Handwriting Secrets Revealed. Doc Grayson

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Название Handwriting Secrets Revealed
Автор произведения Doc Grayson
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456621261

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their likes and dislikes. I am able to cut through miscellaneous talk and get directly to the problem we must deal with. I have found, especially in children and young adults, when they know you analyze their handwriting, they believe you know almost everything about them, so they begin to talk freely about what is troubling them. They assume you already know about that particular problem or negative habit, so they feel free. I have had excellent success in working with children and young adults because of my knowledge of handwriting analysis.

      Often the most difficult situations a person has to deal with are working with bosses or colleagues. Handwriting analysis again helped me because I knew precisely how to approach each individual: do I confront him or her directly or come at him or her from a different direction. Looking at their writing, I could tell if it would be a good time to talk with them or if the timing is bad. And whenever I was involved in the hiring process of a new worker, my coworkers would rely heavily on what I had to say, as they knew I understood the applicant by their handwriting. Because of my known handwriting analysis skills, I had built up a trust among my coworkers and subordinates.

      Whenever I plan on purchasing a big-ticket item, I always ask for a written estimate. Not just to get the price, but to view the integrity of the person quoting me the figure. I understand that the person quoting me the estimate may not be the final individual involved, but that person is a representative of the company, so it gives me good insight into the credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness of the company. Trust me, analyzing handwriting has saved me much heartache.

      The part of handwriting analysis I enjoy the most is being able to help others. I have received hundreds of emails, telephone calls, notes, even personal visits, all from people thanking me for positioning them for their success. When I do an analysis for an individual, I can’t help but become involved in that person’s life on some level, since looking at their handwriting is so personal. I immediately see the negative things that hold the person back, and I see the power the person has but is not using. It might sound corny, but I am blessed to be able to help so many people by analyzing their handwriting. I can readily see the changes needed in their handwriting and signature, and I know I can help them make those changes.

      I am certified by two handwriting organizations: The International Graphoanalysis Society and Handwriting University. I have held top positions in various handwriting organizations, and have written a book, Better Understanding Your Child Though Handwriting. As a handwriting analyst, I have lectured all around the United States and Canada, taught handwriting analysis classes, and appeared on many television and radio stations.

      How can handwriting analysis help you? The majority of my clients participate in the Change Your Handwriting Change Your Life program. In that program, you and I work together, preferably in person, to discuss your needs and desires. We then evaluate your handwriting style and help change small techniques in your handwriting in order to develop your strengths to reach your desired goal. We work one-on-one designing a unique program just for you. The term for this is Graphotherapy, using handwriting to change behavior.

      How does it work? You practice the new letter forms, alter the spacing of words and letters, and the placement of your handwriting on the paper. Some clients work on this therapy for 30 days but most continue for up to 120 days desiring to change several different personal traits. Together we develop a course of action, where the client is in control to reach the desired goal, and to achieve success.

      As a client, you have to do the work. No work, no gain! But within days you will begin to notice transformation beginning. If you decide to choose therapy with a professional psychotherapist, it can take months or years and becomes extremely costly, but handwriting analysis can help you in a very short period of time at a fraction of the cost. The best thing about Graphotherapy is that you will be constantly aware of your success as you move through the program. The program is developed only for your specific needs, as each and every individual has a distinct handwriting, so what works for one person will not help another. It is important to realize that this is a unique and personalized program, created just for you.

      I know how much handwriting analysis has changed my life, and continues to improve it to this day. Now I want to help you change and improve your life in whatever way you need. Together we can achieve the success you desire in order for you to have a better life.

      David Grayson, Ph.D.

      Educational Psychology

      World’s Leading Handwriting Authority


      One of the first known books on handwriting analysis, written by Camillo Baldi, a philosophy professor at the University of Bologna, was published in Italy in 1624. Before that, there are some sketchy writings about handwriting analysis that date back to 1552.

      Today, handwriting analysis is widely accepted in many countries. Handwriting analysis is beginning to be accepted in America. Graphology is used in employment, placement, and counseling. Police departments, governmental agencies, and Fortune 500 companies regularly make us of it. Credit bureaus and banks often employ handwriting experts as well.

      Graphology, the scientific study of handwriting, reveals the personality and present state of the individual. It does not predict the future nor tell the past. The United States Supreme Court has ruled on the constitutionality of its use by employers and government agencies, as handwriting analysis does not reveal age, gender, race, or handedness, and thus cannot be used to discriminate or profile.

      Handwriting reflects change and growth. Handwriting, like a fingerprint, is uniquely individual. Unlike a fingerprint, handwriting can evolve and change over time, or according to circumstance. What writing offers is a fuller picture of an individual. Handwriting analysts refer to handwriting as brainwriting.

      There are two main schools of handwriting analysis. Milton M. Bunker wrote many books on the topic, and developed what is known as the trait method. In 1929 he founded the International Graphoanalysis Society which has members around the world. Members certified by this organization are called Graphoanalysts and can reach the level of Master Graphoanalyst. Handwriting University, based in California, also uses the trait method for analyzing handwriting plus they have a Mastery Level Course.

      The other school is the Gestalt method of handwriting analysis. It is based mostly upon German research and is quite similar to a Rorschach inkblot test. This system looks at the handwriting from a wide perspective. Two organizations that use this holistic method are the American Association of Handwriting Analysts and the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation. Other handwriting analysis organizations can be researched on the Internet.

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