In The Count's Bed: The Count's Blackmail Bargain / The French Count's Pregnant Bride / The Italian Count's Baby. Catherine Spencer

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to leer. ‘Al contrario, my dear Alessio, I’ve been concentrating on the things that matter.’

      Alessio gave him a thoughtful look, but made no comment, while Laura sat, her face burning, wishing the floor would open.

      The Signora, who had been sitting like a stone statue in a corner of the sofa, abruptly announced her intention of watching television, which, Laura discovered, was housed in a large carved cabinet in the corner of the room. It was some kind of current affairs programme, which she was unable to follow, so her interest soon waned.

      Instead, she watched the chess game now in progress between the two men. She was no expert, but it was soon obvious that Paolo had got himself into an impossible position.

      ‘I feel too ill to play,’ he said peevishly as he resigned. ‘I shall tell Emilia to make a tisana and bring it to my bedroom.’

      He pushed back his chair and got up, kissing Laura on the cheek. ‘Goodnight, carissima. If I sleep now, I shall be well tomorrow, so that we can spend some time alone together, and I can show you my beautiful country. Starting maybe with Assisi, hmm?’

      Laura forced a smile, and murmured that it would be wonderful.

      He kissed his mother’s hand, ignored the basilisk glance she sent him, and disappeared.

      Alessio moved the pieces back to the starting point and looked up at Laura. ‘Would you like to challenge the winner?’ he asked.

      ‘After the way you dealt with Paolo, I don’t think so.’ Her tone was rueful. ‘You need my young brother. He was school chess champion when he was six.’

      ‘Your brother?’ the Signora suddenly interrupted. ‘I thought you were an only child, signorina.’

      Laura realised too late that was what she’d agreed with Paolo. Not just an only child, but an orphan too. It would save them many problems if she was without family, he’d decreed. And she’d just blown it.

      Which meant she would have to warn him first thing tomorrow about her unguarded words.

      In the meantime: ‘Is that the impression I gave, signora?’ She made herself speak lightly. ‘It was probably wishful thinking.’ She paused. ‘And now, perhaps you’ll excuse me, too. It’s been a long day, and I still have to negotiate the maze back to my room.’

      Alessio rose. ‘Permit me,’ he said. He walked to the fireplace and tugged at the bell-pull that hung there. A moment later, Guillermo appeared, his face enquiring. ‘The signorina is ready to retire. Please escort her,’ he directed quietly.

      Laura was still suddenly, aware of an odd disappointment. Then: ‘Thank you,’ she said stiltedly. ‘And—goodnight.’

      Alessio watched in silence as she followed Guillermo from the room.

      As soon as they had gone the Signora was on her feet with a hiss of impatience. ‘Are you mad? Why did you not take her to her room yourself? It was your chance to be alone with the little fool.’

      His mouth tightened in the knowledge he had been sorely tempted to do exactly that, and had deliberately resisted the impulse. ‘I know what I am doing,’ he told her curtly. ‘Or do you want her to take fright, and scuttle off to Paolo for sanctuary?’

      ‘Take fright?’ she echoed contemptuously. ‘That one? What are you talking about?’

      Alessio sighed. ‘I merely wish to point out that she does not seem a girl one would pick up in a bar. I am—surprised.’

      She gave a harsh laugh. ‘So that look of mock innocence has deceived you, my worldly nephew, as it has my poor boy.’ She spread her hand. ‘Can you doubt how besotted he is with her? To ask for Nonna Caterina’s ring so brazenly. The ring I planned for him to give to Beatrice. I could not believe it.’

      ‘Neither, I think, could she,’ Alessio said drily. ‘Are you really so sure they are in love, or does he simply wish to sell the ring to pay off his gambling debts?’

      ‘Love?’ She almost spat the word, ignoring his jibe. ‘What does that mean? She is attracted by my son’s background—his position in the world. She believes he is also wealthy.’

      ‘Then show her his bank statements,’ Alessio said coldly. ‘That will cure her, and save me a great deal of trouble.’

      ‘But it will not cure him. You saw him this evening. He could not keep his hands off her.’

      ‘So it would seem,’ Alessio agreed slowly. ‘It is as well, perhaps, that they are sleeping at opposite ends of the house.’

      ‘You have forgotten this sightseeing tour tomorrow.’ The Signora frowned. ‘No doubt they will go only as far as the nearest hotel willing to rent them a room for a few hours.’

      Alessio felt his mouth twist with sudden and profound distaste at the image her words conjured up, and denounced himself with silent savagery for being a hypocrite.

      He said icily, ‘Then I suggest, my dear aunt, that you too develop a sudden interest in the local attractions. You have not, after all, seen the Giotto frescos in the basilica at Assisi since their restoration. Go with them, and act as chaperon, if you think it is necessary. And take the dog with you. Teach him to bite Paolo each time he touches the girl.’

      ‘Oh, there is no reasoning with you when you are in this mood.’ The Signora swept to the door. ‘I will bid you goodnight.’ She turned and gave him a measuring look. ‘But our agreement still stands. Be in no doubt of that.’

      When he was alone, Alessio walked over to the piano, and stood picking out a few notes with one finger, his face thoughtful. He found himself remembering the delicate flush that had warmed Laura’s pale skin when she’d looked up and seen him watching and listening in the doorway. Recalled even more acutely how her clean fragrance had assailed his senses as he’d knelt beside her to free her skirt.

      The dress had been a beguiling one altogether, he thought. In other circumstances it would have been so simple to release the sash, and let it fall apart, revealing the warm sweetness beneath the silvery folds. So enticing to touch her as he wished, and feel her smooth skin under his mouth.

      He found himself smiling, wondering if she would blush as deeply when she was aroused.

      Not a wise thought to take to bed with you, he told himself wryly as he began to turn off the lights in the room. And he must be insane to indulge in this kind of adolescent fantasy about a girl he needed to keep, coolly and clinically, on the far edge of his life. But, then, only a fool would have allowed himself to be caught in this kind of trap in the first place.

      And found he was sighing with unexpected bitterness as he walked to the door.

      It was a long time before Laura fell asleep that night. She was tired, but aware of too many disturbing vibrations in the house to be able to relax completely. And her one recurring thought was that she was no longer sure she could go on with this charade, which was becoming far too complicated.

      And, she suspected, unmanageable.

      What was Paolo going to demand she did next? she asked herself, exasperated. Actually become engaged to him?

      Once she’d got him to herself tomorrow, she would be able to talk to him seriously, she thought with determination. Persuade him that things had gone far enough, and his mother had been given sufficient shocks to last a lifetime. Surely the Signora must be convinced by now that her plan to marry him off was dead in the water—especially after that stunt he’d pulled at dinner, she thought grimly. They didn’t need to take any more risks.

      Now, somehow, she had to persuade him to take her away from the Villa Diana. Or, if she was really honest, separate her from its owner.

      In spite of the heat, she found herself shivering.

      She had been following Guillermo through the passages when it had suddenly hit her just how much she’d been hoping that the Count himself would offer