The Wedding Wager: Dakota Daddy. Sara Orwig

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Название The Wedding Wager: Dakota Daddy
Автор произведения Sara Orwig
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781472044723

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      “You’re a charming devil,” she said, shaking her head.

      “And you’re a seductress. Pure temptation.” He took one step back and his hands rested on her waist while his gaze slowly traveled over her.

      She couldn’t keep from studying him as thoroughly and intently as he was her. His body was magnificent, radiating vitality and energy.

      “I know something better,” he said, switching off the water. He opened the door to grab thick, soft terry-cloth towels off a shelf. He handed her a blue towel and began to dry her with his towel. In turn, she dried him, running the towel over his broad shoulders, his muscled chest.

      His strokes were light, a slow, sensual friction rubbing her nipples. Then he dried her belly and the insides of her thighs, then he ran the towel between her legs lightly.

      She gasped, pausing in her task, grasping his arms. “Jared!” she whispered.

      “I’m only drying you,” he said, continuing. “Come here.” He picked her up and carried her easily out of the shower and set her on her feet in front of the mirrored wall. He gazed over her head. “We look right together. You’re more beautiful than ever,” he whispered, standing close behind her and letting his hands play over her stomach and breasts. As he watched her in the mirror, he cupped her breasts and began to tease her nipples. Longing flared, and she wanted him again.

      She started to kiss him, but he held her. “Wait,” he whispered. “Look at us. Look what I can do to you,” he added, cupping her breasts as he ran his thumbs in circles over her nipples.

      “You can do too much to me,” she whispered. His hands were tan against her pale skin. His caresses were torment and she wanted him inside her again. She spread her legs, her heart pounding, while she tugged at his arm and hand, but he wouldn’t stop what he was doing.

      He continued to caress her breast with one hand while his other drifted between her legs to touch her intimately. While she moved her hips, she reached behind her to touch him in any manner she could, knowing she was violating all her promises to herself.

      “Jared, you have to …” she began, but he leaned closer, kissing her shoulder and ear, and her words ceased.

      His hand between her thighs was torment. She spread her legs wider, giving him access to her as she moved her hips and as tension wound as tight as a spring.

      “Wait!” she said, clutching his arms. “We can’t do this!”

      “We’re doing it,” he whispered into her ear. “You’re setting me on fire, Meg,” he added in another harsh whisper.

      She wanted him inside her now more than ever.

      He kissed her, then picked her up and carried her to bed to love her slowly, tantalizing her until her climax was more dazzling than before.

      Afterward, as they were locked in each other’s embrace, she was quiet until she started to ease away.

      He held her tightly with one arm. “Where are you going?”

      “To my room, Jared.”

      “Stay here awhile,” he said. “I want to hold you close. I need you here, Meg,” he said.

      She did as he asked and lay quietly while he turned on his side to look at her and brush her hair away from her face. “I want to look at you,” he whispered.

      Unable to answer him, she ran her hand lightly across his chest. Regrets grew, threatening to overwhelm her. Finally she sat up and pulled a sheet up over her. “Jared, I’ve been too vulnerable.”

      He lay on his back to study her. “Don’t regret what happened. It was fantastic, and no harm to either of us.”

      She shook her head, looking away so she wouldn’t have to gaze into his dark brown eyes that seemed to see right into her thoughts. “Don’t say anything, Jared. It’s over. I haven’t been with a man in a long, long time. You’re incredibly seductive and I have a weakness where you’re concerned, which you know. Once we started, I wanted it as much as you did. I’m not blaming you for our lovemaking, but it’s done. Really ended. We’re going to have to work something out about Ethan, but we’re not going to become bed partners or marry for the convenience of it.”

      “Why not? We’re good in bed, and you said it yourself—we enjoy each other. An understatement when it comes to the sex. It’s the best.”

      She was struggling to get distance back between them, knowing too well how easily he could overcome her opposition. But she intended to declare her feelings and let him know what she wanted the most. And it wasn’t his lovemaking.

      “I told you, I succumbed today, when I really didn’t intend for that to happen between us. It complicates life.”

      “It simplifies it immeasurably, and it adds a spectacular dimension to living.”

      She turned to look into his eyes. “Don’t you get it? You broke my heart—and I won’t go through that again. We made love today because I’ve never had another man in my life, only you!” She flung the words at him angrily and saw his eyes widen in surprise.

      “There was never anyone who could measure up. Even when I planned to sleep with someone—I couldn’t go through with it. You know Mike and I never consummated our marriage, but there wasn’t anyone else, either. That’s why I was so damned vulnerable to your kisses today. It won’t happen again, so don’t plan on it. We’re here to work out something about Ethan. Nothing else, in spite of what’s happened today.”

      Breathing erratically, she stood and yanked the sheet off the bed, wrapping it around her.

      He got off the bed, but she shook her head and backed away. “Don’t touch me,” she said, and he stopped, frowning as he watched her.

      “Megan, when I left, I hurt and I hated it.”

      “Oh, you hurt, too?” she said, shaking her head. “Cry me a river. Let’s not dredge up even more anguish. I’ll shower and then I’m going for a swim.”

      As she hurried out of the room, tears stung her eyes and she didn’t know whether she was crying out of frustration or anger.

      Hopefully, now she no longer would, and she could deal with him on a more rational basis. She knew, in spite of her admonitions, he would continue to caress and flirt, because that was as natural to him as breathing. If only she could get this trip over with and something tolerable worked out!

      As she went outside to retrieve her cover-up and her suit, she wondered where his staff was, but at the moment she barely cared. She’d never see them again after these few days.

      She hurried to shower and in minutes jumped into the pool to swim laps, hoping to work off her emotional turmoil and restore her normal perspective.


      “Let me help you out. We can swim in the ocean. It’s warm and buoyant, and if you see fish, they’re tropical and beautiful.” Lost in the rhythm of her laps, she’d missed Jared’s approach.

      She gave him her hand and he pulled her up easily onto the side of the pool. He placed his hands on her waist. “Let me really look at this suit. It’s great, but it covers a lot.”

      “Jared, we’re getting far away from working out our problems. They’re still present.”

      “Lighten up, Megan,” he said easily. “It won’t hurt to drop them for tonight and get back on friendlier footing.”

      “I can’s shut off my worries the way you can,” she replied swiftly, thinking about Ethan and the prospect of having him cut out of a big chunk of her life. “Kisses and moonlight swims don’t gain us anything.”
