The Brightest Embers. Jeaniene Frost

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Название The Brightest Embers
Автор произведения Jeaniene Frost
Жанр Современные любовные романы
Издательство Современные любовные романы
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781474080132

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“He only eats meat.”

      “That reminds me!” I said, smacking my head. “Wherever we’re going, we have to stop at a grocery store first.”

      Adrian arched a brow. “What for?”

      “Pot roasts,” I said succinctly. “I owe Brutus seven of them.”


      WE ENDED UP taking a train from Yerevan back toward Europe. Flying would have been faster, but that was impossible to do with Brutus, and our former tour bus was back in the United States. It would take days, with lots of stops along the way, but I intended to enjoy the long trip through countries I’d never seen before. Most important, since the train was in near-continuous motion, we didn’t have to worry about demons popping up. We would be much harder to track when we were never in the same place.

      Brutus was in one of the luggage cars, since he was far too bulky to fit in one of the small first-class passenger cabins. Costa and Jasmine were a few doors down in their own cabins, so after the attendants checked our tickets, Adrian and I finally had some privacy. Ever since the hotel attack, we’d been careful to go from plot of hallowed ground to plot of hallowed ground while waiting for the train that would take us out of here. Now that we were all finally safe, I intended to find out why Adrian hadn’t warned me that demons were still in our world.

      Adrian, however, had other intentions.

      He pulled me to him before I could speak, his mouth slanting across mine while his hands ran over me as if this was the last chance he’d ever get to touch me. My urge to talk died away and another urge rose, fueled by the knowledge that a short time ago, I thought I’d lost him. I hadn’t, and the taste of him, the feel of him, was a larger-than-life reminder.

      He kissed me, hot and desperate. I kissed him back with the same feverish desperation, tugging at his bloodstained shirt and pants in wordless demand for him to take them off.

      He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. My ruined blouse and bra followed suit, as did our pants and underwear. When he laid me against one of the cabins two narrow bunks, I let out a sound of unabashed need at the feel of his hard, naked body on top of mine.

      He kissed me while his large, skillful hands teased my nipples until they were tingling. Then his hot, seeking mouth replaced his hands and turned those tingles into throbs. I was already breathing in gasps by the time he left my breasts to slide lower down my body. When his mouth found my center, I gave up all attempts to keep my voice down despite the cabin’s thin walls.

      After several mind-blowing minutes, I was gripping his head as tightly as he held my hips. He didn’t stop until I was panting from a rapidly approaching climax, then he abruptly pulled me up and lifted me until I was straddling him. I gasped at the suddenness of his movements, then that small sound turned into a shout as he thrust deeply inside me.

      If I hadn’t been so wet, taking all of his long, thick length at once might have hurt. Instead, my overstimulated nerves clenched with such rapture that I came. I clutched him as those inner tremors shook me, lasting longer from how he hit all the right spots as he moved against me.

      “I love feeling you come,” he growled against my neck, moving his arms under my hips until he was supporting me. Good thing, too, because my body felt like it was turning into warm caramel.

      “That makes two of us,” I said, the words breathless, since I was still panting.

      His low laugh teased my neck, then he tightened his grip and began to move with toe-curling intensity. The pleasant lethargy that had followed my orgasm began to change, turning back to desire with each deep thrust. I was still on top, but he was the one in control, using everything from the angle of our bodies to the rocking of the train to maximize each sensation.

      Soon, I was back in a state of mindless, passionate need, crying out against his mouth when he kissed me, or his neck when I pulled away to breathe. I don’t know when he switched position and got on top, but when I came the second time, I raked my nails down his back from his shoulders to his ass. When Adrian finally came, he gripped me to him so hard that I felt every spasm as it shook him. Even when his grip eventually loosened, he didn’t let me go.

      * * *

      A THUNDEROUS BOOM woke the woman and her baby. They’d both been sleeping in the backseat, but at that sudden noise, her baby began to wail. The crashing sounds that followed only made it worse. She tucked the blanket around her baby, gently shushing her before leaving her in the backseat to investigate. Something awful had to have happened, and though it was daylight, she had to make sure it was a natural awful and not something else.

      The brush she walked through was tall and thick, which was why she’d chosen this spot when she’d stopped late last night. Not only did it hide her car from prying eyes, at some point, it had also been a cemetery, though the headstones were long gone.

      As soon as she glimpsed the highway, the source of the loud commotion was obvious. A tractor-trailer was turned over on its side in the middle of the road, with multiple cars piled up behind it and around it. Each passing second brought a new screech of tires and screams. She winced as she watched more cars slide helplessly into the wreck. The suddenness of the accident combined with rush hour traffic resulted in a horrible domino effect as people were unable to stop in time.

      Then the back of the trailer burst open, and people scrambled out. Some disappeared into the tall grass that lined the road, while others limped a few feet before collapsing, clearly too injured to run like their companions had.

      The tractor-trailer must have been smuggling undocumented immigrants over the border. She started forward to help the ones who were hurt, then forced herself to stop. The police would be here soon, and she couldn’t afford to be questioned. No one could know where she was. The creatures who hunted her were relentless, and if they found out about her baby...

      She hurried back to her car, not caring that the tall, prickly brush tore into her from how fast she ran through it. She needed to get out of here before the police showed up. Quickly, she opened the backseat door and began to strap her baby into the car seat. She was halfway finished when a familiar voice seemed to whisper across her mind.

      You cannot take the child with you.

      She stopped and spun around. The entire sky was thick with clouds that looked ready to burst from rain, but in the middle, a brilliant ray of sunshine broke through. It streamed down to touch the side of the road where she’d been standing before, and though the implication was clear, she shook her head.

      “No. No, I can’t leave her.”

      If you want her to live, you must, that voice whispered while the light grew brighter. Then another sunbeam appeared, and another, all illuminating the same spot, until the brightness was so intense, she could barely stand to look at it.

      No! she screamed in her mind. Tears began to stream down her face. She couldn’t leave her baby alone here! She was too young, too small, too fragile, too helpless, too...too hers!

      I’ve done everything else you asked, but I won’t leave my little girl. I can’t!

      You must, that whisper repeated. No sunbeams touched her, but she suddenly felt enveloped in soothing warmth that spread from the top of her hair all the way down to her feet.

      She stood there, every maternal instinct fighting against that voice. How could abandoning her daughter be the right thing to do? How could she bear it if she never saw her again? How could she live with herself if she walked away without even knowing if her child was safe?

      Trust me, that voice whispered insistently.

      Heaving back a sob, she took her baby out of the car seat and began walking toward that stream of light.

      “Promise me she’ll be safe,” she choked out when she laid down the child in the illuminated section of grass alongside the road.
