Saying 'Yes!' to the Boss: Having Her Boss's Baby / Business or Pleasure? / Business Affairs. Shirley Rogers

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Название Saying 'Yes!' to the Boss: Having Her Boss's Baby / Business or Pleasure? / Business Affairs
Автор произведения Shirley Rogers
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781408921104

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precedes you, which is intriguing. Honestly, your idea of being faithful and celibate for the next two years is really noble, but not very practical. I hate the thought of you suffering because you feel it’s the right thing to do. I wouldn’t normally be pushing on something like this, but there is a time factor. I’ll be showing soon and I’m not sure we need my growing pregnancy as a complication.”

      Honest to God, he didn’t know what to say. Even as a blush stole up Noelle’s cheeks, she kept her gaze fixed firmly on his face. She might be embarrassed, but she wasn’t backing down. How was that possible?

      As for responding to her statement/offer—how? Of course he hated the idea of doing without for so long. Of course he was tempted by her words, her body and everything else about her. He had a feeling he could be beaten and left for dead on the side of the road and he would still want her.

      But there were things too consider. Her innocence and the circumstances. Unfortunately, blood was heading south, leaving his brain in a deficient state, his cognitive abilities fading fast.

      “I just…” He cleared his throat. “There are complications already,” he muttered as he rose. “You’re going to have to trust me on that. I, ah, I have some work I need to deal with.”

      And with that pitiful excuse, he left the room.

      Noelle waited two more days before making her move. She told herself it was to give Dev time to figure everything out on his own, but in truth, she needed to think things through and gather her courage.

      The entire situation was outside of her comfort zone, not to mention her experience level. Maybe she should just let it go. But a little voice in her head said that if she wanted to make her relationship with Dev stronger, this was what they needed. Making love would bond them and they would need that connection when the baby came.

      There was also a part of her that was wildly curious about those differences he’d talked about and the things he knew that Jimmy hadn’t. How would the experience be with him? How would he touch her and hold her and kiss her?

      They’d already had that one great experience in the car. She’d found herself melting in his embrace and that was just a kiss. What would happen if things got serious?

      She asked the question as she stood in front of her dresser and considered her seduction options. Because that’s what she’d decided to do—seduce her husband.

      She’d scanned a couple of books on the subject in the bookstore, secretively pulling the volumes from their proper place, then darting over to the classic literature corner where she could read in peace. Of course she hadn’t totally been able to concentrate, what with her guilt and embarrassment on the subject.

       To make up for that, she’d spent twice as much money on several cookbooks and then had ducked back to her car, hoping no one had seen her.

      Now she was armed with a little information and a lot of questions, along with a vague idea of how to seduce a man. Unfortunately she didn’t have any practical experience to add to the mix.

      One of the books suggested showing up naked in bed. Noelle knew that the earth’s rotation would have to change direction before she had the courage to try that. But the showing up in bed part of the idea had some merit. Somehow slipping between Dev’s sheets and waiting silently seemed a whole lot easier than talking about what she was trying to do. Her mother had always told her, when in doubt, try the direct approach. Not that her mother had ever imagined a situation like this, Noelle was sure.

      Okay, so she would boldly climb into his bed…while he was in the bathroom, of course. She didn’t want him to know she was there until it was too late.

      That problem solved, she turned to the next pressing issue—what to wear. She didn’t have any sexy lingerie. While she had a couple of cute sets of summer pj’s, she wasn’t sure they set the right tone. Which left her with one short, pale pink nightgown. It was sleeveless and covered in tiny white flowers and came to the middle of her thigh.

      She undressed, then pulled on the nightie. Next she brushed her hair, then her teeth, then changed into a pair of high-cut bikini panties instead of her regular bikini panties. After that, she ran out of things to do, so she left her bedroom and walked down the hall to the master suite.

       She could hear the shower running in the bathroom so she stepped into the quiet, darkened room and headed directly for the bed.

      Dev had already pulled off the heavy bedspread. The TV in the armoire was tuned to a twenty-four-hour news channel. She found the remote and turned off the TV, then faced the bed.

      It was huge and high and her stomach flipped over as she stood there staring at the vast expanse of mattress. Could she really do this?

      Her courage nearly failed her, but she forced herself to move steadily forward until she could put her hands on the smooth sheets. It was now or never, she thought, wishing she had more experience or was more convinced that Dev really wanted to make love with her.

      Maybe he’d turned down all her offers because he didn’t find her sexy enough. Maybe the pregnancy thing, or the fact that she’d slept with his brother, freaked him out more than he wanted to admit. Maybe that incredible kiss in the car had been about guilt or pity or…

      She’d been so caught up in her worrying, that she hadn’t heard the water turn off or heard Dev get out of the shower and dry off. But he must have because she heard him say her name and when she turned he was standing in the doorway to the bathroom and wearing nothing but a pair of silky-looking boxer shorts.

      His dark eyes gave nothing away and she had no idea what he was thinking. She felt exposed and stupid and near tears as she confessed all.

      “I read a book at the bookstore on how to seduce a man. It said to just get into your bed, naked. I couldn’t do the naked part. It’s really not me, and we don’t know each other that well. So I had to find a nightgown, but I don’t have sexy lingerie and until I got here I hadn’t thought about the fact that you’re probably not doing anything with me because you don’t think of me that way. I’m not like those other women, and I’m pregnant and…”

      She’d run out of words, which could be a first, but she didn’t think that mattered right now. Fear and embarrassment and a sense of vulnerability welled up inside of her until she could only turn and run for the door.

      Except she didn’t get that far. Somehow Dev got from the bathroom doorway to her side before she could move and then she was in his arms and he was kissing her all over her face.

      “It wasn’t that I didn’t want you,” he breathed as he pressed his mouth to her cheeks, her eyelids, her nose and her chin.

      “Then what was it?”

      “Hell if I know.”

      He claimed her lips with a deep, passionate kiss that chased all rational thought from her mind. The fears faded, the questions were no more. She gave herself up to the pressure and the minty taste of his tongue as it circled hers and plunged in deeper.

      As she angled her head to let him claim her, she placed her hands on his shoulders. His skin was warm and smooth. Muscles rippled as she slid her fingers down his back, then up again.

      He cupped her face, as if he felt the need to hold her in place. Had she been willing to break the kiss, she would have told him that she wasn’t going anywhere. Instead she tried to show him with her body by leaning against him and by her kiss. She thrust into his mouth and explored him until she felt herself wanting more.

      Need grew inside. At least she was pretty sure it was need. Her breasts ached and the feel of the cotton gown on her bare breasts was both erotic and uncomfortable. There was a heaviness between her legs. Her thighs trembled and her skin seemed too tight for her body.

      Without warning, Dev stepped away. Before she could protest, he caught her in his arms and carried her the few feet to the bed. There he lowered her onto the cool sheets, then settled next to her, leaning over her as he once again rained kisses on her face.
