Long-Lost Son: Brand-New Family. Lilian Darcy

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Название Long-Lost Son: Brand-New Family
Автор произведения Lilian Darcy
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474066259

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and forth to Luke. He smiled, ran to retrieve dropped catches, followed instructions, once even laughed. But he said not a word, and that was hard. The game fizzled out after about ten minutes, and Georgie’s pager went off.

      ‘Rats! If this is that bloody Henderson baby, deciding to be born…’

      Yep, apparently it was.

      ‘I’ll have to go, guys…’

      ‘Where is everybody anyway?’ Luke asked. It was getting dark now.

      ‘At Christina and Joe’s, having been told to eat their hamburgers somewhat faster than Rowdy did, and then we hustled them off. We thought—’

      ‘I know what you thought. And thanks.’ He dropped his voice. ‘But it leaves us in a bit of a hole at this point, because…Would he stay with me, on our own?’

      ‘You’re a friend of Auntie Janey’s. Does he trust…?’

      ‘He doesn’t know her that well either, but you saw his face when I said I was her friend. She counts for something, in his mind.’

      ‘I’ll get Alistair and Max to come back. You won’t be on your own for long. He can get into his pyjamas and brush his teeth and there’s a bookshelf in my room with those kids’ books. I’m getting the impression he likes anything about trains.’

      Rowdy had disappeared while they’d been talking.

      They found him inside a few minutes later, in Emily’s room, crouched by his camp stretcher and wolfing chocolate.

      ‘Oh, sweetheart! You could have told us if you were still hungry!’ Georgie said, stricken by the sight. He ate like a stray animal, as if he didn’t know where his next meal was coming from. ‘There’s plenty more to eat in the kitchen.’

      Rowdy looked scared and frozen, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.

      ‘Told us?’ Luke said quietly.

      ‘I treat him as if he talks, in the hope that soon he actually will,’ she answered, even more quietly. ‘We’ve taken a good look at him. There’s nothing physiologically wrong. And he communicates. Doesn’t usually initiate much, but nods or shakes his head, points.’

      ‘He’s so thin.’

      ‘They have a vegan diet at Mundarri.’

      Luke swore. ‘It’s hard enough for an adult to get a balanced intake that way, let alone a child. From the look of him, I’d say they didn’t do enough.’

      ‘Here, we’re letting him eat what he wants so far. Don’t want to turn him into a junk-food addict, but his protein and calcium and iron intake could certainly use a boost, and a bit of fat. For this week, chocolate is a health food.’ She took a closer look. ‘At least…Hmm, not sure about this chocolate.’ She said to Rowdy, ‘Where did you get it, sweetheart?’

      Luke followed her deeper into the room, and they both bent down to Rowdy, who instinctively hid the chocolate in his hands.

      ‘Show me?’ Luke said gently.

      He opened his son’s fingers, to find the last couple of battered-looking, dirt-encrusted squares, then picked up the piece of torn wrapper he saw on the floor. It was soaking wet, as was the plastic bag it had apparently been stored in. He also found grit and clay and chocolate crumbs.

      ‘Oh, shoot!’ Georgie said. ‘This is from Saturday night. The supplies Charles packed for us. We left it with Rowdy and Max, Alistair and me, when we had to wait out the worst of the storm. It’s been through a cyclone, down a mineshaft and up in a chopper. Where have you been keeping this, Rowdy? Hidden here under the bed? You didn’t have to do that! This is all dirty and gritty from the mineshaft, we should have thrown it away. You can tell us when you’re hungry, OK, lovey. I know, you don’t like talking, but you can rub your tummy or point to the fridge. Eating isn’t something we need to do in secret, my sweetheart! Never, never!’

      She took the last few squares of chocolate out of a sticky but quiescent little hand, gave him a quick, reassuring squeeze and stood up.

      ‘I really need to go,’ she said to Luke. ‘I’ll phone Alistair on my way across and he’ll be home with Max in a few minutes. Find a story to read, and don’t give him a hard time about the chocolate.’

      ‘You think I would?’

      ‘Sorry. Bossiness gets to be a habit.’

      ‘Thanks for it, Georgie. You’ve…helped tonight.’

      So she left, and Rowdy didn’t seem to mind, and Luke found a Thomas the Tank book, suggested pyjamas, teeth-brushing and toilet, then sat on the uncomfortable edge of the camp stretcher while Rowdy tucked himself under the thin summer sheet and they read about naughty trains.

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