The Seven Spirits of Yahweh. Patricia Green

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Название The Seven Spirits of Yahweh
Автор произведения Patricia Green
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781939748638

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Malawi I had a divine appointment with some pastors and prophets who were gathered for prayer. We were all praying in the Spirit and the manifest presence of Holy Spirit permeated the atmosphere. A prophet from Malawi began to reveal what he had just seen in a vision. He said, “Dr. Patricia, I just saw you in a vision. You were standing on a large rock and you were wearing a full suit of armor. When you spoke, fire came out of your mouth. In your right hand were seven arrows. You are one of God’s end time warrior’s and you are on the front line of battle.” I understood the meaning of the vision with the exception of the seven arrows. At first I thought they represented seven African nations I would evangelize and preach in. Two years later when I returned to Malawi, Holy Spirit revealed to me what the seven arrows represented. He instructed me to go to Revelation 4:5 and Isaiah 11:1-2.

      “And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” (Revelation 4:5)

      “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,

      And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

      The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,

      The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

      The Spirit of counsel and might,

      The Spirit of knowledge and of the

      fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:1-2)

      Immediately upon reading these scriptures, I knew that Isaiah had identified the Seven Spirits of Yahweh written about in Revelation. I could see from this scripture that these Seven Spirits of Yahweh rested upon Yahshua.

      The Spirit of Yahweh

      The Spirit of Wisdom

      The Spirit of Understanding

      The Spirit of Counsel

      The Spirit of Might

      The Spirit of Knowledge

      The Spirit of the Fear of Yahweh

      The words spoken by the angel to Joshua the high priest also corroborate that the seven eyes are the Seven Spirits of Yahweh that rested on Yahshua, the Branch.

      ‘Hear, O Joshua, the high priest,

      You and your companions who sit before you,

      For they are a wondrous sign;

      For behold, I am bringing forth My Servant the BRANCH.

      For behold, the stone

      That I have laid before Joshua:

      Upon the stone are seven eyes.

      Behold, I will engrave its inscription,

      Says the Lord of hosts,

      And I will remove the iniquity of that

      land in one day.” (Zechariah 3:8-9)

      After I received these revelations from scripture through His Spirit, Yahweh began to speak to me about the vision that was given to the prophet in Malawi. “Patricia, those seven arrows in your right hand are My Seven Spirits and I have imparted them to you. If My Son, Yahshua needed My Seven Spirits to operate in signs, wonders, and miracles while He was on earth, then how much more do you need them? Impart My Seven Spirits to empower people to operate in signs, wonders, and miracles.”

      I began to impart the Seven Spirits of Yahweh to those who already had the Baptism of Holy Spirit. Through prayer and studying scriptures, Holy Spirit revealed to me that the Baptism of Holy Spirit and the Seven Spirits of Yahweh are two different gifts of grace. John the Baptist was baptizing in water for the repentance of sin when he said this. “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11). John the Baptist stated that Yahshua would baptize with Holy Spirit and baptize with fire. The Baptism of Holy Spirit is one baptism and the Baptism of fire is another baptism.

      In the Baptism of Holy Spirit, the spiritual gifts are imparted and then the gifts begin to outwardly manifest as you utilize them. They become evident through speaking in tongues, words of knowledge, and words of wisdom, prophetic words, discerning spirits and casting them out, healing the sick, interpreting messages in tongues, having supernatural faith, and witnessing miracles. Being baptized by the Seven Lamps of Fire which are the Seven Spirits of Yahweh takes one to a higher spiritual level to do kingdom work. This is not about receiving more power for the sake of manifesting power. This is about being empowered with signs, wonders, and miracles to storm the gates of hell and declare the kingdom of Yahweh is at hand. This is about getting people birthed into His kingdom and set free from the works of the enemy. This baptism is for greater power through the Seven Spirits of Yahweh and comes through an impartation. This impartation allows you to enter into the fullness of His Seven Spirits.

      The first place I imparted the Seven Spirits of Yahweh was in Malawi, the place I was given the vision. Then I began teaching and imparting the Seven Spirits of Yahweh in the USA to a number of people. I imparted the Seven Spirits of Yahweh to a minister in Virginia and like many I have ministered to, this impartation was new to him. After he heard me teach on the subject, it answered a long standing question he had about the Seven Spirits of God in the book of Revelation. When he received the impartation, he quickly noticed an increase in his spiritual power for healing, discerning of spirits, and much more. Two weeks after he was immersed into the Seven Spirits of Yahweh, he attended a service where an Apostle from Nigeria was preaching. This Apostle taught on the Seven Spirits of Yahweh and the minister from Virginia was amazed to hear the exact same teaching that I had given him just two weeks previous. This Apostle from Nigeria was adamant that he does not permit any of his leaders to minister unless they receive the fullness of the Seven Spirits of Yahweh. One thousand pastors in Nigeria have received this impartation because this Apostle has established one thousand churches in his country. He holds a government position and was appointed by President Goodluck Jonathan to oversee the spiritual welfare of Nigeria. Nigeria is blessed to have a President who a is born-again believer in Yahshua and blessed to have an Apostle imparting the Seven Spirits of Yahweh.

      This book is about teaching people the truth about the fullness of the Seven Spirits of Yahweh. There is no doubt that our heavenly Father is named Yahweh and our Savior is named Yahshua. There is also no doubt that the Seven Spirits of Yahweh have much to convey to us, as we quickly approach the last days before Yahshua returns. There is much work to be done to reap this great end time harvest of souls and one of my tasks is to impart the Seven Spirits of Yahweh to you. It is time for the sons and daughters of Yahweh to be true disciples of Yahshua who operate in the fullness of the Seven Spirits of Yahweh, openly declaring His majesty through signs, wonders, and miracles!

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