Those of My Blood. Jacqueline Lichtenberg

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Название Those of My Blood
Автор произведения Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Жанр Научная фантастика
Издательство Научная фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781434448033

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to allow fatigue to erode my temper. Please accept my apology.”

      “Now don’t take it too hard, Titus. We’re all human. We make mistakes. If I hear nothing more of it, it won’t go on your record, your pay won’t be docked, and I won’t need to bring in a lesser manager for your department.”

      “Thank you, Dr. Colby.”

      “Carol, remember?”

      Titus forced himself to relax visibly. But this was a message from Abbot. At will, his father could remove him from the project just by creating “friction.”

      “Look, Carol, I’m not sure it’s necessary to take such a vitally needed man off life support. Shimon is a genius in his own right, and has been diligent—”

      “Don’t argue with me, Titus. I’m giving you Nandoha for a week. In four days, I’ll want your list of what still must be brought from Earth. Don’t despair. I’ll get it for you somehow. But only what Abbot can’t do without. Good day.”

      Titus sat back and stared at the blank screen. Maybe the anti-Project humans are blocking appropriations because somebody knows about the sleeper. If they knew, Connie might know by now, too. But he couldn’t assume that. He had to get a message out to Connie. He needed blood concentrate. He needed someone who could stand up to Abbot. And he had to know what to do about the sleeper.

      Before he could report, he had to verify his suspicions about cloning. Mihelich was no orderly. His file was locked behind highest security. Even queries for his published papers were blocked. And while Titus had been wasting time on Mihelich’s files, Abbot had outflanked him, Influencing Colby. He’ll control the whole Project before I figure out what’s really happening.


      Inea peeked around the office door.

      With an incredible effort, Titus rearranged his face into a welcoming smile. “Come in. What can I do for you?”

      She ventured into the room. “What’s wrong?”

      What could he say? That another vampire was coming to joust with him for possession of her? “Nothing new.”

      “Titus,” she warned.

      “Carol says we’re not getting our scheduled parts shipment. No appropriation.”

      “Bad. But it’s more than that.”

      “Shimon’s going to blow his Israeli stack when he discovers what Carol has done.”

      She almost bit at that one, but instead of asking what Carol had done, she shook her head. “More.”

      Titus wondered how he could be so transparent to a human. “All right,” he confessed, as if surrendering. “I’m worried. I can’t figure out how to tell you...something.”

      “Just tell.”

      “You may never speak to me again. I couldn’t stand that. It’s been bad enough the last few days, with you stalking off every night without a word.”

      She frowned at him, studying him in that way that made him so nervous. “I’m not ready to talk yet,” she said. “Later. I promise.”

      “Okay. Look, meanwhile could you do me a favor?”


      He thought fast. “You’ve turned out to be very talented with circuitry. When the few components we can get finally do arrive, we won’t have time to fool with them. I’m going to send you over to Ernie Natches in Electronics for some quick training. That way you’ll be more help when we really need you.”

      “What precisely do I have to learn?” she challenged.

      “Let Ernie decide. He’s got benches full of our components he’s trying to repair. You can help.”

      She studied him again, weighing. “You’re making this up as you go along.”

      Diabolical woman. He recalled thinking that in a monotonous undertone during the years he’d been going with her. “Inea, I’ve got a lot of problems. I have to create solutions on the spot.”

      “What problem is getting rid of me a solution to?”

      “Trying to get my computer repaired and keep my ass out of the fire. The worst part is that I spend all my time filling out forms, writing reports, and going to meetings rather than doing physics. I’m becoming a frustrated administrator.”

      “You’re evading again.”

      “Consider it a favor. I’ll owe you. Report to Ernie in the morning, okay?”

      “It’s not okay, but I’ll do it. What do I tell him, that I’m still on your payroll?”

      “Of course. He’s doing me a favor. Training you.”

      She went to the door. “What you owe me in return is a complete explanation.”

      “Okay. As soon as we get back to Earth.”


      He shrugged.

      “You have the best woebegone look of anyone I know. All right, but I get my explanation on the Quito landing pad.”

      “No deal. The ‘port restaurant.” He’d never forget that scorching sun.

      “Don’t quibble!” She left.

      Watching her, he noted that it was hard to flounce on the moon. It definitely crimped her style.

      The moment she was out the door, he got Ernie on the vidcom. He had only met the man on his odyssey through the stockrooms, but he had been extraordinarily helpful. He owed Ernie several favors and here he was asking for another.

      Worse yet, as soon as he finished with Ernie, he had to convince Shimon to rotate to the night shift. With Abbot being brought in as if Shimon couldn’t handle his job, there was no way the two would get along.

      And still worse, Titus had to face Abbot after publicly expelling him from the lab.

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