Catching Her Rival. Lisa Dyson

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Название Catching Her Rival
Автор произведения Lisa Dyson
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474031622

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sure to find the answers. Maybe she transferred it from a savings account.”

      “That’s true. I haven’t come across her savings account records from back then yet,” Charlotte said. “I don’t actually know if the money in and out of her account is even related to my adoption. Just because it occurred two days after I was born, that doesn’t make it conclusive. Maybe she bought a car or a really nice piece of jewelry.” Charlotte paused. “Although she wasn’t the expensive jewelry type.”

      “Back then, for that price, that would have been a pretty nice car,” Allie commented. “Do you really think she would have spent that much on a car, or anything for that matter, knowing she’d need money for the baby she was about to adopt?”

      “Probably not. You’re right. She never had expensive taste,” Charlotte said. “She was able to pay for my education and left me more than enough money to buy my house—all on her accountant salary.”

      “Sweet,” Allie said. “The advantage of being an only child.”

      “One of the few.” Charlotte’s voice turned somber.

      Allie needed to change the subject before Charlotte’s mood sank lower. “I’ve been checking out DNA testing online,” she said. “It sounds pretty straightforward. You’ve probably seen it done on TV. You swab your cheek and send it off to the lab.”

      “How long before we’d get the results?” Good. Charlotte had snapped out of her melancholy.

      “That information wasn’t available on the website, so I emailed to ask and also to find out exactly what the results might tell us. If they don’t contact me by tomorrow, I’ll make some phone calls.”

      “Sounds good. Anything else going on with you? How did your presentation go?”

      “Postponed. The CEO’s dog might have kennel cough. Is that a real thing? I meant to look it up.”

      Charlotte laughed. “Yes, it’s a real thing. They give dogs vaccines for it. I would think your animal-food CEO would have had that covered.”

      “You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” Allie checked the time on her computer and realized she had to leave in a few minutes. “Hey, can I call you later? I’m supposed to meet Jack for coffee at two.”

      “You are?” Charlotte’s excitement was clear. “Why didn’t you tell me? When did that happen?”

      Allie told her that he had come out of his house as she was leaving Charlotte’s the day before. “It’s just coffee. Nothing more.”

      “Well, have a good time. He’s really nice, and funny, too.”

      “And you’re sure you’re not interested in him?” Allie needed confirmation.


      “You don’t have to sound so positive about it,” Allie teased. “You make it seem like there’s something wrong with him. Is he a serial killer? A pervert? Please don’t tell me he has a third nipple or six toes.” She giggled at the thought.

      Charlotte laughed, too. “I didn’t mean it that way, but for all I know, he could have webbed feet or something equally as disturbing. I just don’t have feelings for him like that, that’s all.”

      “Okay, if you’re sure. You would tell me if there’s something I should know, right?”

      “I swear. He’s a good guy. He even seems to be the sole caretaker for his grandfather.”

      “That’s a good reference,” Allie said. “Now tell me his faults.”

      “I don’t know him well enough to know his intimate secrets, but I should warn you about how he feels on the topics of marriage and commitment.”

       Please don’t let him be looking for a wife. Please, please, please.

      “Go on.” Allie held her breath.

      “He’s commitment-phobic, completely against settling down. I’m not sure exactly why, but I think it has something to do with his dad.”

      Allie expelled the breath that was burning her lungs. “Whew! You had me worried. Have I mentioned that I’m off men? Sometime I’ll tell you about my last boyfriend.” Allie closed her laptop and put it into her rolling brief case. “I’m only having coffee with Jack so I can tell him that—that I’m off men.”

      “Don’t be so hasty,” Charlotte said quickly. “You never know how things will work out. Besides, you have other things in common, too.”

      “Like what?”

      “Well, you’re both in the same profession.”

      Allie’s heart stopped. “The same profession?

      “Yes, he’s in advertising, too. I’m surprised he hasn’t mentioned it.” Charlotte laughed. “Wouldn’t it be funny if you two were competitors?”

      “Yeah, real funny.” Allie wasn’t laughing, though.


      JACK LEFT HIS suit jacket and tie in his office and walked the two blocks to the coffee shop to meet Allie. He’d unbuttoned his top shirt button and rolled up his sleeves on the warm, sunny day. He hoped the weather was a favorable forecast of his time with Allie.

      Meeting for coffee wasn’t his usual go-to for a first date, if that’s what this could be called. Drinks were more his style, followed by a nice dinner or maybe a club with a great band playing. For some reason, he didn’t quite feel like himself when he was around Allie. Not that it was a bad thing. In fact, he felt pretty good when she was close by.

      He reached the large front door of Café Lisbon with its thick glass panel surrounded by a wooden frame with years of worn paint. A bell tinkled as he opened the door and stepped inside.

      “Hey, Jack.” The barista greeted him from the cappuccino machine. “What can I get you?” She added a plastic lid to the drink she’d just created and handed it to her customer. Coffee was the main event here, but they also served a small selection of breakfast and lunch items.

      “The usual,” Jack answered. “Medium black coffee, dark roast if it’s already made.” He looked over the room of small, round tables with assorted styles of well-worn wooden chairs. There were several people sitting alone at tables either with a laptop or electronic device that they were concentrating on, or they had their noses buried in a newspaper or book. Two women sat chatting quietly at the table by the window, but he didn’t see Allie anywhere.

      “Here you go,” the barista answered with the confident smile of a woman who knew she was attractive.

      He pulled out his wallet and paid for his coffee. “This is for you.” He gave her a large tip. “And this money is to pay for whatever a certain woman with chin-length, dark hair and piercing blue eyes wants.” He glanced at the front door. “She should be here any minute.” He didn’t know Allie that well, but he had a hunch that she wouldn’t allow him to pay for her coffee unless he caught her off guard.

      He took his coffee and chose a seat at a table where he could watch for her. He didn’t have long to wait. Even through the glass, she sucked him in completely. She wore a black blazer and matching skirt with a red blouse that buttoned down the front. Her red high heels were what made her outfit go from office attire to downright sexy.

      She went straight to the counter to order without even acknowledging him. Jack couldn’t hear the conversation between her and the barista, but Allie didn’t have a pleased look on her face when she looked over in his direction. Her lips were pinched and her eyes narrowed.

      Was she upset that he’d paid for her coffee? It wasn’t that big a deal, was it?

      She turned her back to him, dug in her purse