The Serpent Bride. Sara Douglass

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Название The Serpent Bride
Автор произведения Sara Douglass
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007405824

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Lady Ishbel,” he said, dropping to one knee beside her chair, his face alive once more with friendliness, “I must beg your pardon for my behaviour earlier. Sometimes I can be a clump-headed fool, and too often I underestimate Maxel’s courage and daring. Will you forgive my former behaviour? I promise herewith that in future I shall ask before judging.”

      Ishbel had no idea at all what was going on about her. She glanced again at Maximilian, more for reassurance than anything else, then, at his slight nod, gave Garth a small and somewhat uncertain smile.

      “Of course,” she said.

      Garth’s smiled broadened slightly, then he rose. “I beg everyone’s forgiveness for my rudeness.” He winked at Egalion, who was looking as confused as Ishbel felt, then stepped back a little from the table.

      “‘Maxel’?” Ishbel said to Maximilian, more to fill in the silence than out of any real curiosity.

      “Maximilian is such a mouthful,” he said. “Those closest to me always call me Maxel, and I hope you will, too.”

      Ishbel gave another uncertain smile, unable to stop herself imagining StarWeb calling out the name in the grip of passion, then cursing herself yet again for being weak enough to allow StarWeb to rattle her. By the Great Serpent, Ishbel thought, what has happened to me? l am a stronger person than this.

      “Now.” Maximilian sat down and spun the marriage contract towards him. He picked up a pen. “All we need decide on is a date for the marriage. I don’t think we need wait, Ishbel. Shall the day after tomorrow be suitable?”

      “I do not see the need to rush,” Ishbel said. “I had thought this period in Pelemere was to be spent getting to know each other. I —”

      “Ishbel,” Maximilian said quietly.

      Ishbel made the mistake of looking at him, and seeing the expression in his eyes. Seeing the memory in his eyes. Why do 1 bother with this? she wondered. The Great Serpent wants me to marry him, after all.

      “The day after tomorrow,” she agreed, and Maximilian smiled, then signed the document. He pushed the contract and pen over to Ishbel and, after the barest of hesitations, she signed as well, wishing she had the courage to list her true titles under her name.


      Ishbel’s status changed the instant she signed the marriage contract. Suddenly no longer the Lady Ishbel Brunelle, orphan of the Outlands and potential wife to King Maximilian of Escator, now she was the affianced wife of Escator, due all the respect and honour that position commanded.

      As soon as Ishbel laid down the pen, Maximilian was standing, requesting Egalion to send a member of the Emerald Guard back to Sirus’ palace and inform him of the upcoming marriage. King Sirus, who had happily ignored Ishbel to this point, would now allocate Ishbel quarters within the palace for her use over the next two days, and would prepare to regally welcome her as if she was only newly arrived into Pelemere.

      “You don’t have much to pack, do you?” Maximilian asked Ishbel. “Perhaps we can depart for the palace before noon and have you settle in.”

      “I can be ready soon,” said Ishbel, turning for the door.


      She turned back, looking at Maximilian.

      “Sirus has no idea of your association with the Coil,” he said. “No one outside this room does. I would prefer it stay that way. You are the Lady Ishbel Brunelle of Margalit. Not Ishbel of the Coil. Your association with them ends as of this moment.”

      Garth Baxtor, watching, saw Ishbel’s face mottle with emotion, and he had his first intimation of how much loyalty she owed the Coil. He sympathised with that — they had, after all, taken her in when no one else would — but he also thought she must surely understand Maximilian’s request. A Queen of Escator — a queen of anywhere — simply could not have any ties at all with something as controversial and abhorrent as the Coil.

      “You know how much I owe the —” Ishbel began.

      “I know it,” said Maximilian, “but you must also know full well how reviled the Coil are beyond its front gates. For good reason. You are now my affianced wife, and soon to be queen. Your association with the Coil ends here and now.

      Garth looked between them, intrigued by this clash of wills.

      Ishbel was by now very pale, and holding herself absolutely rigid. Garth thought she was very close to losing her composure completely. He wondered if this was why Maximilian had chosen this very public time to have this conversation with Ishbel — she would likely be more circumspect in public than she would in private.

      “Turn your eyes forward, Ishbel,” Maximilian said very quietly, holding her furious gaze. “Look forward now to your new life. Forget the Coil. You’ll never go back.”

      At that moment Garth saw something flare deep in Ishbel’s eyes. She struggled with herself, managed to control her temper with a supreme effort, gave a jerk of her head, and left the room.

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