A Walk to Eternity. Philip OSB Vermaak

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Название A Walk to Eternity
Автор произведения Philip OSB Vermaak
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456605339

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alone in the desert? The establishment are much like the “firm” living in a dream world trying to control every other person with the lips of deceit, smooth talking their way into a fortune of greed.

       Fortunately I am not alone in my journey not only am I “sick and tired “ of singing yesterdays dreary repetitive choruses but God is too. Two thirds of God’s name is go and it is time to move on in power, victorious in the kingdom so that we can repel the forces of darkness that are so rapidly encroaching. It is time for a new song and a new life of promise and hope, a life of power, signs and miracles. It is time for change. We have to develop God’s church with His authority and dispose of the boards and committees and structures that seek to hold us down and hold us back. It is time to rise up and rejoice in our freedom, not being ashamed of the gospel. We can no longer afford the privilege of religion, which excludes us from being separated or called out. It is time to clean out the clutter and cobwebs from the temple so that we can get on and do the job for our Lord and master, our soon coming King. If we love and believe, as we should, then we should be enthusiastically seeking the face of God; there should be a feeling of urgency and not apathy. Judgment does begin with the house of God, but without the word of truth and the Holy Spirit there can be no judgment. There is so much more for the true believer to experience and achieve. Don’t lie down and give up, seek and you will find. Fight the good fight, lay hold of eternal life.


      If it smells like tradition if will stink like religion.

      The bible specifically prophecies a sequence of events for the body or “church” in the latter days, these events come to a crescendo in a moment of time known as the day of the Lord. These events are prophesied so that the church will have a milestone or point of reference in God’s timing and calendar in the execution of His plans for us. It would be extremely misdirected for the church to be looking at events taking place on the global scene and draw a conclusion as to what God might be doing or saying, even more so regarding events in Israel. God has his own ways, times and methods that invariably happen in unexpected ways and not such convenient times. The book of Revelation warns us to ensure that we hear what the spirit says to the churches, this is becoming more urgent than ever before in these times of increasing violence and strife and confusion. It is important to know what the spirit is saying because this will directly affect our prayer life. If we are hearing from God our prayers will be more specific and direct, we will be proactively spirit led and not reactively as it is today, this will result in a victorious church able to meet needs and reach the lost.

      The present day church cannot be Holy if it does not know what holiness and righteousness are, for this reason people need to have the knowledge of God. This has been a mystery up to now but God is about to reveal this so that the body can be fitly joined. The church is still trying to convince itself and the world about creation let alone all the other topics such as tongues, the law and the Sabbath etc. Jesus said on the cross “ it is finished” yet two thousand years later we are still trying to figure things out and reason beyond reason the simple truths. The most urgent and pressing need in the body right now is a fully functional “five fold ministry” which is purely God inspired and God motivated, the present structures and ministries have failed and failed miserably. Count the head stones if you do not believe me.

      Heb 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Perfection describes our resurrected Lord and dead works the things that lead to death. The latter day church will therefore be a church of substantial spiritual growth and one that is focused on things above, a church in which the love of God will be evident and obvious. It will be a church that even the Jew would be jealous of because of the way in which God will be worshipped and adored. This kind of church has a strong and clear prophetic voice of truth, speaking always the word of life and things pertaining to it. It will echo the heart of God and be able to discern the times and seasons according to the bible and not the first book of imaginations as has been the case for the last twenty years.

      A core of believers who have the mind of Christ, the love of God and are powerful ministers in the spiritual gifts will establish the latter day church. The people of the church will fit the description of God’s elect and will overcome by the power of their testimony. Having said that I am not advocating an elitist group or sect of “believers”, there are enough of them about. The opportunities are there for all but this specific group will be established by their own testimony and love for neighbor and the Lord, they will be a people of pure hearts and righteous in the eyes of God. It will not come through a degree in theology or a popular works programme; it will come to those that wait on the Lord. This church I believe will manifest as the latter day and last days prophesies manifest and become real. A body of people rooted and grounded in the knowledge of truth who are able to receive divine revelation will do this. It will be a church that is alive and will grow as the Lord adds to it; it will prosper like a flowing river as the people turn to the living God. Micah 4:1-2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. Haggai 2: 9 the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts. Zechariah 8: 16-23 These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: 17And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD.

      18And the word of the LORD of hosts came unto me, saying, 19Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace. 20Thus saith the LORD of hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities. The church will be very different and very significant, the preaching and teaching will be life focused, speaking on issues of an everlasting God and the eternal kingdom, eternal life and prosperity in it’s true sense.

      This latter day church will do far greater exploits than the church referred to in the book of Acts and this will only be possible because of the increase in knowledge of God and the resultant increase in the level of faith and pure love. This shift in faith will come from within and it will be like the difference between day and night, because of the exposing of the truth and the level of persecution. This will be the repentance that God is looking for the repentance spoken of in 2 Chronicles 7, there is another step to the alter; this is the repentance of unbelief and iniquity. To illustrate this I always refer to the third chapter of the book of Kings and the things that Solomon did not ask for. In other words you will not ask God for the things you know are your covenant promises or rights, the implied rights if you will. The Lord will not withhold any good thing, but it is for you to know the Lord your God. The fact that we have to be taught to love and trust God and to know Him displays our iniquity, you do not have to teach your children to love you or know you, they grow to love and trust and know you, it should be the same with us and our God. Maybe iniquity can best be described as the place between what it takes to convince someone and the point of belief, the not knowing and unbelief as well as the mistrust.

      Eve was created or birthed from the side of Adam; the latter day church was birthed from the side of Jesus when he was pierced with the spear of the soldier on the cross. The blood and the water; the cup and the spirit; the baptism and the New Testament; death in the baptism and life in the blood: Jesus died that we might live, God has always had the plan for the forgiveness of sin, it was repentance, Jesus did not die that your sins be forgiven, He died so that there would be a way to eternity, a new and living way, through the veil of His flesh. Jesus said I have come that you might have life. When we can get a hold of this, which is impossible for man but not for God, when we believe in the God of creation and not religion, then we will begin to climb the ladder of Jacob. We will begin to see what heaven is all about and share the spoils of victory. We will see Our God and live, we will see that our God is The Ancient of days, The God of Israel, a