A Walk to Eternity. Philip OSB Vermaak

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Название A Walk to Eternity
Автор произведения Philip OSB Vermaak
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456605339

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      A WALK



      into His presence

      Philip Vermaak

      Copyright 2011 Philip Vermaak,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0533-9

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      It is not a sin to want to live but you cannot live with sin

      Dear Reader

      This book has not been written for any personal ambition, I have written only that which God has revealed to me so that believers might gain a deeper insight of truth and the only plan that God has for mankind, salvation. It is not a summary of “my belief or theory, IT IS THE WORD OF GOD. The sin of unbelief is not excused in heaven. It is time for the church to hear what the Spirit says.” The bible teaches that all those in Christ will be raised from the dead, so why not believe the word of truth while you are alive, John 8:51. Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. Discard the teaching of “pagan salvation” do not hold to the traditions of man. True Christianity is the only teaching of everlasting life, the other is religious garbage, God’s word says your righteousness [religion} is as a filthy rag. Jesus asked the question, “Do you believe this?”

      Everybody will say they believe, but it is what they believe that matters. The world is full of false prophets [people who teach untruth] yet the “believers” fail to see it.

      Thank God for Jesus.

      Philip Vermaak

      P.S. The references to the “church” in this book includes the whole spectrum of churches and especially the so-called “church leadership”. The TRUE church is the one Jesus refers to as His body, the living body of believers of truth, the words spoken by Jesus.

      This book was completed with the assistance of my friend and brother in Christ Sam Probert who patiently and diligently put so much time into helping with the inclusion of the Bible verses. Thank you Sam for your encouragement and persistence and the help you have given me in producing this book.


      The revival of truth in the end time church

      The world today has an understanding of the word of God based on tradition, religion and culture, this viewpoint does not include the reality of divine vision and revelation which consequently detracts from the implied truth of the word. To get a clear understanding of God’s purposes and plans for us we need first to have knowledge of God and as directed in James we are to ask God for wisdom with this we then get divine revelation which gives the individual understanding of God and His purposes. We have to get, first the knowledge first hand from the bible and then, the revelation comes from the Holy Spirit, we have to disregard totally the opinions of religion and tradition. This is why God said, “For without a vision and without knowledge my people perish (die). I take this to mean then that if we have the right knowledge and we get the vision we will not die, impossible you say, and well you may, for you see this is typical of man’s understanding, with the limited knowledge and lack of understanding that we traditionally grow up with. God said your thoughts are not my thoughts meaning that our thoughts are diametrically opposed to His and He wants us to think like Him, and He thinks that if we obey Him we shall live. Not only does God think this He knows it, He said it and made a covenant to that effect, then He said it is His will that none should perish and even though he lives He shall never die. This is what God said and promised through the blood then sealed it in us with the Holy Spirit the incorruptible seed which by the way is the spirit that gives life eternally.

      The end time prophecies are given to the church for milestones in our daily walk and one of them Daniel 12 vs. 4 says But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. This prophecy refers to the knowledge of God and His word and does not have any significance to or with the “techno-age” which has burst to the forefront in our modern lives. God has told the prophets of old what is to come for our benefit we do not need the “Prophets” of the day to sway us from the paths of righteousness and truth, we have been warned in the book of Revelation to not let any MAN take our crown. The prophecy concerning the increase of knowledge is a sign for us that God is going to heal us of our spiritual blindness to prepare us for the Great day. Now if this does not tie in with your theology then I have to say it is a pity but it will not change God’s word one bit. It is a sign also that as the frustration abounds in man’s discomfort with the ways of the world the last avenue of truth is the pathway to life. Tell me what purpose is there to life if death is the reward, what purpose is there to eternal life if death is the passport. God said our wisdom is foolishness to Him, I think He agrees with me. I see no point in dying when Jesus has died once for all, certainly we cannot expect to go to heaven and start the whole process over again as unbelievers have no place up there. The angels were banished by God and we have even less hope of escape having tasted the fruit of salvation and righteousness.

      This plan for salvation had its beginning in the book of Genesis was manifested in the book of John and sealed in the book of Revelation 22: 14. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Today we think we are saved because we have confessed our sins and are born again but in reality confession is the end of sin and only the beginning of salvation. Salvation means to preserve life, so the very day you became born again is the day that you took your first step toward eternity. In the first few hundred years after the crucifixion, Philo had established that “pagan salvation “ believed that salvation meant leaving the physical body, through death, going to a higher place to God. Jesus never had to die to get your spirit to heaven, Jesus died so that we could be like Enoch who did not see death because his faith pleased God, and this is what God now expects from us. To achieve this Jesus made it so very simple for us and said, “ If we believe”. No fancy dress or rituals, no list of duties and works or programmes, will ever get your ticket to heaven; this is the reason why the principalities and powers of the day reject the word of life. They did so in the days of Jesus, the moment He declared that He is the bread of life every force in hell was set in motion to destroy Him. The plot is no different today as is evidenced by radical sectors of religion out to annihilate what they think to be the enemy. The upsurge in the physical realm is testimony to the activity in the spiritual because God is doing something and knowledge of the truth is being revealed. I have witnessed the reaction to this the true gospel of Christ Jesus, this gospel is the one thing that does away with a lot of man’s crutches and nullifies the power of money. There cannot be revelation without isolation and the clock is ticking. Truth is being revealed and the forces of darkness are being stirred into action in the physical realm to blindside truth, but the word will achieve that for which it has been sent.


      This book is devoted to my children whom I love so very dearly.


      Because God is committed to meeting our needs we can never give up, we must persevere.

      Adam was the first man to walk with God, Jesus the son of God walked and lived among man so to dispel the greatest “Christian myth” God has no problem with our fleshy body, Jesus said touch me feel me, flesh and bone he went to the right hand of the Father. The issue with God is the carnal mind of man and the man that is not filled with the holy spirit but the flesh body of man is