Adamonde. Benjamin Vance

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Название Adamonde
Автор произведения Benjamin Vance
Жанр Физика
Издательство Физика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780985916855

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part she subconsciously moved her finger toward her mouth. He was sure they weren’t as tasty as marshmallows.

      The sixth, but definitely not the final revelation he would interpret from Adamonde, was that there were only two planets left with native intelligent beings. There was much lower life throughout the universe, but most was so predatory there had been no chance to evolve or devolve. When Jonathan asked how her people had evolved, she said, “Aahhdde …hemonntt kree … ate …heed bhhyy Ghott!” When he asked her to clarify what “creation” meant, she told him essentially that three planets had been blessed with creation. Life on any other planets was a result of nothing more than pollution by created beings.

      His mind reeled with questions after the statement of creation. He thought he might vomit. Forming a relevant question was almost impossible, but perhaps he wanted to hear it again so he asked, “How were you created, Baby?”

      “Seelliyy Jon-tathan, Ghott mhaakeees mhhee!”

      “God made you?”


      “What God made you?”

      “Jon-tathan, hoourr Ghott!”

      “Sooooo … you’re saying God---the same God---made our worlds?”

      “Ghott mhaakeees three whorlllss Jon-tathan! Oonhee, onee” not being able to say it properly, she held up one finger, “oonhe-e gohhnne!”

      “My God!”

      Adamonde said, “Yeessss!”

      “I meant it’s really hard to believe. How can it be that you are so far, I mean your planet is so far … I don’t know what I mean? I mean he is God after all, I guess. What happened to the other planet?”


      “How could an entire civilization die from diseases? Weren’t they advanced? There must have been billions die. How can that happen? My God, is that why you’re here?”


      “Weren’t they smart enough to solve their disease problem, Baby? What happened, did the disease vector or pathogen mutate? Did they blow themselves up?”


      “Will you please explain it, so I can understand it?”

      “Knooo, khyyoo dhoont beleef hhiinnn Ghott.”

      “I sometimes wish you would stay out of my mind, alien. Why would God let something happen like a young wife die of cancer? It makes no sense.”

      “Sheee thheere?”

      “No, I don’t see there! Are you giving me a lesson on theology?”

      “Jon-tathan haff nhooww.”

      “Baby, please talk to me our normal way for a bit. I know you’re trying to learn English-speak, but it tires you and me both. This is too deep.”

      She started walking and over her shoulder said, “Yheellooo teeeveee.”

      They went to the computer she called her yellow TV and grabbed the wireless keypad she was so fond of dancing with. The conversation went mental and keypad for about an hour.

      Adamonde told Jonathan Price that the Arama population died because they thought they were more intelligent than God. They didn’t understand the concept that everything was given them for long life and happiness, a lesson that Adamonde’s world had understood for millennia. There had been no contact with the Arama by her people, until the very last thousand years, after the machine had been developed to take advantage of dark-matter gravity wave, sling travel. The travel could only be terminated over water in any case and many attempts had been made to save the Arama; evidently without success.

      With every succeeding revelation came more questions, until the two weightiest arose. He saved them for last.

      “Baby, how old are you?”

      “Aahhdde … hemonntt isss baahbeee, mhiii luufff; sheeveen huuntrett yeeers, mee-bee.”

      “Seven hundred years old?”


      It was mind numbing and Jonathan had to delay his next question for fear of knowing. He reluctantly asked, “Will you ever go home, my love.”

      “Knooo, thiisss mhhiii hooome.”

      I mean is yours a one-way trip?”

      “Yeesss, affraaadd!”

      “My God, I know how afraid you must have been. I felt it when you arrived. It was profound.”

      “Affraaadd nhooww!”

      He looked at the face and knew. He grabbed her, almost in terror himself and spoke soothing words; supportive and calming words as he stroked and kissed her head. He transmitted his total resolve to protecting her and their children. He conveyed his undying love, devotion and protection as long as he lived, which could be a fraction of her lifespan. He vaguely heard her singing somewhere in his consciousness as he swore his life-long allegiance.


      Linda Donaldson arrived at the Price home without invitation. She banged on the door earnestly and it vaguely alarmed Jonathan to hear the thumping. When he saw the visitor through a side window he was truly worried. He and Adamonde had barely come to grips with the latest revelations and now Linda stood banging on their front door.

      Adamonde purposely didn’t connect with Linda. Only she and Jonathan knew why, but it stressed Linda more than any frightening story she surely had to tell. Finally, among all the indecision and fear, Adamonde practically flew past Jonathan to open the door and stop the racket. Linda screamed when the door flew open and she was practically sucked in by the vacuum it created.

      Linda invited herself in and just stood by the door attempting to connect with Adamonde. When she couldn’t, she sank to her knees and started crying. She gulped out where she’d been, who she’d seen and why she came to warn Adamonde and Jonathan. She calmed after Jonathan led her to the couch and Adamonde went spiraling into the kitchen to get her a sweet soft drink and some marshmallows.

      Linda started with, “On the plane, I was lamenting I’d told Larry too much. He works for some powerful folks, and … no, I just flat told him too damned much, attempting to ingratiate myself I guess. Son-of-a-bitch, I felt so good and he felt so good. I think he still loves me despite what I did to him.” Adamonde chirped from the kitchen and soon appeared at the doorway with two drinks.

      Linda drank practically all of hers before she continued blind into the vacuous tranquility coming from Jonathan and Adamonde, “We had a wonderful time, and I don’t think he believed a word I said, but if he comes up here from Guatemala, he’s going to want to see Adamonde. What do I tell him?”

      “Simple, tell him you lied to get in his britches.”

      “Shit, he’s going to think I’m insane if I do that. We’ve got to think of something better.”

      “We … don’t have to think of anything. He’s your problem Linda. We trusted you. He has no place in our lives. I’m glad as hell you two connected, but he has no place around Adamonde right now. Perhaps after the babies are born we can see what transpires, but now … no.”

      Jonathan continued to stare at Linda until she softly said, “Maybe he won’t come soon and the babies will be born before he gets here.”

      “What difference does that make, if he’s like ninety percent of humans; he’s going to want to cut her up. That ain’t gonna happen Linda!”

      “Shit, I’m so sorry you guys. I didn’t even know I screwed up until it hit me on the plane coming back. I’ll get out of here and leave you two alone. Can I come back tomorrow just to discuss this?”

      “Sure Linda, we all screw up from time to time. Come back