Your Doorway to Consciousness. Michael Vogelsgesang

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Название Your Doorway to Consciousness
Автор произведения Michael Vogelsgesang
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781607465140

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want to be short, precise, in the present tense and expressed positively (see above). Be honest with yourself, and above everything:

      Accept that you are successful and unlimited by nature.

      What This World is Made of

      Now we get to look at what part we are taking in creation, and when we look at the last chapter as being the door, then this one is the key to it. We are going down now to the most fundamental levels and find out why we see what we see.

      I remember being most fascinated when I first looked through a microscope and could hardly wait to get my hands to a much stronger one. An entirely new world became apparent to me and I was most amazed that all those seemingly solid objects weren’t really solid at all! The more I magnified objects I just found that there is a hell of a lot of space in between what I considered homogeneous at first. Needless to say that the deeper I went the more space I found.

      So, what is this all made of, if it is in fact not as solid as we perceive it to be? Well, from here on we make a short and simplified excursion into the world of science, actually into Quantum Physics to be precise, a science which explains how physical matter comes into existence. We do so with the understanding that scientific proof helps us to accept something as real which appears out of the ordinary. Now, starting out from perceiving that our body is solid we know that it is made up of cells, which then are made up of molecules, then atoms, and then, well, here it becomes interesting. Electrons are already subatomic particles and therefore have left the realm of physical objects to become pure energy, the realm where mind meets matter so to say. In this field of energy are an infinite number of possibilities how the energy packages called quanta (plural for quantum) can come together, and virtually everything emerges from this field. And that is what we are: packages of energy directly connected to the infinity of possibilities at our command. Practically the entire Universe taps into the very same field of energy and whatever matter is formed is made up of very unique building blocks of energy. This energy source is a single unified field of intelligence, collective consciousness so to speak. On this level we are all connected; an Ocean of existence where the observer and the observed are still united. The separateness we perceive as real and hold onto is only a paradigm and it is because of our feeling of separateness that we make things so unreachable. Our thoughts are waves emitting intelligent information on a certain frequency, and whatever else is on that very same frequency resonates with it and wants to bond, which appears to us as coming into existence.

      Our perception of our state of being is the awareness of the environment through physical sensation. It seems to teach us what we see, but in fact is witness to what we taught, the outward picture of a wish so to say; an image we want to be true. Perception is a choice of what we want ourselves to be. And knowing that we continuously tap into this infinitively abundant field of possibilities we have every state of being at our command. That means that our dominating thoughts and beliefs eventually reproduce themselves in outward physical action, which in return gradually transforms into physical reality.

      Any desire that we persistently hold in our mind eventually seeks expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it.

      At this point a careful observation of our thoughts helps us to understand what a dominating thought really is. Imagine seeing the world like making a picture with your camera, and we may choose now what lens we put on, depending on the amount of focus we decide for. We also choose what filter we use which quite obviously changes the way the picture appears to us. The moment we accept the picture as true for us the whole response mechanism goes into action and lures us into the belief that this is the reality. As we change the filter we change the belief and as we change the lens more or less importance we give to a matter. So it boils down to what we intend to see and how much attention we give to it.

      Knowing now the powers of our thoughts it is essential to observe what comes to our mind. That could keep us quite busy, right? Well, remember what we have learned from the first chapter, that we may view our time on Earth like a giant classroom in which we are allowed to learn to manifest without getting hurt so easily until we are able to control our thoughts? That means we are given enough slack to enjoy the ride while watching. Feelings are directly connected to the images produced by our thoughts, and that brings me to the task I have in mind for you today. Allow yourself to watch the images as they come without getting attached to them. Accept their existence, acknowledge that you had them and let them pass. As you begin to feel how easy this is with only little practice you want to store those images connected to a feeling you like and let everything else move on.

      The Glue That Holds it All

      Let us have a close look at a paradigm of which I am sure everybody has heard of some day in his life: you reap what you sow (actually “whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap” in its original version), what goes round come round is another popular one, and they can be simplified to actions have consequences.

      We all had it in Physics, and I do remember well our teacher trying to explain to us in the 7th grade that an action has an opposite and equal reaction. And as much as I stemmed against (I didn’t like the teacher), it still all follows the same law, my understanding about it though at the time was rather limited, and so I reduced this law to everything else physical around, except me. And how much do you think did that keep me from being exempted?

      At a time long ago already when all this was yet waiting to be revealed and expressed mathematically, nature followed its laws precisely and continued to do so regardless of us knowing about or accepting it. It affects everything and everyone and does so without judgment on any level, from very old to very young, from very rich to very poor, and from very dense matter right down to the Quantum Field of pure energy. The fascinating part about it is that it happens all the time; it is a continuous creational process and encompasses all there is. Every object in the Universe emits a frequency, whether this may be sound or light, which then connects to everything that happens to resonate on the same frequency with mathematical exactitude. Thoughts and emotions too come in form of a wave and carry the information we choose to be carried, and take part in this creational process, whether we like it or not. That is a big responsibility for a conscious being, because as such it is possible to change this information at will into any direction!

      In a world where we are taught that we are taken care of by insurances, police, and the government, and so on, responsibility has become synonymous with blame, and the search for guilt outside of us our focus. It is therefore quite natural to resist at first the fact that we create our world ourselves. The good news though is that it is also us who can shape the situations we wish to find us in entirely! I agree that quite often we find us in circumstances where we may ask us then “how could I possibly have wanted that?” And yes, there certainly is a difference between deliberate creation and unconscious behavior. It is again our subconscious mind that has taken the orders! But how does it get there?

      The process is simple: our brain, as an organ of our conscious mind, handles the flood of information it constantly receives and after some reasoning transforms it into pictures and emotions. As soon as something is subject to be accepted by the conscious mind as true, it makes its way to the subconscious mind where everything that has made it to this stage is accepted as final to be put on autopilot. From here we tap directly into the Quantum Field of energy and begin the process of creation with immediate effect. Everything that travels on the same frequency that is emitted is attracted and gradually forms into reality. Owing to the ever so conflicting thoughts and emotions we have at times, such attraction is sometimes intermittent and incomplete. It is on us to invite something as true and therefore it is critical what kind of information we feed us with on a continuous basis. Like attracts like, and so everything which is on the same vibratory pattern is attracted into life.

      And here is the trick: whatever we focus on is attracted, regardless of whether we consciously decide that we do or don’t want it, the emphasis is on “whatever we focus on”. How many people do you know who only know what they don’t want and continuously express it? How many people do you know who have nothing else in their mind but their undesirable situation they