Dig Two Graves. Carolyn Morwood

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Название Dig Two Graves
Автор произведения Carolyn Morwood
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781925281491

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of her slim body and the reassurance of another person close to him.

      Near the residence, his torch snaked out over the black of the gully into the amber eyes of a wild animal. Light and eyes held together momentarily, then just as he gripped Jane’s hand to show her the creature – cat or fox or something Spanish he had no idea of – it howled fiercely and sprang away into darkness.

      Rose lay awake after Alfredo had slumped into an exhausted sleep, his body pressed against her, his arm resting heavily on her. He slept hot and the room smelled of sex and tobacco, and, past the initial rapture, she’d found herself wishing he wouldn’t do that thing with his tongue in her ear.

      That was the downside of sex. The messy aftermath. The need of those who clung too tight. And, worse, Alfredo snored like a train cresting a hill. He hadn’t done so the previous night, but then she must have fallen asleep first.

      Outside in the dark, an animal shrieked loudly. What made a noise like that? She had no idea about the wildlife in Spain. A wolf or a mountain cat, perhaps? Whatever it was, she doubted anything pinned it down.

      Jane went to bed slightly drunk, thinking of Mike. Making love? In that measured English accent. Which century had he wandered out of? But she liked his honesty and humility and even his gaucheness. Thank god for someone not as polished and plausible as William, who would make a move on anyone who stood still long enough. Well, that had been true enough in the early days, but towards the end he’d been entranced with just one person and it wasn’t her.

      Mike’s company over the past two evenings had been a pleasant change from too much time spent on her own. She couldn’t fault his behaviour. She’d glimpsed his intelligence and perception, but equally she recognised the signs and needed to be careful. It was the shy and awkward ones who wanted too much.

      What, even if she felt like it, would be the point? In a few weeks they’d be gone from here and living halfway around the world from one another. The world was blighted by people disappointed in love. She wrestled with her pillow, awash with competing thoughts. Mike’s fingers winding through hers. The warmth of his body against hers on the cold walk home.

      She fell asleep on well-spun words. What you didn’t feel wouldn’t hurt. What you didn’t dwell on wouldn’t bring you down.

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