Dating the Enemy. Amber Page

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Название Dating the Enemy
Автор произведения Amber Page
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474007641

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people in the room at this ball are going to hate each other. But they’re perfectly capable of pretending to be best buddies when the situation calls for it. If you can’t play the game, your agency is doomed to fail.”

      Jessie scowled. “Of course I can play the game. I’d just rather not play it with you.”

      Nick stood to leave. Although Jessie looked damned sexy when she was angry, his life would certainly be easier if she wasn’t there. “Fine. I’ll give Phyllis your regrets. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they don’t miss you.”

      “God, you’re a bastard.”

      Nick forced his lips into a smile, trying to ignore the sting her words caused. He liked to think his father was the only devil in the Thornton family. “Indeed I am. It’s good for business. Enjoy your evening.” And he reached for the doorknob.


      He turned back to face her. “Yes?”

      “I’ll come.” She shrugged on her wrap. “And I’ll do my best to be cordial.”

      He wasn’t sure whether he should be disappointed or glad at her change in attitude. “May I ask why?”

      “Because I’m not going to let you beat me that easily. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep this business.”

      Nick stepped close, purposely invading her personal space. “Even if it means getting closer to me?”

      Heat flashed across her face, but she quickly hid it and stepped back. “Not that close.”

      They would just have to see about that.

      “Message received,” he said out loud, and held out his arm for her to take. “Shall we go?”

      “Yes, indeed.” She put her hand delicately on his forearm.


      He shook his head slightly as they set off down the walkway. One thing was for sure—with Jessie on his arm, the evening would be anything but boring.

      Jessie tried not to be impressed when she saw the limo that waited at the curb. But when his driver got out to hold the door open for her, her jaw dropped. They were definitely not in Kansas anymore.

      “Nice ride,” she said after he’d slid in next to her.

      “It is,” Nick answered. “But it’s not my favorite.”

      “How many cars do you have?”

      “Well, the agency has six limos that are kept for the use of the family. This is one of those. Left to my own devices, though, I prefer to ride my motorcycle.”

      “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a biker.”

      “And I wouldn’t have pegged you as a cold-hearted boardroom ball-buster,” he answered. “But you are.”

      That stung, but Jessie tried not to show it. The last thing she wanted was to turn into another “business first, last and always” power-monger.

      “I’m not cold-hearted. Just determined. It’s time the ad world got a shot of estrogen, but you guys aren’t going to make room for female-owned shops like mine if we ask politely.”

      Nick smiled. “Actually, I would have been more than happy to work with you. I just don’t appreciate you stealing one of my biggest clients.”

      Jessie took a deep breath to calm her temper, but as his spicy scent hit her nostrils she wished she hadn’t. For a moment her inner lioness threatened to take over. And all she wanted to do was crawl into Nick’s lap and find out how he tasted.

      But that was definitely not going to happen.

      Jessie shook her head to clear it. “We’re supposed to be being collegial tonight, remember? That means no comments like that. Tell me about this ball we’re going to instead.”

      Nick shrugged. “What do you want to know? As far as I’m concerned it’s just another boring charity gala in another fancy hotel ballroom, populated by a bunch of socialites with the emotional depth of a pancake. If you’ve been to one, you’ve been to them all.”

      “Yes, but I’ve never been to one. Tell me what to expect.”

      Just then the car stopped. “We’ve arrived,” the chauffeur said.

      “Too late.” Nick slid across the seat until his thigh pressed against hers. “But there’s really only one thing you need to know.”

      Jessie swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. “What’s that?”

      “You’re going to be the most beautiful woman in the room.”

      That was so far away from what she’d expected to hear she wasn’t sure she’d heard correctly.

      “What did you say?”

      “You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

      The heat in his sapphire gaze pinned her to the spot. He bent his head down toward hers and her pulse jumped in response. He hovered centimeters away, his eyes still locked on hers.

      “I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in a very long time,” he said. “But if you get in my way I’ll still crush you like a bug.”

      She gasped, outraged. But before she could think of a suitably cutting retort the driver opened the door.

      His face turned into a blank mask as he sat up straight.

      “Let’s get this over with,” he muttered.

      She slid out of the car, gulping the fresh, non-Nick-scented air to clear her head. Obviously he knew the effect he had on her and wasn’t afraid to use it. But now that she knew he intended to play that game, he wouldn’t be able to surprise her again.

      This was business. And he was the enemy. It wouldn’t do to forget that, even if they were playing nice for the evening.

      Seconds later, Nick appeared beside her.


      “As I’ll ever be.”

      He nodded and set off up the marble stairs, not looking to see if she was following. She did her best to keep up, but the five-inch stilettos she was wearing made it difficult. At the door he turned, and looked momentarily chagrined when he saw her still picking her way up.

      “Sorry about that. I seem to have forgotten my manners this evening.”

      “I suppose that’s to be expected when you’re forced to play escort to a woman you don’t even like,” she said, trying to make light of the situation.

      Nick smiled, purposely letting his gaze drift down to her cleavage. “I like you fine. In fact, if you agree to give up the Goddess account, I’ll make sure we have a lovely evening.”

      Jessie pulled her wrap more tightly around her shoulders. “Not a chance, bud.”

      He shrugged. “All right, then. I’ll escort you to the table and then you’re on your own.”

      “Fine by me,” she said shortly.

      He held the door open, sweeping his arm out with false gallantry. “After you.”

      Seeing the mockery in his eyes, she straightened her spine, held her head high, and stepped through into the ballroom beyond.

      She didn’t need him, no matter how sexy he was. She had all of New York’s advertising elite waiting to be wrapped around her little finger.


      “NICK! JESSIE! THANK GOODNESS!” Phyllis said as they approached the table. “I thought that perhaps you weren’t coming!”
