For a Baby. C.J. Carmichael

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Название For a Baby
Автор произведения C.J. Carmichael
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472024688

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      “The doctor says they’re small enough at this point they shouldn’t cause a problem.”

      “Thank goodness.”


      “What about later?”

      “I’ll probably have to have a hysterectomy just like you did.”

      After a brief pause, her mother reached across the table for her hand. “A baby. This is wonderful, Heather.”

      “I know.” Her parents had suffered almost as much as she had when she’d made the decision to put her first baby up for adoption. When she’d married Nick, they’d been so excited by the prospect of more babies. But then Nick had died. By now her parents had probably given up on grandchildren. Among their contemporaries they were the only ones without even one. Now, finally, there would be a new child in the family.

      And a new son-in-law, too.

      “About T.J….” Marion’s warm gaze slipped a few degrees right of her daughter. “I didn’t realize the two of you were dating. You said that one dinner was just between friends?”

      “We’ve known each other all our lives,” Heather pointed out.


      Her mother frowned, probably remembering all the times Heather had come home from school steaming mad at something awful T.J. had said or done. Her mom didn’t know that during the lonely term of her pregnancy in Saskatoon, T.J. had been her only friend. That was the one time in her life when she could remember him not being totally insufferable.

      “I was hoping we could have the wedding here. If that’s okay with you and Dad.” Her mother’s rosebushes, bordering the gazebo, would make a perfect backdrop for wedding photos.

      “Well, of course, honey.” Marion’s forehead wrinkled with concern. “You’re not rushing into this because of the baby are you?”

      “Actually I am.” Heather couldn’t see any point in being deceptive. “But isn’t it a good reason? I’m going to have his baby. I’m thirty-five and so is he. Neither of us have any other prospects in our lives.”

      “That sounds so…clinical.”

      “Not clinical. Logical.”

      “Oh, honey. I wish—” She picked up the glass of lemonade, took a small sip, then set the glass down again.

      Heather rested her hands on her belly. She could hardly wait for the day when she would feel a mound beneath her palms and experience the subtle stirrings of a new life inside of her. In fact, she looked forward to every single aspect of pregnancy. She didn’t even care about labor pains or stretch marks. She wanted this child so very badly.

      The sun was blazing again on this late summer afternoon. Heather could hear the buzzing of bees in the nearby flowers. A gentle breeze wafted the sweet scent of roses through the gazebo. The peaceful setting made her wish she could spend the afternoon resting in here.

      But first she had to finish her conversation with her mother. She knew there was more to come. Her mother, always diplomatic, was merely weighing her words.

      Finally she leaned forward in her chair. “I know you’re a grown woman, Heather, with a good mind and lots of common sense.”

      She smiled, and Heather knew that her mother meant what she was saying. She knew that whatever mistakes she’d made in her life, her parents loved her. And were proud of her.

      “But are you sure you’ve thought through this marriage idea?”

      Heather leaned forward and folded her hands on the table. “Yes.”

      Frown lines deepened the grooves on either side of her mother’s pretty mouth. “T. J. Collins is well educated, and financially secure. He’s a good-looking man, too, I can’t argue with that. But, I’ve heard some stories that aren’t very complimentary.”

      Heather’s mother was well connected to the gossip sources in town—most of them members of the local bridge club. Marion, herself, was always careful what she passed on. When she’d been a child, Heather had often been frustrated that her mother was so close-mouthed. She had to go to school to hear all the rumors that the other children heard at home.

      “You know those old biddies make up half the things they talk about.”

      “Now, Heather. They exaggerate at times, I’ll agree. But I don’t believe they actually fabricate stories.”

      “Well, what did they tell you about T.J.?”

      Marion topped up both glasses of lemonade, clearly uncomfortable. “There are rumors about why he left Calgary to come back and run his father’s hardware.”

      “He left because his marriage fell apart. His wife took their daughter and moved to Toronto.”

      “Yes, that’s true. But some say there were problems with his business, too.”

      “The law firm?”

      Her mother nodded. “I heard T.J. embezzled funds from the practice and was asked to leave, on threat of disbarment.”

      Rumors of murder couldn’t have seemed more outlandish to Heather. “No way,” she insisted.

      “Heather.” Her mother’s voice carried a gentle rebuff. “You’d better make sure you know the truth before you marry this man.”

      HEATHER COULD NOT TAKE HER mother’s warning about T.J. seriously. T.J. wasn’t an embezzler. She was so certain, she didn’t even ask him about it when they met the next evening to discuss wedding plans.

      They both wanted to keep the event very simple. T.J.’s parents were still on the other side of the country in their motor home, so they wouldn’t be able to attend.

      “Mom was all for buying a plane ticket for the weekend,” he said, “but I convinced her she could throw us a party later, and she seemed happy with that.”

      With his parents taken care of, she broached the hardest subject. “Have you invited your daughter?”


      She could tell it hadn’t crossed T.J.’s mind that he should include her in the wedding plans.

      “She might get a kick out of being a flower girl. A lot of little girls love that sort of thing.”

      “She’s only four. And she’s never been anywhere without her mother.”

      “Well, naturally Lynn would have to come, too.”

      “You expect me to invite my ex-wife to the wedding?” T.J. got up from her sofa and strode across the room. “No way, Heather. This is getting way out of control. You, me, your mom and dad. That’s it. No one else.”

      “So I get no say in planning our wedding.” She twisted her hands together, conscious of the fact she wore no engagement ring. She and T.J. had decided simple wedding bands would be enough.

      T.J. glared. “Not if it means you’re going to invite my kid and my wife.”


      His mouth tightened. “Exactly.”

      Heather leaned forward, burying her hands in her thick hair. The subject of his old marriage was obviously an emotional land mine for T.J. If their marriage was going to have a shot for long-term success, he had to deal with his feelings.

      “You’re still so wound up about the past, T.J. Ever considered therapy?”

      His dark gaze turned into laser points of quiet fury. “No. And you won’t mention the idea again, either.”

      “Okay, then.” She took a deep breath and straightened her back. She would not let him derail this discussion. She was almost four months pregnant. The new school year would be starting in one week. They