Blood Eternal. Toni Kelly

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Название Blood Eternal
Автор произведения Toni Kelly
Жанр Зарубежная фантастика
Серия The Blessed
Издательство Зарубежная фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781616505011

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the dead. She’d spent over a day traveling and now struggled to adjust to a new time zone, yet somehow had managed to wake up at a decent hour. After last night and lazing around today, she needed to clean up.

      In her room, she closed the door and stripped off her clothes. Beneath a warm spray of water, she washed, letting the steam seep into her achy muscles. Her body wasn’t yet accustomed to travel but the next four weeks would take care of her internal clock.

      By the time she’d finished her shower and blown her hair dry, she wanted another bowl of strawberries and a glass of wine. Luke probably wouldn’t pay anyone to behave like a slug, but one could dream. She slipped a blue silk dress off its hanger, pulled it over her head and let it shimmy down her body. Next, she took out a box of body tape and laid several strips on the bathroom counter. Once she’d peeled the wax-like paper off one of the double-sided adhesives, she stuck the strip to the inside of one strap and pressed the material against her skin. “One done, many more to go.”

      A tiresome routine of arranging clothing to hide the most heinous of her scars, but one she’d become adept at over the past two years. Deftly applying a few strips, she secured the dress and glanced at her reflection to inspect her handiwork. A little cover up went a long way. Between the makeup, dress, shawl and layered necklace, most would see her as an attractive woman with pale, flawless skin. Few would catch the pink ridges along her collarbone and none would see the deep purple ones trailing down the sides of her ribs.

      She fingered the shadowed areas beneath her eyes. These, on the other hand, were signs of a restless night. Though after last night’s strange auction, who could have fallen asleep? With Ben, she’d mingled in her fair share of wealthy circles. Though she’d never attended an event quite like last night’s, it didn’t surprise her to see such a dark side of high society.

      “Good enough.” A bit of base and powder beneath her eyes, and she was ready. She stepped back from the glass and opened the bathroom door.

      “Luke.” Her heartbeat hiccupped then leveled out to a faster thrumming. What was he doing in her room?

      “Pardon the intrusion.” Luke stood beside her dresser with his back to her and turned as she exited the bathroom. The bottom of his hair curled against the collar of his gray dress shirt and he looked beyond handsome. She couldn’t find her voice as his dark gaze glided over her. “Blue is becoming on you.”

      She nodded, placed a hand to her chest. She should say something back. “You surprised me.”

      “I heard your shower shut off some time ago. I knocked but it seemed you could not hear me.”

      “It took some time to get dressed.” She adjusted her shawl. Her scars shouldn’t be visible but it didn’t hurt to make sure. “I’m ready now.”

      He lifted his arm. “Shall we?”

      The drive to the bar wasn’t long but having Luke near unnerved her. His presence loomed, masculine, powerful and seductive. Even more so, surrounded by night’s silence.

      As they got closer to what appeared to be a club district, he turned onto a secluded side street and parked a couple blocks away from the crowds. The glow from the streetlamps highlighted his profile as he walked around and opened her door.

      Savannah released a shaky breath and stepped out of the car. An eerie feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Up ahead, sidewalks overflowed with people waiting to enter a black door at the side of a brick building. She slowed her steps. “Is this another auction?”

      These people weren’t anything like the sophisticates of yesterday’s auction. If anything, she and Luke stood out in this group. Most wore black, their faces covered with heavy masks of makeup. A woman wearing plum-colored latex waved to her and smiled. Savannah swore her eyes glinted red but the woman turned away before she could confirm it.

      “No, this is Blood Bar, a club. Watch your step.” Luke reached around her hips to guide her past the line of misfits, but she jolted beneath his touch.

      “I’m sorry,” she said.

      “No need to apologize. There is another entrance I prefer to use.”

      She shivered. If another entrance meant avoiding the characters lining up, she wouldn’t object.

      “Are you cold?” He stopped before her and tilted her chin so their gazes met. “You seem skittish tonight.”

      Of course she would be. Almost overnight she’d been thrust into a world of surreal images. Despite his sporadic cheekiness, Luke himself appeared a perfect gentleman. Still, his involvement with this side of society puzzled her. Even last night’s crowd seemed unusual. “You don’t need to keep worrying about me being cold. I’m from Boston. It’s just that those people look different compared to the ones we hung around last night.”

      “This is a Goth club, but nobody will harm you. Most of them like to believe themselves dangerous. Few, if any, are.”

      “How can you be so sure?”

      “Trust me.” He swiped several strands of hair behind both her ears, his obsidian gaze fathomless as it combed over her face and lingered at her lips. For an instant, she thought he might kiss her.

      He stepped back, cleared his throat and tugged her hand. “Come.” He took her inside, led her to a long bar and ordered drinks. “Do not move from here. I will return shortly.”

      * * * *

      Lorenzo Greco had never seen Luke so unhinged. Luke continued to glance across the room at the human woman he’d brought with him. Despite her dark hair, she possessed an almost angelic fragility. No doubt the young vampire struggled with his decision to make her a meal.

      “What did this one do?” Lorenzo asked as he leaned back in his chair and tilted an empty whiskey glass on one rounded edge. His dirty blond hair fell across one eye. He shoved the unruly locks off his face. “Rob a bank? Steal from impoverished orphans?”

      “This one has a name and it is Savannah Michaels.” Luke scowled. “And I do not care to discuss her. What concerns you? Why did you call for this meeting?”

      “Do I have to have a reason to see a friend?” Beyond the floor of dancing, writhing bodies, Savannah hugged her drink closer to herself. Her wide-eyed stares at those around her gave away her fear. Such a ripe human, and yet something seemed indescribably different about Luke’s latest victim. “Business as usual. Aren’t you going to give me a bit of information about this new tasty treat?”

      Luke flicked a napkin on the table. “She is a former Boston socialite, ex-fiancee of Benjamin Whitman with Whitman and Hoss. One of Boston’s wealthiest men.”

      “Former? Ex? Better watch this one. She might be a bit desperate. Still, innocent or guilty, you must feed, so either way it doesn’t matter. I find it admirable you at least try to rid humanity of its flaws. I certainly couldn’t be bothered with such a” He’d never understand how the younger vampire hunted with such complexity. Eventually a lack of consistent kills and food would get to Luke, and he would be there to reap any rewards. Until then, Luke would be a convenient ally.

      Monica and a couple other vampires cornered Savannah. They stood out amongst the Goth-like crowd, their perfect coifs copper or gold beneath the dim lighting. Laughter lit their eyes but they were careful. No wide smiles or heads thrown back too far. Masters in predatory manipulation.

      “She’s a looker. Have you considered turning this one? Might have many uses.” His tongue brushed against a fang as he salivated. The sexy gold digger might make an excellent blood slave.

      Luke’s dark gaze narrowed as he watched Savannah. “I do not turn my victims. Never have, never will. At least, not if I can help it.”

      Lorenzo laughed. “Oh yes, how could I forget? A mortal sin, right? Or is it a venial sin? I can never get them straight. With the many church visits you’ve made lately, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.” He leaned forward. “And in regards to whether