The Seven Spirits of Yahweh. Patricia Green

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Название The Seven Spirits of Yahweh
Автор произведения Patricia Green
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781939748638

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      Dr. Patricia Green

      The Seven Spirits of Yahweh

      Copyright © 2014 by Dr. Patricia Green

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form whatsoever — including electronic, photocopy, recording — without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

      All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version, Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

      Additional Scripture quotations are taken from the Hebraic Roots Bible, Copyright 2012 by Word of Truth Publications.

      Cover Design by Prophetic Artist James Nesbit

      Published in eBook format by Certa Publishing

      Converted by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-9397-4863-8

      Published by

      Certa Publishing

      P.O. Box 2839, Apopka, FL 32703


      This book is dedicated to

      My Papa YAHWEH


      My Precious Savior YAHSHUA

      You alone are Almighty and All Powerful

      and Your Name is an Everlasting Name.

      You are the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

      I love you with a passion that overflows from my

      heart like a majestic waterfall pouring over

      the rocks with the mist of the latter rain.

      Note: In this book I will use God the Father’s Hebrew name, Yahweh; and Jesus’ Hebrew name, Yahshua. It is important for me to honor Yahweh and Yahshua by calling them by their true names. The Bible quotes used in this book are from the New King James Version and do not contain their real Hebrew names.


      We are living in extremely exciting times where biblical prophecies are being fulfilled and the signs that were spoken of by Yahshua are upon us. More than ever, the body of Christ needs the fullness of the Seven Spirits of Yahweh to be spiritually strong in these last days. The fact that you are reading this book, says you are hungry for the deeper things of Yahweh and you are seeking His truth.

      In order to understand the Seven Spirits of Yahweh, I need to expose an erroneous teaching that has been widely accepted by most mainstream Protestant churches. Martin Luther, who broke away from Catholicism, was the pioneer of the Protest Movement we know as Protestantism. All Protestant churches today have their roots in Catholicism and we have inherited some doctrines that originated in the Catholic Church. I know because I was raised as a Catholic and attended a Catholic school; but now I am a born-again Spirit-filled follower and lover of Yahshua. The erroneous doctrine I want to expose that has filtered down through Catholicism is the trinity. Before you hang me out to dry and label me a heretic, take your dogmatic doctrine you have been taught in the past and place it on a shelf until you finish this book.

      Through the residue of Catholicism that followed into Protestantism, we have been taught that God is three persons in one and they are equal in power and yet distinct and separate in their function. The trinity is a misleading teaching that does not address the scriptures which reveal the Seven Spirits of Yahweh. You will not find this teaching in most mainstream denominational churches because they have been influenced by Catholic doctrine, whether they want to admit it or not.

      Constantine promoted the trinity as a way to unite his kingdom under one religion. He decreed that everyone in his kingdom must convert to Christianity, which became a problem for the pagans who worshipped many deities. By promoting the trinity doctrine, Constantine inoculated the pagans and the Christians with partial truth which concealed the power of the Seven Spirits of Yahweh. He was able to unite his kingdom because the pagans could accept a religion where there were multiple gods and the Christians could celebrate their trinity. The pagans added the three Gods of the trinity to their many gods and called themselves Christians and everyone was happy. Everyone accept Yahweh. In these last days, Yahweh’s truth will prevail about His Seven Spirits and the importance of being immersed into the fullness of His Spirits.

      In order to undo the indoctrination of the trinity, we must examine the basis for all truth and that is the Holy Scriptures. There are several scriptures that unveil the Seven Spirits of Yahweh because His Word reveals truth. Have you ever been driving in thick fog in the early morning and it begins to lift? When the heavy fog lifts, the beautiful lush valley can be seen, and then the backdrop of the majestic mountains, and finally the crystal blue heavens. There is a sequence when the fog lifts. First you see the green valley below, then you see the towering mountains, and last you see the beautiful heavens. When the fog from confusing teaching is lifted step by step through the truth of His Word, one can clearly see the very things that were hidden. Journey with me into the glorious heavens, for that which was hidden is now being revealed.

      Zechariah was awakened by an angel and the angel asked him what he saw. Zechariah replied, “I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand seven lamps with seven pipes to the seven lamps” (Zechariah 4:2). After questioning Zechariah about what he saw, the angel reported to Zechariah that Zerubbabel would build the second temple and many would rejoice over it. Yahweh was intently focused on this new temple and He was jubilant because this would be the temple that His Son Yahshua would be dedicated in. Then this angel gave us the first glimpse of the Seven Spirits of Yahweh when he said the seven lamps are the seven eyes of Yahweh.

      “For these seven rejoice to see

      The plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.

      They are the eyes of the Lord,

      Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.” (Zechariah 4:10)

      The angel also gave us another clue about these seven eyes which are Seven Spirits of Yahweh. He said that these seven eyes or seven lamps of Yahweh are scanning throughout the entire earth. What are the Seven Spirits of Yahweh looking for on this earth and how are they connected to man?

      “For His eyes are on the ways of man,

      And He sees all his steps.” (Job 34:21)

      The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord,

      Searching all the inner depths of his heart.” (Proverbs 20:27)

      Scripture indicates that the eyes of Yahweh are upon us and through our spirits; Yahweh has access to our hearts. In other words, the Seven Spirits of Yahweh knows exactly what is in the hearts of all people. When He finds one who loves Him and is loyal, His Seven Spirits are drawn towards that person so He can impart His strength.

      “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)

      In the Book of Revelation, these seven lamps and seven eyes are also identified as the Seven Spirits of Yahweh. The Apostle John was lifted up in the spirit to the third heaven and was given a view of the throne of Yahweh. John understood that these seven lamps of fire and the seven eyes were the Seven Spirits of Yahweh. More importantly, he understood that these Seven Spirits of Yahweh were sent out into all the earth.

      “And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.” (Revelation 4:5)

      “And I looked, and behold,