Walking With Ghosts. Lisa Yorio

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Название Walking With Ghosts
Автор произведения Lisa Yorio
Жанр Сделай Сам
Издательство Сделай Сам
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781619334861

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      Another incident that happened to me occurred when I was in college. I was trying to develop my sixth sense. I was working in an office under the college work study program. I answered phones, typed memos, filed and made copies of reports and tests. I discovered one day that if I closed my eyes and concentrated, I could file quicker and easier.

      I was given a list of names with a stack of paperwork that had to be filed. I would look at the list and once I found the names I would put the paperwork in their corresponding files. This was very time consuming, so I wanted to devise an easier way to do this.

      One day when I was filing, I noticed I felt tingling vibrations in my left hand when I ran my fingers along the tops of the files. I also felt a little sensation of heat at my fingertips. The next day I decided to do a little experiment. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the name of the person’s file I was looking for. While I was repeating the name to myself, I ran my left hand over the files. The tingling vibrations would get stronger and the heat more intense in certain spots. I would stop my hand at the place where I felt the most energy. Then I would look down and pull up the file. This file would be the name I was looking for. I was amazed. I tried to do this again. At first I only found the files a few times. Then the more I practiced the better I got. Eventually, I could find the files every time I did this.

      I believe this was a way of channeling my abilities or developing my sixth sense. This energy that I felt has gotten stronger over the years. This is the same energy that I feel when I am in a haunted place. I pick up the energy of the ghosts that are present. This is why I started taking photographs of haunted places. I wanted to get some scientific proof that what I was feeling was definitely the presence of a ghost.

      The sixth sense is a heightened awareness that is beyond our normal five senses. The five senses are sight; hearing; smell; taste, and touch. Everyone has the sixth sense but some are more sensitive to it then others. This sense is considered an extra-sensory perception. It is often at times very unpredictable. Most people have experienced the sixth sense without realizing it, some examples of the sixth sense are:

      1) Some dreams you may have actually come true. Experiencing déjà vu or the feeling that you been through this before.

      2) Anytime you had a hunch or feeling that something was going to happen and it did.

      3) Times when you have thought of the same thing at the same time as another person.

      4) Anytime you felt a presence of someone or something when they are not there.

      People who have experienced some of these things are considered to have the sixth sense. These people are also very sensitive to the paranormal. There is a higher chance that they will experience something paranormal in their lifetime. I am one of those people. This is why I believe I have been able to capture so much paranormal activity on film. I think this is how I am channeling my abilities now that I am older.




      One night my friend and I were driving home from a concert. It was very late probably around 3:00AM. We decided to take a shortcut home. The back road we took was through South Centerville, New York. We were traveling on Route 6, heading towards Port Jervis. On this road, there is a high school and across from it there is a cornfield.

       It was very cold and dark that night. It was mid October and the moon and stars weren’t visible. As the car approached the cornfield, I glanced over to the right side and looked out the window. I saw an old man. He was leaning forward into the road almost falling over. He looked very pale, gaunt, and skeletal. He had a very pronounced Adam’s apple and hollow cheekbones. His clothes were baggy and looked like they could slip right off him. He was just standing hunched over staring straight ahead. When our car passed him we both looked over to see where he was going. It was a little creepy.

       This man seemed to come out of nowhere. There were no houses or cars around. It’s like he came out of the cornfield. What would an old man be doing standing on the edge of the road in the middle of the night? We’ll we didn’t stay around long enough to find out. When we drove past him, I noticed my friend looked over at him and then sped up to get away faster. I turned around to take a second glance and he seemed to vanish into thin air. The sighting happened within seconds. It scared us both and we didn’t travel that road for many years.



      1998– 2006

      For many years something always summoned me to go to Salem, Massachusetts. The first few years that I traveled there, I didn’t know the roads very well, so I would always end up getting lost. Strangely, I would end up in a two mile radius of the Old Jail, Howard Street Cemetery and the site of the original Witch Dungeon. It was kind of eerie.

      One time, I parked my car on Essex Street in front of a parking meter which was in this vicinity. There was about an hour left on the meter, so I put a few quarters in for two more hours, and it registered 3 hours. My friend Janet and I were gone four hours but when we came back to the car it only registered that we were gone for 1 hour. It was bizarre. It seemed like something was preventing us from leaving. Since we had the extra time, we decided to stay longer.

      We had been parked in front of an old book store. We now had time to check it out. As soon as I walked in the store, I was automatically drawn to the back. It was as if something was guiding me to walk to a particular spot near the book shelf. I picked up a black book with gold trim around the edges. This book was through a doorway covered by a curtain. It led to a separate room. I was looking at the books and all of a sudden, I felt like a strong presence was there looking at me, I felt extremely nauseous and like I couldn’t breathe. The room suddenly became cold, and then I had a horrible feeling of dread come over me. I didn’t understand why I felt this way. All I knew was that the feeling was so overwhelming that I had to get out of there. I ran out of the store. Immediately, as soon as I was outside, I felt better. The scary feeling went away and I felt normal again.

      Another weird thing that happened to me in Salem was when I bought a Blessed Be bumper sticker from a witchcraft shop. I believe it was in 2001. I put it on my rear bumper and I had a string of bad luck. The first time my car was hit from behind and the sticker was destroyed. Then I went back to the store the following year and purchased another sticker. I put it in my pocket because I was going through a haunted house during Halloween. When I got to the other side, I checked my pocket and the sticker was missing. I didn’t see, feel or hear it drop.

      In 2002, I went back to the same store and purchased the sticker for the third time and put it on the rear bumper of a different car. My new car was hit again from the rear and estimated that the car was totaled. The sticker was once again shattered into a million pieces. Finally, I began to suspect the sticker was bringing me bad luck. I’m not sure if there was negative energy surrounding the sticker, the store that it was purchased at, or if someone put a spell on it. All I knew was that this was too much of a coincidence. How could this happen that many times? I decided never to purchase that sticker ever again.

      The next year my friend Debbie went to Salem with her daughter for “Haunted Happenings”. This is a month long festival. There are a lot of vendors and activities on the weekends. When they returned home, her daughter gave me a “Blessed Be” bumper sticker. My mouth dropped open. I said “thank you” and took it, but I didn’t tell her my past experiences with it. I kept it for awhile but I never placed it on my car again.

      Eventually, I got rid of the sticker with a lot of hesitation. Something made me want to keep it.

      In October, the following year, I went with another friend of mine to “Haunted Happenings” in Salem, Massachusetts. Of course, we had another strange experience. We were walking around for a few hours enjoying the festivities. We did a lot of shopping, watched re-enactments of the witch trials, and visited the various witch museums. I was getting tired so we decided to