The Watson Brothers. Lori Foster

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Название The Watson Brothers
Автор произведения Lori Foster
Жанр Эротическая литература
Издательство Эротическая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781420139396

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Pete mentioned Ariel, Sam had froze up and changed the subject.

      “Your family goes on and on about what a lady’s man you are.”

      “Yeah, well they have to sing my praises because they’re family. Ask any lady, and she’ll tell you I’m a pig.”

      “A cop.”

      “No, I meant in bed.”

      Ariel shook her head. “I’m not buying it, Sam. Especially not after that kiss.” Her voice went husky. “That almost did it for me right there.”

      “Don’t.” He tightened up again, and then, slowly, a new light entered his eyes, one of challenge and determination. “So you want to get laid by the best, is that it?”

      A trick question, if ever she heard one. “I want you.”

      He looked down at her mouth. “I think you need to learn a few lessons.”

      A shiver of alarm slipped up her spine. “A lesson?”

      “On why you shouldn’t taunt bad-ass cops with ugly attitudes.”

      “You do not have an ugly attitude.” She couldn’t really deny the bad-ass part. But she hated for him to downplay all he did for the community and his family. “You’re a good man—”

      “And you assume I’m a good man in bed. Is that it? You want to use me to get your jollies?”

      She started to say she wouldn’t care if he wasn’t good, but it’d be a lie. She wanted him, all of him, in every way, and fully expected him to be as excellent in bed as he was out of it.

      He locked both her wrists in one hand and used the other to softly stroke her cheek. “You tired of twenty-something boys groping you, never quite getting you off?”

      When Sam decided to be crude, he was a pro.

      Those taunting fingers moved down her throat and across the top of her chest, just gliding, teasing. “Is that it, Ariel?”

      She swallowed hard. What could she say other than to keep repeating the truth? “I want you.”

      His long, rough fingers dipped lower, nudging the edge of her exposed bra cup. “So be it. But my house, my rules.”

      At his agreement, her knees almost gave out. “What rules?”

      So much wickedness and triumph filled his slow grin that she started to shake. “Rule number one, no one ever knows but us. I won’t have Pete hurt.”

      Ariel was pinning all her hopes on the fact that once Sam quit denying his physical attraction to her, he’d quit denying his emotions, too. She was head-over-heels in love with the stubborn cuss, but telling him that now would blow what little progress she’d made, so she nodded. “All right.”

      Rather than look pleased with her acceptance, his expression hardened even more.

      While he stared intently in her eyes, his fingers curled into the top of her bra cup—and then stripped it down, leaving her breast bare. Ariel gasped.

      He didn’t look down, but that big hot palm closed over her, kneading steadily, rasping her nipple while he continued to intimidate her with his molten stare.

      The only sign he was affected by the touch was the flare of his nostrils, his increased breathing. “Rule number two. You do only what I say, when I say.” She started to protest and his fingers closed around her nipple in a tantalizing grip that silenced her in an instant. “I’ll make you come ten times, Ariel, but my rules stand.”

      She nodded dumbly, but finally found her voice. “One thing.”

      “You don’t get one thing. You do as I say.”

      “It’s just a…a question.”

      He considered that for far too long before nodding. “One question.”

      “Do you want me?”

      He tugged gently on her nipple. “I won’t have any problems keeping it up, if that’s what you mean.”

      “No, it’s not what I mean.” She loved him. She wanted him to love her too only he had so many walls in place, so many responsibilities and he’d die before ever hurting a member of his family. She had a wealth of emotion in store for him, but she wouldn’t be used. If he didn’t at least want her, her, not just any woman, then she’d make herself walk away.

      His hand was still at her breast, still teasing and taunting her nipple making it near impossible to think and speak clearly. “You…You’ve insulted me many times.”

      “When?” He looked genuinely puzzled.

      “You’ve made it clear that you consider me a nuisance and not too bright.”

      His hand paused at her breast and his black brows pulled down. “If you’re talking about that little stunt you pulled back at the bar, you’re damn right—” He stopped, ground his teeth together, then admitted roughly, “You don’t own an ounce of caution, but I didn’t mean to say you were stupid. I don’t think that at all. But I was scared shitless for you. I don’t ever want to see you or any lady hurt.”

      Relief made her weak. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

      “Great. Don’t ever let it happen again. Now is that it?”

      “Not quite.” He rolled his eyes, so she hurried through the rest. “You’ve insulted my body…”

      “I never—”

      “You said I had a skinny ass!”

      He turned his face to the side and for one horrified moment, Ariel thought he was going to laugh. But when he looked at her again, tenderness filled his eyes. “You have a spectacular ass and once you quit trying to stammer out your explanation, I intend to devote about an hour to it.”


      “Enough said?”


      He turned her around, gave her a stinging swat on the butt, and said, “Go upstairs to my bedroom and wait for me there.”

      “What are you…?”

      “No questions. My rules. Just go.”

      She started to recover her breast but he saw her and said, “Leave it.”

      She nodded and, feet dragging, made the climb up the stairs. Her belly churned in excitement and uncertainty and so much more. Finally, Sam would make love to her.

      She’d give him her body and her heart, and hope he accepted them both.

      The second she was out of sight, Sam turned to the sink and slumped against it. Jesus, he was only a man and not all that sterling a man to begin with. How the hell was he supposed to tell Ariel no when he’d wanted her for months?

      He opened his right hand and looked at it, then curled his fingers in, reliving the feel of her young, firm breast. Fucking her would be so sweet, so hot.

      And very wrong.

      But Ariel was set on having her own way, so he knew he had to do this, and do it right, or she’d never leave him in peace. If he didn’t take ultimate control, she’d have his balls in a ringer. Before long, he’d be on his damn knees asking her to marry him.

      No. Hell no.

      Pete would be hurt and he’d been hurt enough since their father passed away. He couldn’t do that to him. And if Pete was really over her, as she’d suggested? Well, she was still too damn young and far too innocent. Where he was dark, his work and his lifestyle ugly and edgy and uncertain, she lived a carefree life of sunshine and smiles. He couldn’t take that from her.

      He gave himself ten minutes to get a grip on his control and to let her stew. While he kept her waiting, he took two aspirin and used an antiseptic swab to clean the