, studied his features to see if perhaps there was some ulterior motive for getting her back to the ranch. She knew from her sister’s wedding that Durango Westmoreland was full of suave sophistication and he was an expert at seduction. And although the damage had been done, the last thing she wanted was to lose her head and sleep with him again.

      She pulled her hand from his. “You really have an extra guest room?”

      He grinned and her breath caught at his sexy dimples. Those dimples had been another one of her downfalls that night. “Yes, and like I said, you’re welcome to use it.”

      Savannah toyed with the strap on her camera pack as she considered his invitation. She then met his gaze again. “Okay, I’ll go with you if you promise not to bring up the subject of marriage again. That subject is closed.”

      She saw a flash of defiance in his eyes and then just as quickly it was gone. After a brief span of tense silence he finally said, “Okay, Savannah, I’ll adhere to your wishes.”

      Satisfied, Savannah nodded. “All right, then. I’ll go with you.”

      “Good.” He took the carry-on bag from her hand. “Come on, I’m parked right out front.”

      As Durango led her out of the terminal, he decided that what Savannah didn’t know was that before she left to return home to Philadelphia, he and she would be man and wife.

      “Here we are,” Durango said, leading Savannah into a guest room a half hour later. “I have a couple of other rooms but I think you’ll like this one the best.”

      Savannah nodded as she glanced around. The room was beautifully decorated with a king-size cherry-oak sleigh bed, with matching armoire, nightstands, mirror and dresser. Numerous paintings adorned the walls and several silk flower arrangements added a beautiful touch. It was basically a minisuite with a sitting area and large connecting bath.

      “My mom fixed things up in here. She says the other guest rooms looked too manly for her.”

      Savannah turned and looked into Durango’s eyes. Their gazes locked for the space of ten, maybe twelve heartbeats. “I like it and thank you. It’s beautiful,” she said, moments later breaking eye contact and glancing around the beautifully appointed room once again, attempting to get her control back intact.