My Freedom Flight. Peggy Caruso

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Название My Freedom Flight
Автор произведения Peggy Caruso
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607465553

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      My Freedom Flight

      Peggy Caruso

      Copyright © 2011 Peggy Caruso

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      I would like to dedicate this book to my children, Nikki and Josh, who are truly my inspiration.

      Their own success in life is a direct reflection on our life experiences together.

      I love everything about both of you…I love you for lessons learned…I love you for your success…I love you just the way you are…

      yesterday, today, tomorrow…

      Always and Forever…Mom

      Also, to my grandson, Jordan, who is the light of my life!!


      For inspiration…Steve G. Jones; my teacher…for giving me the courage to pursue my dream.

      Mike Litman; for giving me the encouragement to write this book.

      Dr. Anthony and Bob Proctor; your inspirational messages.

      Napoleon Hill, who not only is my inspiration, but has given me the desire to read and teach. I am grateful for his books and insight on the law of attraction, which has made a tremendous impact on my life.

      Most importantly…

      My husband and my best friend, Denny, who has been my biggest inspiration.

      We are great business partners; we are a mastermind alliance; we are best friends…in togetherness.

      With love and admiration…

      From Fear to Success

      From Fear To Success

      Boarding a Boeing WWII Stearman bi-plane: the engine starts….coughing, sputtering, then smoothing out to a purr. Departing on a grass runway, feeling the increase of the speed, bumps, and the air rush, then departure. Gaining altitude and flying out over the valley into the morning fog and reflecting at that very moment, the pilots who flew in that same aircraft…70 years ago. It is the most rewarding experience one could ever encounter. How could this be so rewarding?

      All of my life I’ve been afraid of heights. My husband is a pilot and when I met him I wondered how we could ever have a relationship given that his passion is flying and I have a fear of heights. He is also the owner of a vintage restoration business so I realized that airplanes and flying would play a vital role in my life. Well, that’s part of my story and how flying aided in my success. I no longer have a fear of heights and flying also became my passion. It’s where I learned to utilize the resources that were in my possession my entire life, though I was totally unaware of what they were. It was my journey to personal and financial freedom. Traveling and stumbling for so many years attempting to discover “the key” or “the secret” to it all and encountering the tiresome obstacles of failure, neglect, betrayal, abuse, and financial burden. I raised two children without a father, was in numerous “failed” relationships, had many jobs, owned several businesses, and was financially challenged through a portion of it all.

      There was always a sense of “knowing” there was a secret to settling my internal conflicts and have “success” be the ultimate outcome. I knew I had the capability to produce results, but was unaware of how to obtain financial freedom. With constant setbacks, I managed to find a way to “FREE” myself from all the negative displacements and motivate myself with positive perception.

      The knowledge and insight that I’ve accumulated helps me to understand that it really all begins in your childhood. Your parents play the key role in the messages that are planted in your subconscious mind. My parents were faced with their own challenges that came with raising a family of five children and only one parent working. I’m sure in that era, finance was a key factor as to the direction in which they could move. Not realizing it until now, my parents played a vital role in the positive outcome of where I am today. As with all people, there are times we hold our parents accountable for our negative behavior and our setbacks (the blame game.) However, I have come to realize that anyone who is a parent has both positive and negative influences on their children. It is how you take the negative and find a way to educate yourself and turn it into a positive outcome. There were particular times when I would look back and hold my parents accountable (in my mind) for something that was going wrong in my life. However, imagine for a moment they were responsible for the temporary displacement (even though they were not.) It is you and only you who can create that image. Once you’ve attained knowledge, as it progresses with advancement in society, you must attempt to comprehend circumstances between the time-lines. To elaborate for just a moment: there are those episodes where we all encounter the syndrome, “I can’t believe my parent’s did….; I can’t believe my parent’s said…; I would never do that to my child…”

      As I previously stated, “advancement in society” is an enormous statement, because if we can come to the realization that times are different from generation to generation, then hopefully we become additionally educated in the evolution. Just a little “food for thought:” if you should ever encounter “blame” toward your parents, take two minutes and walk toward a mirror, and in that reflection, please note where you are in that particular moment. Knowing your immediate circumstances will affect your unborn children — who contemplates that theory?

      My father’s perseverance, dedication, and work ethic encouraged me to align my vision with action. I used to think he was “tough” on me, but if he hadn’t instilled that quality I wouldn’t have taken the initiative to discover my own self-discipline. While attending high school, there was a particular year where I was encountering difficulties with one of my teachers. For some reason, he found my weak area and selected to constantly create unfriendly situations. Fear of attending that particular class started to overcome everything else going on around me, which created the desire (or at least I thought it was the best scenario at the time,) to quit school. My father’s tenacity wouldn’t support that decision. Thank you Dad! If he would’ve given in to a “child’s” wish, my life would have become even more difficult. He used his parental instincts to make the best decision by having attained the knowledge of foresight, which would have caused problematic situations and missed opportunities due to lack of education. We don’t always possess that foresight in adolescence. If the decision-making process of a parent is not the desired outcome of the child, he/she experiences short-term resentment. However, if the parent can maintain control of the situation and remain firm in their decision, the child will comprehend the reasoning in adulthood.

      My parents are total opposites; which is a great combination for the creation between balance, strength, sentiment, and ambition. My mother has been extremely influential in my success. As a child, I spent most of my time with her because my father was the sole provider of the family. She raised five children of her own, cared for her father-in-law as if he were her own father, and played a significant role in raising her grandson. With her father-in-law’s medical ailment, it caused him to be bed ridden for three years and my mom was his primary care-giver. That in itself, is an outstanding quality of self-worth. As a “stay-at-home” mom, with her scenario, what are her qualifications? She is a medical practitioner, coordinator of events, accountant, psychologist, nutritionist, chef, and attorney. Moms are amazing, and when they