Lone Star Daddy. Stella Bagwell

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Название Lone Star Daddy
Автор произведения Stella Bagwell
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408920527

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dismissed her. Even her failed relationship with Barry had ended because she’d chosen to end it. Not the other way around. The idea that Jonas Redman was simply going to walk away without a backward glance irked her in a way that took her by surprise.

      Propping a hand on one hip, she cocked her head to one side. “So you’re not going to be moving into the house?”

      He smiled a cool little smile, which prickled Alexa’s skin. The man was sexy and tough all rolled together. He was also just a tad too independent for her taste. What in the world had Quint been thinking when he’d hired this man; when he’d suggested this long, tall Texan move into the house with her? Had her brother gone crazy?

      “No. Not unless you invite me to. Good day, Ms. Cantrell.”

      Tipping his hat to her, he walked off the porch and toward the barn.

      Feeling rather dazed, Alexa leaned against a wooden beam and watched as the man made his way across the ranch yard. The lack of rain had left the ground like powder, and dust rose in little puffs around his black boots. His strides were long and authoritative, their aim directed straight at the cattle barn.

      She watched until he disappeared into an open door, while realizing with a sharp little sting that he’d never once looked back at her, the house or anything behind him.

       Maybe he’s a man who never looks back, Alexa. Or maybe he considers you at the bottom of his important list.

      Irked by the mocking voice in her head, she turned and hurried over to the chair where she’d been sitting. A cell phone was lying next to the tray of refreshments, and after quickly snatching it from the table, she sat down and punched in her brother’s number.

      After several rings, the voice mail came on. Alexa snapped the phone shut and leaned her head against the back of the chair.

      For one split second she felt like crying. But she bit her lip and pushed away the emotional storm. She’d never been a weak woman, and she wasn’t about to start just because her hormones were in overdrive.

      Damn it. Things in her family had been in turmoil for the past several months. Why had Quint finally caved in to their grandfather and gone off to work on another section of Apache Wells? Now wasn’t a good time. Not with their mother gallivanting off to Texas and Alexa getting nearer and nearer to the birth of her baby!

      Closing her eyes with shame, she pinched the bridge of her nose. What was the matter with her? This selfish attitude wasn’t really her. She was grateful that Frankie, their mother, was finally healthy and that she was going to spend time with Mac and Ripp, Alexa’s half brothers. After all these years her mother deserved this visit and more. As for Quint, he had his hands full. Especially this past year and a half, since their father, Lewis, had died and Abe, their grandfather, was placing more and more demands on him. Alexa didn’t need to be adding to her brother’s problems. She needed to be helping him in every way that she could. And she knew they wanted everything in order so they would be here to support her when the baby came.

      That thought had just entered her head when the phone in her lap rang. Picking it up, she saw that it was Quint and she quickly answered. “Hello, big brother.”

      “Just returning your call,” he replied. “Is everything okay there?”

      She paused as she tried to decide exactly what to tell him. “Sure. Everything is fine. I was just touching base with you, that’s all. Did I catch you at a busy time?”

      He sighed. “I’ve finally gotten the builders out here to start on the stables, but they’re missing some of the material they need. I’ll have to drive down to Ruidoso and put in an order.”

      “You can’t do it over the phone?”

      “No. It’s some things I need to look over and okay first.”

      “Well, Mother got off a few minutes ago,” she informed him.

      “Good. You can’t know how happy I am about this trip of hers. What about you?”

      “Sure I’m happy for her. And she’s promised to be back at least two weeks before the baby is due.”

      At first, when Alexa had learned that her mother had been keeping a past life secret from them and that Frankie also had two sons living in Texas, she’d been shocked and a little angry. All these years, Alexa had never imagined Frankie as anything more than a wife to Lewis, a mother to her and Quint. Learning that their mother had abandoned a family prior to theirs had shaken Alexa more than she’d ever wanted to admit to herself or anyone.

      Quint said, “Getting her sons back in her life has changed Mom for the better.”

      Alexa swallowed at the lump that had suddenly lodged in her throat. Barry had turned out to be someone very different than the man she’d initially believed him to be. And then she’d learned that her mother was someone different, too. All of it together had been difficult for Alexa to deal with. Yet Quint seemed to be taking everything in stride. He was excited at having two older brothers and couldn’t wait to get them out here for an extended visit.

      “Seems that way,” Alexa murmured, then drawing in a breath, added, “I met the new manager, Mr. Redman, a few minutes ago.”

      There was a long pause before Quint finally replied. “Oh. How did that go? Please don’t tell me you got crosswise with the man. I can’t deal with that, Alexa. Not right now.”

      She stiffened her spine. Did everyone view her as difficult? Now that she was home again, was her brother expecting her to be a problem rather than a help? The idea cut right through her. True, she’d shown up here at the ranch unexpectedly, throwing kinks in the plans her mother and brother had already made. But she’d wanted to surprise them. She’d not stopped to think that they had lives and schedules that didn’t always include her.

      “No. No problems. He seems competent enough.” Now where had that come from? she wondered with self-disgust. She and Jonas Redman hadn’t discussed anything about the ranch or how to run it. But then, was it really her place to say how the Chaparral should be operated? For the past five years she’d chosen to stay away from her home and live in Santa Fe. At that time, she’d believed that living in the city would bring the change she needed in her life. She’d thought being Senator Hutchins’s aide would be the beginning of a satisfying career that would keep her away from the ranch. She’d not counted on Barry or the baby happening. Now her life felt as though it had splintered in all directions, and not one was the right one for her.

      She pushed back a sigh as her brother began to speak.

      “Jonas is more than competent, Alexa. We’re very fortunate to get him.” The phone crackled, telling Alexa her brother must be driving through the mountains, causing the signal to break. “I—you were—with him staying in the house. He—but I—made him see how important it was—have you safe.”

      Alexa wearily wiped a hand over her eyes. “Your phone is breaking up, Quint. Everything is fine here. I’ll talk to you later.”

      After putting away the phone, she reached for the tray of refreshments and carried it into the house. The dimly lit interior was cool as Alexa made her way through rooms with low ceilings, whitewashed walls, and comfortable Western furnishings. A large kitchen was located on the bottom floor at the back of the house. When she stepped into the room, she found the ranch’s longtime cook watering potted succulents rowed along a windowsill.

      The sound of Alexa’s footsteps tapping against the tile floor announced her arrival, and the woman turned just as Alexa placed the tray of refreshments down on the cabinet counter.

      “Alexa! You shouldn’t have carried that heavy tray!” she scolded. “Why didn’t you call me?”

      Alexa smiled at the woman. Reena Crow had been working for the Cantrells even before Alexa was born. She was now in her mid-fifties but looked at least ten years younger. She was petite and slender, and her shoulderlength hair was as straight as a stick and salt-and-pepper in color. Her brown skin implied a Native American ancestry,