Casaday Girls, Book 2: The Creature Returns. Michael Markey

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Название Casaday Girls, Book 2: The Creature Returns
Автор произведения Michael Markey
Жанр Ужасы и Мистика
Издательство Ужасы и Мистика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620776

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under that abandoned factory,” Grandpa said.

      “Oh. The factory. I should have known.” Rothschild muttered and shook his head. “Those evil villains.”

      “You know all about the cellar?”

      “Of course, Mr. Maguire. The great meeting and resting place of years gone by. If only I realized Isaac and his sickly spouse were not vacationing in sunny Florida as I was informed.”

      “Somebody told you they left Voorhees?”

      “A note I received some weeks ago from his boarders,” said the doctor. “It stated that Isaac and Edwina traveled south for health reasons, and that they would return in the spring. Michael and I suspected nothing.”

      “You were duped by the message.”

      Rothschild nodded. “Their presence concerns me, these conniving scoundrels who badger my friend.”

      “Maybe we drove some of these dangers away the last week or so, Doctor,” said Rachael.

      “If you say so. Were these evildoers destroyed?”

      “Only the boys who carried out the wishes of their leader. The real devil of this story left town because of bigger things he had in mind,” Alexa said.

      “I would feel more comfortable if the perpetrator had also been eradicated.” Doctor Rothschild glanced over his shoulder. Servant Michael waved from within. “Please forgive me but my patient awaits.”

      “No problem, Doctor Rothschild. We must be going,” said Grandpa as he inched his rescue party out the door.”

      “Thank you again, my friends. You are welcome back any time.”

      “Good-bye for now, Doctor.” Grandpa was the last down the front stairs as the girls picked up the pace back to his car.

      “Say, could we check in on your patient when he feels better?” Rachael called back.

      “Of course. Just give him a day or two for recovery. You will no doubt be amazed at his power to heal.”

      “Okay, so I saw you observing, back inside,” Alexa began. “I know that look, so, what was your impression, Rache?”

      “Besides all the stuff that made the place look like a museum? Beyond that, it was more what I did NOT see.”


      “No mirrors to show a reflection, for one thing. No religious items, either. Nothing even in the shape of a cross.”

      “Maybe the doctor is not a churchgoer.”

      “Maybe he is one of them, too. Did you check out his glasses?”

      “Nothing out of the--”

      “Tinted, Lex. Always shaded, to protect his eyes from daylight. Like if you happened to be a vampire.”

      “Perhaps he is an albino. They say--”

      “Yes, or the doctor might have stepped outside recently, and his glasses had no chance to readjust. My guess? Always tinted, though.”

      The three reentered Grandpa’s car.

      “What just happened, girls?”

      Alexa began with the logical explanation. “Simple, Grandpa. We just rescued a vampire from a grave full of coffins, something he barely survived. Then, to save him, we took the guy to his family doctor who will probably give him a blood transfusion to restore his vampire health. This doctor is probably a vampire himself, and--what am I thinking? This is all crazy stuff!”

      “That is exactly what I thought too, kids. Craziness. Let us all calm down and think about it a moment.”

      They all paused to think.

      Alexa started again. “Well, when I was in the mansion I did not feel there was any danger to us. With my supernatural senses, I did not hear--or smell--anything that would be a threat. Doctor Rothschild and the big dude, Michael, are sincere about healing Mr. Fromme, I think. Right?”

      Grandpa pulled away from the home driveway and traveled back over the long solitary lane to the main road again. “I agree. The doctor has Isaac’s well being in mind. I guess the question is, how do we feel about a healthy vampire roaming the neighborhood? Your neighborhood, I mean.”

      “I thought about it this afternoon,” Rachael answered. “I think I am okay with it, if it is Mr. Fromme. He is no threat to me.”

      “I feel the same, Grandpa,” Alexa said next. “Even though everything scares me a little.”

      “Speaking of scary business, we must next face your mother--and your grandmother, for crying out loud. We had better show some Christmas shopping progress before I take you home.”

      “I suggest the mall in Voorhees. We can buy some stuff so Mom thinks we shopped all day,” said Alexa.

      “Good thinking,” Grandpa said. He took his hands off the steering wheel and concentrated. The car continued to the mall with no intervention from the driver.

      “It does work. You’re not doing a thing, Grandpa,” said Rachael as she watched from the back seat.

      “Every time, girls. Better than any GPS system.”

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