The Marriage Manual. Mike Clark

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Название The Marriage Manual
Автор произведения Mike Clark
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607461487

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boldface, italics, or underlining cannot be used to emphasize a point. Instead to emphasize a point, it is repeated. A vital point is repeated more than once. Hebrew oral tradition used repetition to emphasize and to add greater depth to the definition of the point being made. The three lines of verse 27 are an excellent example of this:

       So God created humankind in His image,

       in the image of God He created them;

       male and female He created them.

      To isolate the key elements look at the three phrases that build from one line to another and give greater definition to humans as the image of God:

      humankind = the image of God = male and female.

      The surprise and the key to marriage are found in this statement; humankind reflects the image of God as male and female together. Male alone does not reflect the image of God. Nor does female alone reflect the image of God. God is not masculine or feminine. This is defining God by human standards. God is beyond our sexuality. Yet through our sexuality as male and female united together in one bond of love, we glimpse the greatest reflection of God in our humanity. Here we discover the likeness of God in our marriages. The union of male and female is much more than just physical; it is a harmony of body and spirit. This harmonious union reflects God the Trinity as God always demonstrates the inherent bond of love for each member of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit always points to God the Son. God the Son always serves God the Father. God the Father glorifies the Son. So the male always loves the wife and the wife always loves the husband to show an intimate union in the likeness of God’s unity.

      As we learn to seek the best for each other, living in love for each other, we draw closer to living in the likeness of God. This is specifically true and most intimately known in this world in the relationship of marriage where two become one. Here is the key to a successful marriage; reflect the love of God through seeking the best for each other. When a couple dedicates themselves to each other in God, God provides a bond that holds tight. He braids them into that threefold cord of strength and love in His love. But before we can understand this, we need to understand why one male alone cannot fulfill the image of God. That is the crux of the next chapter.

       Questions for reflection and insight:

      1 When have you been creative? What principles helped you to create better?

      2 How do you need God to bring light out of your darkness and order out of your chaos? Where specifically do you need His harmony in your marriage?

      3 In what ways are humans not created in the image of God?

      4 In what ways are humans created in the image of God?

      5 How would you like to be more like God?

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