Safe in Noah's Arms. Mary Sullivan

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Название Safe in Noah's Arms
Автор произведения Mary Sullivan
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474036849

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willing to take a computer course then he’ll give me more hours and responsibility, and pay me more.”

      “I’m kind of speechless. I didn’t think Spade had that much heart.”

      “I’m not sure he does, but judging by the way he looks at Monica, I think he would do whatever she asks.” He didn’t like the spurt of jealousy at the thought of Monica and Spade together, not that it made any sense.

      “Where’s the other job?”

      “In here.” She gestured over her shoulder. “At Tonio’s. I’ll be working a lot on weekends, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m so excited, Noah. We’ll actually have money coming in.”

      “I hope they’re both paying you an honest wage.”

      “I forgot to ask. These are good people, Noah. I’m sure everything will be fine. Besides, I can make a dollar stretch for miles. I’ve been doing it all of my married life.”

      Kayla touched Noah’s arm, tentatively. “What’s going on between you and Monica? Why did you yell at her?”

      He scrubbed his scalp, working like a demon to bring himself under control. “Monica really got you two jobs?”


      “Since yesterday?”

      “Yes. Can you imagine? Plus, she gave me a couple of gorgeous dresses and a blouse and skirt to wear until I can buy more for myself. She gave them to me, Noah. I need to dress professionally in Mr. Spade’s office.”

      She leaned close. “Now that he’s my boss, I have to remember to not think of him as just John.”

      “Wait. Go back. I’m still processing that Monica Accord got you work and gave you clothes.”

      She stuck out her foot and pointed down. “These gorgeous shoes, too.”

      “Shoes,” Noah said weakly. “But isn’t all of that out of character?”

      “How so?” Clearly puzzled, Kayla asked, “Why would you say that?”

      “You know. Self-involved ice queen.” Like the girl who’d made fun of him with her friends, who’d turned her back on him and walked down the hall like a princess with her entourage. She had never given him the time of day in high school, and had ignored him for all of her adult life until she’d gotten drunk and hit him with her car.

      “Noah, sometimes you can be so blind and so full of your own worldview.” Kayla put her hands on her hips, obviously ready to defend the woman who had just gotten her two jobs. “That has not been my experience with Monica at all.”

      Intrigued, he asked, “What was your experience?”

      “In high school, I never thought she would give someone like me attention. You know how beautiful she was. The popular kids liked her. When I tried out for the cheerleading squad and didn’t make it, I was devastated. Of all of the older girls on the squad, Monica was the only one who came over after tryouts and was so nice.” She transferred her big purse from one shoulder to the other. “Here was this gorgeous older girl not only giving me the time of day, but trying to make me feel better. I wasn’t a cool kid, but Monica consoled me and then told me everything she’d liked about my routine. She was kind, classy. That’s when I realized there was more to her than she let on. Also, it’s strange, but I got the strong impression maybe she was more shy than she showed.”

      Monica? Shy? Impossible.

      “Why were you angry with her just now? I mean really angry, Noah. I’ve never see you like that before.”

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