Aqueous Passage. Krystyna Faroe

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Название Aqueous Passage
Автор произведения Krystyna Faroe
Жанр Научная фантастика
Издательство Научная фантастика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456624422

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a shrug of his shoulders and glanced up at the enormous concrete legs the Aqueous Passage sat upon. “That’s for sure.” He mumbled.

      Fern took a look at Madden’s features as she queried his intellect to herself. He was more intelligent than she thought, he obviously had had books to read like Laroche and the Woodlanders but she knew most of the other Lakellers were not educated. It made her curious wondering where he’d learned so much.

      Laroche looked up at the setting sun. “We are running out of daylight, we must make haste to find a site to camp for the night. We have very little time left.”

      “Wouldn’t it be best to stay here then?” enquired Simone petulant at spending the evening outside.

      Laroche ignored her and set off on a diagonal route away from the Aqueous Passage but still in the direction that the Genoa was headed within her bounds. He walked at a fast pace and they all had to sprint to catch him up.

      Simone was determined she would be behind him but the speed he kept caused her to have to run in spurts to keep up with him. Surprisingly she’d stopped whining but instead fumbled with her dress to untie the knot she had put there.

      “Leave it my dear.”

      Simone gave a start at Laroche knowing what she was doing when he hadn’t turned to look at her. His voice was soft and unreadable as he continued his pace uninterrupted.

      “Your choices are to keep the knot or I rip the dress.”

      The look of horror on Simone’s face was comical and Fern put a fist to her lips to stop an outright laugh. Simone’s glare just made her want to laugh even more. Simone slipped back slightly in her pace due to her ill temper at the thought of Laroche ripping her dress.

      They were all level with Simone now because she was so slow and without thought they overtook her to keep up with Laroche. In single file they followed him, Madden, Fern, Gisburn and straggling behind huffing and puffing although they had only gone a few hundred feet was Simone, red faced and peeved.

      “You’d better keep up my dear.” Laroche quipped without being short of breath. “I won’t be stopping for anyone and who knows what beasts lurk out here looking for a quick meal.”

      The shuffling they heard come up beside them made them all turn except Laroche and Fern imagined the look of glee on his face at making Simone jump to. Stumbling she passed them at a run to take her place beside Laroche.

      “Well done!” He said to her as if cooing to a little dog and continued at the same rapid walk.

      “Good girl.” Madden mumbled under his breath.

      “What was that?” Simone retorted.

      “Got gin?” Madden slithered seamlessly out. “I was hoping perhaps someone was able to raid some liquor before we left.”

      “I could do with a sip myself.” Fern looked back at Gisburn to see him licking his lips in anticipation.

      “We have nothing.” Laroche answered, our escape was unplanned and immediate so no supplies were brought. We will have to find food and water.” He slowed to turn and look at Fern, his eyebrows curled together. “I’m sure our little Woodlander can help us out there.”

      “Anything for you sir.” Sarcasm dripped in her voice and she received a honeyed smile back from him. She’d become used to that smile as it often meant foreboding things would happen and she succumbed to obliging him some respect instead. There was no use in starting the misery now that would happen soon enough. “Let me know when you want to stop and I can search out edible food for us.” She gave him a deferential glance in return.

      Laroche nodded his head in satisfaction as he quietly said. “Good girl.”

      Simone stared at him and then at Fern. Perhaps she was finally realizing that she’d made a huge mistake leaving the Genoa. Staying with her ex-partner would have been better than being subjected to Laroche’s game of cat and mouse. Anyone could see he was toying with both of them. It was obvious that eventually they would both be released to escape for him to enjoy the chase. He would search for them with a lethal enthusiasm; they would be hunted down and hopefully, if they were lucky, instantly killed.

      Chapter 7

      As Denver and Captain Rumello approached Rancor’s door, they silently nodded to each other. Captain Rumello raised his hand and knocked.

      “Rancor, may we have a word with you?”

      Only silence replied.

      “Rancor, it's Captain Rumello, I need to speak to you.”

      They were rewarded with the sound of shuffling, a scuffle across the floor, more shuffling and then someone approaching the door. Even though they knew someone was behind the door it didn’t open.

      “What do you want?” Rancor’s voice sounded throaty as if he’d just woken.

      “Sorry to bother you but I wondered if you could spare a few minutes please?” Captain Rumello made his voice as apologetic and ingratiating as he could and finally the door opened.

      “What is i…” Rancor stopped speaking as soon as his eyes fell upon Denver. “What is he doing here? He isn’t allowed on this side of the ship. Get rid of him.”

      “That is the problem,” Captain Rumello replied. “I can’t.”

      Denver pushed his way past Rancor and stepped into the room. Rancor began sputtering and coughing as he tried to pull Denver back out. Like a leaf attached to a shoe he was dragged to where Denver was heading. He plonked himself down and indicated to Rancor the seat opposite. Captain Rumello took the seat next to Denver and waited for Rancor. With resentment Rancor stared at his adversaries with distaste.

      “I’m sorry Rancor,” Captain Rumello continued. “He kind of barged his way along here, said it was important that he see you. I would have stopped him but as you can see it is a rather insurmountable task.”

      Rancor threw himself onto the desired location of communication and glared at Captain Rumello and then Denver.

      “Would you like me to leave?” Captain Rumello enquired.

      “And leave me here with him? Are you out of your mind? He could break my neck in seconds. At least with two of us here one would perhaps have a chance of escape.” He stared at Denver pondering the last sentence and Denver knew he was thinking not likely.

      Captain Rumello shuffled in his chair to get comfortable. “That’s fine but I sincerely hope he has the good sense not to kill us. He seems intelligent enough, I’m sure he realizes that if he does anything to us the rest of his group would be thrown overboard.”

      Rancor’s eyes lit at the thought and Denver sensed him visualizing the falling bodies and screams, unbelievably it warmed Rancor’s spirit as a warm fire and hot drink would after a cold chill. Rancor quickly dispelled it as dwelling in nonsense and went back to the possible risk of his life from Denver’s appearance.

      “I am not going to kill either of you.” Denver cut in before the conversation could drag on any further. “But I do want to talk to Rancor alone.”

      Captain Rumello looked at Denver as if he was crazy and then at Rancor. Rancor’s eyes held fear and distrust; he didn’t believe Denver was safe.

      “No, Captain Rumello stays.”

      “Very well. He will now be privy to a very private conversation between the two of us; I hope that he is trustworthy.”

      “He is in my employ, he will do as I say.”

      Denver solemnly nodded his head and smiled in approval. He searched through Rancor’s mind once more. The preceding chaos had died down but he was given no inkling of knowledge that would help him. Rancor waited expectantly.

      “I ran into Detroit in the cargo hold,” he started and briefly scanned Rancor’s face. Rancor was