Bridesmaid with Attitude. Christy McKellen

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Название Bridesmaid with Attitude
Автор произведения Christy McKellen
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472017925

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onto the table.

      She dipped into a low curtsey. ‘Yes, M’Lord.’

      He flashed her a disparaging look, clearly not in the mood for any more teasing. ‘Let yourself out.’

      Swivelling on the spot, he marched away, his feet making a heavy slapping sound on the flagstone floor.

      ‘You’ve been a great audience,’ she called after him, making sure sarcasm dripped from every syllable.

      When she got home to London, the first thing Emily did was call Lula to tell her that she’d ninety-nine per cent sorted out the wedding reception venue problem.

      ‘Just give me a couple more days and I’ll have it all wrapped up and reconfirmed. Don’t worry, it’ll happen—I’ll make sure of it.’

      ‘How the heck did you swing it, Em?’ Lula asked, her husky DJ’s voice light with relief.

      ‘I used my feminine wiles,’ she replied, experiencing a surge of relief to hear her friend sounding so happy again.

      ‘Please tell me you didn’t sleep with him.’ Lula’s tone was jokey, but there was just a hint of expectancy in it.

      ‘Of course not. I just made a very good case. He is rather gorgeous, though. In fact he’s asked me out on a date. I’m going over for Sunday lunch tomorrow.’

      ‘Jeeze, Em, you’re a fast worker.’

      ‘What can I say? Zee guys, zay luurve me!’

      ‘So they should. You are a total goddess.’

      ‘Why, thank you, my darling. Anyway, I’d better scoot—got to get my beauty sleep if I’m going to impress His Lordship tomorrow.’

      ‘Okay—night, babe.’


      Emily had just ended the call when another number flashed up on the screen.


      ‘Emily, it’s Theo.’

      Her chest did a strange squeezy thing at the sound of his voice. ‘Hi. So we’re on?’

      ‘I told my mother about you. I said I’d been keeping you quiet because I wanted to be sure about committing to you before introducing you to her.’


      ‘As predicted, she wants to meet you. I think she’s a little suspicious about how I’ve suddenly produced you out of thin air and wants to make sure she’s not being taken for a ride.’

      ‘Smart woman.’

      ‘That she is.’

      ‘So should I come for lunch?’

      ‘Yes. Get here for midday tomorrow and be ready to turn on the charm.’

      She pinched her nose to make her voice sound nasal. ‘Wilco, My Lord. Coming through, loud and clear.’


      ‘Yes, my darling?’

      ‘You’re starting to worry me.’

      She laughed. ‘Chill out, Your Earlness, it’s going to be fine.’

      THEO WAS FINISHING up a job in his workshop before lunch the following day when Emily strolled in, looking for all the world like a demure, rich debutante in a strait-laced knee-length skirt, smart high-heeled shoes and a soft pink blouse which was buttoned up nearly to her neck. She’d tamed her wild curls into a sleek-looking knot on top of her head and her make-up was subtle and sparing.

      She’d tied her personality down tight.

      He felt oddly disconcerted by it.

      Frustratingly, he’d not stopped thinking about her since he’d left her in his kitchen the day before, forcing himself to walk away from the bone-rattling sexual tension between them before he did something stupid like acting on it.

      ‘You’re early,’ he said, glancing at his watch to confirm it was only eleven-thirty.

      She shrugged. ‘I didn’t want to be late and get off on the wrong foot with your mother.’ She picked up a pair of his goggles from the workbench next to her. ‘I guessed you might be in here, playing with your tools,’ she said, holding the goggles up to her eyes and making a ridiculous-looking face at him.

      He rolled his eyes and walked over to grab them from her, dumping them back onto the workbench.

      He liked it that she was comfortable enough with her looks to know she could get away with making herself look stupid and not lose any of her appeal, but he didn’t want to encourage her in case she did it in front of his mother. She liked ladies to be just that—ladies—and she wouldn’t see the funny side of any larking about.

      The goggles had left a smudge of dirt on Emily’s nose, where they’d pressed against her skin, and without thinking he swiped his thumb gently over it, wiping it away.

      She stared up at him with those striking eyes of hers and for a second he couldn’t move. It was as if she’d caught him in a tractor beam.

      ‘Where’s your mother?’ she asked, her voice low and seductive.

      They were standing so close he felt her breath on his skin.

      A tug of longing pulled hard, deep inside him. ‘In the house.’

      She smelt amazing—like a spring garden in full bloom.

      ‘We should probably get into character now, then, so we’re comfortable walking in there together,’ she said, and without warning she leaned up and forward on her toes, aiming her mouth to connect with his.

      This time he reacted quickly, moving his head away from hers and putting a hand on her shoulder to keep her at a distance.

      ‘What are you doing, Emily?’

      ‘I’m greeting you in the manner of a devoted lover.’

      ‘I don’t kiss women I don’t care about.’ He refrained from adding any more.

      Her brow pinched in jokey frustration. ‘You and your crazy rules.’

      He couldn’t stop a snort of mirth from escaping. ‘You’re very forward.’

      She gave a nonchalant shrug. ‘I like sex and I’m not afraid to ask for what I want.’

      ‘That much I already know.’

      She let out a low sigh and took a step backwards, breaking the connection of his hand on her shoulder. ‘I don’t get it. I’m single, you’re single—what’s the problem?’

      ‘I told you: this is a business relationship. I’m not looking for it to develop into anything more.’

      ‘You know, usually the only time men act as if they don’t like me is when they want me but think they’re not allowed to have me.’

      He folded his arms in front of his chest. ‘You really believe I think I’m not allowed to have you?’

      ‘Perhaps. There has to be some deep-seated angst simmering away under that tough outer shell of yours.’

      ‘Maybe I don’t find you attractive.’

      She narrowed her eyes and gave him a discerning smile. ‘Maybe.’

      ‘Why do you want to sleep with me so badly?’

      ‘Because you won’t let me.’ Her grin was wide and authentic. ‘I’m just messing with you, Theo,’ she said, slapping him gently on the arm.

      He huffed out a laugh and tried to ignore