Paging Dr. Daddy. Teresa Southwick

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Название Paging Dr. Daddy
Автор произведения Teresa Southwick
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408910498

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Courtney Albright desperately needed his help.

      The last time he’d become involved with a desperate woman it had cost him everything.

      Chapter Two

      Courtney held her little girl’s small hand while they both watched David snap on his latex gloves, then inspect the metal tray full of medical tools beside him. She was pretty sure her own eyes were as wide as her daughter’s and the fear factor was up there for both of them. If only she was the one facing the procedure. That would have been so much easier than watching Janie go through it. And that wasn’t the end of the ordeal. There was still a surgery, but she couldn’t deal with that now. One trauma at a time.

      David had changed into blue scrubs and it was disconcerting that he looked just as good as he had in his jeans and leather jacket. How stupid was she for even thinking that?

      “Okay, beautiful, are you ready?” David asked.

      She assumed he meant Janie since he was looking at her. “Do you have any questions, peanut?” Courtney questioned.

      “Is it gonna hurt?” Her mouth trembled as she looked at him.

      He looked at Janie. “I’m going to give you some medicine so it won’t hurt. A small pinch and then nothing.”



      “What else is gonna happen?”

      “I won’t lie to you, Janie.” David met her gaze. “I’m going to tell you exactly what’s going on.”

      “No medical doublespeak requiring a translator?” Courtney asked.

      “Honesty is always the best policy.” He must have seen the skepticism in her eyes because he added, “Especially with children. They always know when something’s not right. It’s my goal to keep her calm. If she’s not prepared for this she’s going to get agitated. Agitation is quickly followed by restlessness, then tension and stress. None of that is helpful.”

      That made sense. “I see your point.”

      He nodded, then focused on the child. “You’re going to feel a little pulling. Do you think you can be very still for me? More still than any other six-year-old girl ever?” When Janie nodded solemnly, he smiled. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

      Courtney squeezed her daughter’s fingers while David picked up a swab and dabbed it over the area. He’d already explained that it was a topical anesthetic to take the edge off the injection that would numb her for the procedure. Now was where she did her mom thing. She needed to distract Janie while David worked.

      “I think a six-year-old who can be more still than anyone ever deserves a special prize,” she said.

      “What?” Janie asked, her attention snagged as hoped for.

      “It’s got to be pretty special. What’s the most special thing you can think of?”

      “What about ice cream?” David suggested.

      “I like vanilla ice cream,” Janie said. “Milkshakes are best. But I think a toy would be good, too.”

      “What toy?” Courtney asked.

      “Maybe a doll. With a stroller.”

      “Okay, Janie. It’s time to hold still for me. Then we can get serious about that doll-and-stroller thing.”

      Janie tensed and whimpered when he did the injections but she barely moved a muscle.

      Several moments later he announced, “All finished with that part. And it’s the worst. I promise. Now we wait for the medicine to do its work.”

      “Do I win the prize?” Janie wanted to know.

      “Hands down,” he agreed.

      “Are you finished?”

      He shook his head. “I still have a little more to do.”

      “What?” Janie asked. She glanced at the tray of instruments beside him. “Where’s the needle?”

      Courtney winced and felt David’s gaze on her. “I think everything the doctor is going to use is wrapped up there on the tray.”


      “To keep them sterile,” David explained. “To keep the germs off. Did you ever have a scratch or scrape that got infected?”

      The little girl pressed her lips together. “One time. It got really red and hurt. Mommy had to pour this stuff on—”

      “Hydrogen peroxide,” Courtney said when Janie glanced at her for clarification.

      “Then she put on cream and I got a Band-Aid.”

      “Your mom did just the right thing,” David said.

      Courtney felt the power of his praise course through her but that made no sense. Why should it make any difference to her whether or not he approved? And yet it did. How irritating was that? The good news was that Janie had been successfully distracted.

      “You’ll heal faster if these cuts don’t get any germs in them,” he explained.

      “You have to sew up my boo-boo?” she asked.

      He thought for a moment. “I have to pull the edges together so it heals neatly.”

      “Are you gonna use a big needle? Like the one my mommy uses to fix my jeans?”

      His face was intensely serious as he answered the question. “I’m not sure what your mom uses for that,” he said, “but for what I’m going to do we need everything as small as possible.”

      “’Cuz I’m small?”

      Courtney’s throat tightened with emotion. Her child was too small to go through this, she thought. She knew she should say something, but couldn’t get anything past the lump in her throat. Some pillar of strength she was.

      David’s sharp-eyed gaze seemed to pick up on her state of mind. “Janie, even if you were as big as Shrek I would use very tiny stuff.”

      “How come?”

      “Because tiny stuff will make the scar almost invisible.”

      “So that stuff is magic?”

      “In the right hands it is.”

      Courtney looked at his long, elegant gloved fingers. “Are your hands magic?”

      “Yes.” He smiled.

      His tone wasn’t arrogant, just matter-of-fact. There was nothing even remotely sensual or suggestive in his response or the way he looked at her, but Courtney felt that smile dance over her skin and touch her everywhere. She swore she felt tingles and considering her opinion of this man, he wielded some kind of powerful magic.

      “You said ‘almost’ invisible. That means a little bit visible,” she said, glancing at Janie.

      “It does.” He glanced at Janie, too, gauging her reaction. “Believe it or not, there’s some good news.”

      “I could sure use some of that,” Courtney answered, and she’d never meant anything more in her entire life.

      With a gloved finger, he pointed to the long gash on her chin. “Because this is on the jawline, it will be practically unnoticeable under her chin. Her ear, while exceptionally lovely and delicate, has creases and folds.”

      “Like Mr. Potato Head?” Janie asked.

      David laughed. “You’re much prettier than he is. But here’s the thing, ears have lots of places to hide the sutures. And so does your eye—a natural fold between your eyelid and brow bone. It’s a matter of using what nature gave you for camouflage. All of that makes my job easier.”

      Courtney was relieved to hear that, but wondered