Mysteries of the Supernatural. Darrin W. Owens

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Название Mysteries of the Supernatural
Автор произведения Darrin W. Owens
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047910

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In my view, there is a trickster spirit and the spirit of truth, and we have the fun of choosing which one to work with.

      This chapter deals with the realm of the darkness that can intervene in our lives and create havoc, but note that it’s a two-way street. The Dark Realm can’t come to play if you don’t invite it. It’s like meeting the devil at the crossroads: if you make a deal, your bill will eventually have to be settled, and you are going to wish that you had not sealed the pact. There is always a price to pay when working with the Dark Realm. It’s a tricky area. This realm has its own agenda and intent that has nothing to do with your well-being or profit.

      Let’s talk about some of the beings that inhabit the Dark Realm. First on the tour are the vengeful spirits. Our friends at Wikipedia (last modified December 4, 2013), define a vengeful spirit like this: “In mythology, and folklore, a vengeful ghost or vengeful spirit is said to be the spirit of a deceased person who returns from the afterlife to seek revenge for a cruel, unnatural, or unjust death. In certain cultures where funerals and burial or cremation ceremonies are important, such vengeful spirits may also be considered as unhappy ghosts of individuals who have not been given a proper funerary rite.” In my work, I have found this definition to be true. Souls that have had prolonged afterlives steeped in anger and resentment tend to become more and more concentrated in negativity. This form reaches far beyond a simple lost soul or a ghost who haunts an old farmhouse. These souls can become concentrated evil. Therefore they reside in the Dark Realm and not in the Paranormal Realm.

      My first encounter with a vengeful spirit occurred when a client contacted me about a disturbance in his household. He and his wife were newly married and were living in a lovely cabin way out in the country. They literally lived a rural life on a small farm equipped with well water and no electricity, and yes, there was even an outhouse. There are many country people who call me when needed due to their trust and my reputation as a local from the Ozarks. No citified psychics for them!

      The husband had been getting scratch marks on him from out of nowhere, and his clothing would be thrown all over the place when they returned from a trip to town. This occurrence happened on several occasions. The last straw happened when my client felt a blow to the head while he was in the kitchen and fell to the floor. No one else was there. His wife was visiting her sister that day in another town. As I drove about twenty miles out into the country on the dirt road, I could see the sun setting over the Ozarks. I had a feeling this was going to be an eventful night, so I had stocked up on holy water, sacred objects, and my special remedies for blessings and spiritual cleansings. I took along my friend Carol, who at that time had been working with me for about five years. We have been working together for twenty years now, so this particular encounter happened some time ago.

      When we arrived, the couple was on the front porch, looking terrified.

      “It’s already started,” he yelled as he walked quickly to the car with the young wife in tow.

      I got out of the car and could feel an energy emanating from the house. It was a wall of tremendous anger. Something was not at all happy that I had shown up. I don’t scare off easily; as a matter of fact, I don’t scare off at all. So this energy was about to mess with the wrong psychic tonight! The challenge was on, so I prayed and invoked my spiritual protectors immediately. Carol usually went with me into the locations for blessings, but on this night, I knew that she was not strong enough to deal with this bad force.

      I told the others to stay outdoors, and as I walked into the house, I noticed it was lit only with kerosene lamps. I normally like the smell of kerosene, as it reminds me of warmth on a winter’s night. On this night, however, the lamps created a perfect setting for a supernatural happening as the shadows played back and forth on the cabin walls. As I stepped across the threshold, a broom fell, or was thrown down, rather, right in front of me. I stepped over it and kept walking around the room. The living room was to my left, so I entered it and walked around, sending out my psychic feelers to locate the origin of the paranormal disturbance. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. There he was. A lost soul who was seething with anger was standing just behind me. I could watch him trying to punch me within my mind’s eyes. He was hitting and slapping, but I felt nothing.

      “Sorry buddy, it won’t work,” I said. “Why don’t you talk to me, and try to calm down.”

      A wedding picture that I was standing next to crashed to the floor. Then, I heard a crash from upstairs. I walked upstairs, still talking aloud to the angry specter. I walked into the young couple’s bedroom and found what looked like a jewelry box that had crashed to the floor.

      The shouting words of “NO! NO! NO! I hate them! I hate them!” kept ringing through my brain. I knew it would require more than just my usual ghost therapy session to take care of this business. I walked back outside. Everyone was standing around the car looking wide-eyed.

      “What the hell is going on in there?” Carol asked. I could tell she was in full attack mode.

      “Okay, kids, we have a vengeful spirit to deal with. Fasten your seat belts; it’s going to be a bumpy night!” (Yeah, I pulled my inner Bette Davis big-shouldered broad out for effect.)

      I instructed the ensemble to sit in a circle in the middle of the living room. I had Carol cover all the mirrors in the room; nasty spirits have been known to use them as portals of escape. I surrounded our circle with salt—but only partly, like a crescent moon. I wanted to allow space for the spirit to enter our circle and communicate. As you will learn later in this book, ghosts cannot cross a line of salt. Salt is a spiritual protectant. I placed a white candle in the middle of the circle, and we all sat down in chairs.

      Let me mention at this time that spirit contact is a very tricky situation if you do not know what you are doing. Do not try this at home. Unless you have been taught respectful mediumship and know all the tricks of the trade, stay far away from situations like this one. I knew that this case was going to require mediumship as well as casting a circle of power to contact this spirit and draw him in. He was a vengeful spirit, and a house blessing would only fix the problem temporarily. Unlike the presence of a demonic being where I could call forth the Archangel Michael and have it bound, this spirit might be treated the same, but I wanted to make sure to give him a chance to heal his vengefulness. I don’t give demons the time of day—they have to go!

      Usually it’s best to have others of psychic and mediumship training in your spirit circles, but this occasion was a situation of extreme measures. I needed the spiritual intent and power of the couple to help with the process of contact. It was also Carol’s first time, but I knew she was ready to put her training into action if she had to.

      There was only the soft glow of the candle and the kerosene lamps in the room. As we sat down, I began to instruct those in the circle about their jobs. Carol was to keep the prayer book handy in case the spirit became more agitated than normal. The couple was to answer any questions they might have concerning the spirit once he was contacted.

      Vengeful spirits may be very unpredictable, just like any energy from the Dark Realm. Their means are to punish and hurt, and in certain cases, it is for correct justice. Nevertheless, it’s best to communicate with respect and with a sense of authority, and whenever possible, it is preferable to treat the cause and send them on their way to the light. Spirit contact in this case is for the purpose of healing on both sides of the veil.

      This night was not about a slumber party or a realty show, so there was no disrespect in our space. I began to relax and call for my spiritual power and guardians for protection. I invoked a member of the legion of the Archangel Michael to be with us and be on guard in case we needed him. As soon as I gave the signal, Carol’s job was to close the circle with salt immediately after the spirit had entered it. Closing the circle traps the spirit so that we can get the job done.

      I began to use my own method of trance and started the process of invoking the vengeful spirit. I’m not going to give you my formula, and I don’t want anyone to do this practice at home—opening up Pandora’s Box. As I began to breathe deeply, the crashing of pans in the kitchen made the members of the circle jump. Carol,