Hidden In Plain Sight: A Study of the Revelation to John. Uchenna Mezue

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Название Hidden In Plain Sight: A Study of the Revelation to John
Автор произведения Uchenna Mezue
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456625061

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Man in His role as judge is seen journeying through the seven parts or churches in the World of Matter represented as seven golden lampstands (Rev. 2:1). This is followed by a summary description of the path of man in the World of Matter (section 2). The Revelation in this section unfolds the story of the advent of human spirits into the World of Matter, their progression and retrogression and finally, their judgment and the establishment of the Kingdom of God over the Material spheres. There is a cyclic pattern of reinforcement in the presentation of the visions that increases the poignancy.

      The section on the story of man is first presented as a synopsis of humanity’s advent and failure (seals 1-4) and their punishment (seals 5-6). Between seals 6 and 7 John is introduced to a summary of the redemptive part of the work of the Son of Man that made the salvation of a few possible and this is shown as an extension and consolidation of the work of the Son of God.

      The next section (section 3) starts with the seventh seal and introduces a new epoch in Creation - the details of the advent of the Son of Man and the purification judgment He brought up until He establishes the Kingdom of His Father in the planes of Matter.

      The incarnation of the Son of Man and the imminent judgment are heralded by a series of trumpet announced events from Ch. 8-11. A significant event occurs in chapter 8 where we are shown the sending forth of a purifying radiation into the World of Matter from the very throne of God in the Primordial spiritual. This is described as coming from an archangel who is seen sending it forth as a fire filled censer carrying the purifying radiation from God and preceding the Son of Man’s advent in the World of Matter.

      Chapter 11 describes the establishment of the kingdom of God as dominant on earth by the Son of Man, but the kingdoms of the earth still had to be purified of all the evil of men and fallen beings. This occurs over a period of a symbolic thousand years (the millennium) during which Satan’s activity is curtailed. The early part of the eternal Kingdom of God in the World of Matter is therefore called the kingdom of a thousand years, which continues until after the final judgment of Satan and all darkness. Thereafter the Old World of Matter is replaced with a New, issuing as a copy of Paradise in the radiation and power of the Son of Man who now remains forever as the King.

      Section 4 starting with chapter 12 gives important background to the judgment. It starts with the preparation for the coming of the world Judge. The visions start in the highest Primordial Spiritual planes where we are shown the birth or incarnation of the volition of the Son of Man into the highest part of Spiritual Creation and subsequently His incarnation and the beginning of His work in Material Creation. The activity of the darkness during these phases just before and during the work of the Son of Man on earth, in an attempt to oppose this work is also shown in great details. The activity of Satan is here represented as beasts.

      The section then continues by unfolding the work of the Son of Man on earth, which neatly dovetails into what had previously been described in sections 2 and 3. Thus, chapter 14 links the earlier description of the work of the Son of Man in section 3 with the second half of The Revelation (from Ch.14-19). Section 5 describes a different phase – the purification judgment of the World of Matter, but before going into the details of the purification Judgment, John recapitulates and enlarges on the redemptive aspect of the work of the Son of Man in Ch. 14.

      Section 5 starting from chapter 15 unfolds a great intensification of the purification, described as the wrath of God in Creation. The events escalate to a crescendo in chapter 16 when the purification of the World of Matter ends. The rest of the section from chapter 17-20 are further clarification of what happens during the wrath judgment in chapters 15 and 16, representing a further attempt to help us understand the epoch. Thus we see the final cleansing of all that is dead in Creation, especially, the dead works of humanity enthroned in the ethereal as the great city, Babylon the Great that holds sway over their earthly civilizations and activities.

      The section ends with the judgment and destruction of the forms of human and Satanic opposition to the Will of God in the planes of Matter by the Son of Man now riding into the World of Matter as the King of Kings, the eternal representative of His Father as sovereign over all Creation. To annex the now purified World of Matter into the Spiritual Kingdom, the King destroys the forms of the evil volition of humanity (the beast from the earth) and the volition of Satan (the beast from the sea) both of which had hitherto been deceiving and misleading the Material Spheres. With this, the old World of Matter and all contrary volition is destroyed and the new is set to arise in the radiation of the Son of Man.

      The last sections chapters 21 and 22 describe the new earth arising out of the ashes of the old and the glorious incorporation of the Worlds of Matter into the kingdom of the Son of Man. The birth of an entirely new section of Creation arising from the hitherto imperfect World of Matter, but now elevated by the eternal presence of the Son of Man as King and maintained by the activity of the purified human spirits who now have a home and area of work in Creation. This may be described as spiritualization of the Worlds of Matter.

      However, these visions are not given sequentially, but in a unique style with flashbacks and advance warnings and so, only patient and humble examination of the work will reveal the hidden treasure. Thus, in the process of describing the new earth, the revelation first recapitulates the chaining of Lucifer, his release and his many attempts to resist the work of the Light. His volition in the World of Matter, the beast from the sea had been judged and now the original beast, the Dragon is also judged.

      The Revelation makes extensive reference to the work of the Son of God, Jesus, but is focused more urgently on the advent, helping work and judgment by the Son of Man. This is the main thrust of the revelation and is recurrently referred to throughout the book.

      Son of Man

      Christ repeatedly spoke about the Son of Man and His time. Unfortunately, there has been a great misrepresentation concerning this great concept. Devout Christians have assumed that in all instances, when Christ talked about the Son of Man, He was talking about Himself and not surprisingly, the prophecy of the coming of the Son of Man has been assumed to represent a second coming of Jesus. However, the Son of Man prophesied is coming as the King of all Creation and the Judge of all the Worlds, two roles Christ emphatically stated did not belong to Him. The Son of God, Jesus, told us that His Kingdom is not of this World and that He is not the Judge.

      The mistake has been the confounding of the mundane use of the phrase ‘son of man’ and the special application of the word to a personality in His specific activity. Both usages appear in the Old Testament and are recognized as such in the Hebrew texts. In the book of Ezekiel for instance, Ezekiel was addressed as ‘son of man’ in 2:1 and other sections. The original Hebrew phrase translated as son of man (‘ben adam’), meant human being and so its use in this sense is recognized. Yet in other sections in the Old Testament reference is made to ‘one like a son of man’ or ‘Son of Man’ as a manifestation of God in Creation.

      In the New Testament, both usages are applied, but a focused study led by spiritual intuitive movement easily distinguishes when the name is applied to the coming of an Envoy from God and when it is applied in a mundane sense. Jesus is and remains the Son of God and in many sections indicated that another Envoy will come from the Father. This later Envoy He refers to as the comforter, the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit and also as the Son of Man. In the revelation, the Son of Man is clearly identified as an Envoy of God with the authority of the Father as One in the Trinity, who comes to bring the Truth, conviction, judgment and purification.

      In this work, I have chosen to divide The Revelation into sections for ease of study. The work is based on the most recent NIV translation of the Bible, unless stated otherwise in the text.


      The first section of the Revelation sets the frame to the whole work. The Revelation is the last warning to the world communities that make up the World of Matter, especially the human spirits, the world wanderers. It announces that the Material Spheres stand on the brink of judgment, describes the advent of the judge, the details of the judgment, and finally the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the Material Spheres.
