The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey

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Название The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation
Автор произведения George W. Carey
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781420963083

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from it. The Lord is now truly receiving the bread and wine for the supper in the upper chamber.

      How much the well-being of the lower brain or cerebellum depends on the cerebrum is also explained in the Greater Holy Assembly (which in itself refers to the upper brain, the place where All Things, Essence, are assembled): “Since there is not subsistence in the inferior brain except by the preservation of the superior brain,”—cerebrum. We must here quote from Malachi, third chapter, eighth verse: “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.”

      As the general interpretation of money is that which serves as a common medium of exchange or measure of value in trade, we find its figurative origin in the brain substance of man. It is in very truth his most precious treasure, the mental rule or medium by which he measures values and makes exchanges in his earthly (bodily) dealings. It is truly the coin of the realm.

      This is further borne out by the ancient interpretation of Mercury, interpreted as mind, and physiologically as brain and nerves. From its root we obtain the word merchandise. Mercury is said to rule trade, for trading is done by means of merchandise or money. The brain substance is the merchandise or money which, continually laid up or restored, becomes an ever increasing asset which actually produces for us more than compound interest. But if the principal is drawn on constantly, through sexual excesses or other forms of depletion, there is no possible means by which any interest can accrue. Conservation indeed makes for efficiency. In ancient days an image of Mercury was placed at the cross-roads to point the way for travelers. Mental treasures are the only ones incapable of being stolen by any but ourselves. The mind travels, and is supported on all its journeys by the money it possesses.

      In their sculptures the Greeks have left to posterity much that is invaluable. The caduceus borne aloft by the hand of Mercury is used today as the symbol of healing by the American and British medical corps, but who can say how many of its members have even the faintest conception of its real meaning.

      The word caduceus is derived from the verb cado, meaning TO FALL. Therefore the whole story of the FALL and RISE of man is contained in it, for the winged pole represents the cerebro-spinal system; the pole, the spine, and the two wings are the two hemispheres of the brain or the Tree of Life, while the two serpents twined around it are the right and left sympathetic systems, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and also the two thieves.

      The motor system represented by these nerves, in its present deficient and hence imperfect condition, has deteriorated and been perverted into an e-motional system. And this is the condition of humanity in general. E-motion means a waste of motion, a lack of conservation. All unnecessary motion constitutes waste, and when the nervous system is so depleted that there is no control over it, one is said to be uncontrolled or carried away by emotion. Where perfection exists no emotion will manifest, and by this is not meant spasmodic control, but harmony. One does not need to exclaim, to weep, to shout or to jump about to express what one thinks—but the eyes and face can express deep sympathy and understanding.

      To prove that the Hindus know of a Tree of Life we find in their literature the following: “The fruit and sap of the Tree of Life bestows immortality.” Among the most ancient traditions of the Hindus is that of the Tree of Life called Soma in Sanskrit, the juice of which imparts immortality. Their legend of Elysium or Paradise says: “In the sacred mountain Meru, which is perpetually clothed in the golden rays of the sun, and whose lofty summit reaches into heaven, no sinful man can exist. It is guarded by a dreadful dragon. It is adorned with many celestial plants and trees, and is watered by four rivers which thence separate and flow to the four chief directions.” These rivers correspond in number to those given in Genesis.

      When all students realize that mind can not function without a brain, and the latter is not formed unless the necessary material is present it will at last be understood that both Spirit and matter are absolutely necessary in order to accomplish healing.

      The word healing has not been understood, for it means to be made whole, perfect, entire. We may be helped in many ways and by many things, but to be healed means that all the work necessary for perfection has been completed. The mechanic gets busy with the machine that is not running properly, removes old parts, and puts in new. The human body is the only machine which has the power to rebuild itself daily, and will do so when the needed material is supplied. There are many more references in Sacred Writings to manna, dew, honey, nectar and ambrosia, food of the gods, elixir of life, sacred Soma juice, Amritam or amrita, all referring to the creative esse or brain substance.

      Eliphas Levi, in his work on Transcendental Magic, says: “The human head is formed upon the model of the celestial spheres; it attracts and radiates, and in the conception of a child this is what is first formed and first manifests. Hence the head is subject in an absolute manner to astral influence, and evidences its several attractions by its diverse protuberances. The final word of phrenology is to be found, therefore, in scientific and purified astrology.”

      We find much in the above quotation—that Aries, the upper brain, is a celestial sphere, that it corresponds to heaven and is therefore man’s heaven. The Scriptures substantiate this by saying, “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” Therefore, within Aries are all of the lights, planets or rates of vibration, in other words gods or ruling powers. And it is these which link up with, receive vibrations from, and are affected by, the planets or heavenly bodies without. If the vibrations set up in the head are too slow, because of chemical deficiencies, and therefore unable to respond to those perfect etheric waves from the celestial head or head of the Grand man, then symptoms arise which are the visible manifestation of inharmony and dis-ease.

      Not only does the shape of the head bear evidence of this, as Eliphas Levi states, but everything representing the present status of the individual is indelibly etched upon the subtle cere-brum or brain esse. For the Spirit brings with it the photographic plate of its existence in its former physical body as it impregnates with its Spirit the ova which is at the same time being impregnated by the animal spermatozoa.

      It is to be hoped that there will be astrologers who will appreciate Mr. Levi’s statement relative to “a scientific and purified astrology,” for it deals with the mind and body of man.

      A study of the word cere-brum gives us the following: cere means wax, and from the same root we have the word cere-al or seed. The letter Beth in Hebrew means womb or matrix of creation. The rest of the word is a Latin neuter ending, signifying that the word has a neuter meaning. Truly is the cerebral substance of a neutral nature, as it contains or consists of all things. The English explanation of the word wax used as a verb means to assume, by degrees, a specified state or condition, and this is true of the brain as an organ.

      Wax is a substance secreted from the abdominal rings of bees, and possesses properties which render it a most convenient medium for preparing figures and models. It melts at low heat and takes the minutest impressions. It sets and hardens at such temperature that no ordinary climatic changes affect its form, even when cast in thin laminæ. Thus we see why the brain substance is termed wax-like, for electricity, that needle of thought or Spirit, must have a subtle substance upon which to etch its patterns, otherwise termed convolutions.

      In the Sanskrit literature, Brahmarandhra is Spirit or the bee. Therefore the wax of the brain substance is the excretion of that Spiritual Bee, and truly is it filled with what the Bee produces, the Honey of Life. This links up directly with the Bible statement in reference to “the land flowing with milk and honey,” and to which those who obey God’s laws are promised a safe return, a veritable return to the Garden of Eden within one’s self.

      The word cere-al deals with seed, which is a wax-like glutenous substance, and the source of all life. In Greek mythology the goddess (female refers to substance or material) Ceres was the daughter (product) of Saturn and Ops (meaning the sower of seed and the earth in which seed is planted), and thus refers to the process of production, or, as Greek literature informs us, to agriculture, which means to till a field.

      The Bible states that, “man purchases a field (body) with thirty pieces of silver,” and the same idea was brought out by the ancients in their statements relative to the heavenly bull (the sun in Taurus) plowing the earth. The Adam man (Taurus) signifies