EcoChi: Designing the Human Experience. Debra Duneier

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Название EcoChi: Designing the Human Experience
Автор произведения Debra Duneier
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456605032

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gratitude and respect that I take this moment to thank all of the people who have touched my life profoundly with their knowledge, talents, inspiration and love. You have taught me that each of us has the power to positively impact others, as you have influenced my life with your light and presence.

      My journey has been a beautiful unfolding because of the teachers who generously shared their wisdom with me along the way. Some are professors, scientists and masters. Others are clients, friends, neighbors and loved ones. All have contributed to my life, my heart, my spirit and my work and I am grateful.

      I would like to express my deep appreciation, to Master Nan Lu, who advised me to pursue my gift, and to the teachers that followed: Roger Green, Nam Singh, Janus Welton, Patricia Michael, Jean Haner, Marnie Muller, Mark Hanf, Michael Rice, Kristen Bacorn, Ester Muller, Joan Mahon, E.J Shaffert and the teachers at the Holis Institute.

      To all of my “sisters”: thank you for your friendship, encouragement and unwavering confidence in me and my work. I treasure you, Edie Weiner—you are an eternal source of love and support in my life. Goldie Forman, your love of music, song and dance lives on in EcoChi. Forever in my heart, I am thankful for the time we shared together here on Earth.

      Every author understands that a book editor is an invaluable component to their finished product. thank you, Judy Katz and Bonnie Egan.

      To my artistic team, I am in admiration of your talents and tenacity; Jeremy Mack, book cover and EcoChi logo design; Bruce Jacobson, book design; Holden Jay, Photography; Susan Kroll, Stylist; Selenia Perez, Make-up and hair.

      I would like to give special recognition to my son Jamie Duneier, a television writer by profession, for his notes, late night conversations and always reminding me above all to trust my inner voice.

      Lastly, I would like to express my profound appreciation to Robert Friedland, my partner in life and in love, for his encouragement, patience and his unparalleled faith in me and my work. My life is complete and full with him by my side, and it is with great excitement that I look ahead, as we continue to explore life and its endless possibilities together.


      Every space has a life of its own, and impacts us as we go about our lives. Our actions, energy and thoughts, as well as our physical well-being, are all profoundly influenced by our surroundings. the design, color scheme, textures, light, furnishings, accessories and placement of each item in our indoor environments impact our senses from moment to moment and shape how we feel about ourselves and others. this is true whether we are at home, at work or in public spaces such as hotels, spas, hospitals, conference centers, retail stores and office buildings. This heightened understanding of how our interiors affect us both consciously and unconsciously is the solid foundation of the EcoChi System—the system I created and now implement in both residential and commercial properties.

      EcoChi is more than design. It’s a lifestyle shift that meticulously blends the powerful ancient and modern lessons of classical feng shui, green and sustainable living and environmental psychology to revolutionize how people feel when they are inside a building. Most of us spend 99% of our time indoors. When we are at work at our desks, watching sports on television, eating our meals at home or in restaurants, playing video games or enjoying museums or theater, it is easy to forget our connection to the outdoor world. Still, some of the happiest moments of our lives are spent outdoors. We all have recollections of these experiences—a blazing sunset, the scent of the ocean air, animal life encountered on a stroll through the woods, the view of a pastel sunrise from a mountaintop, a golden harvest moon or the fleeting glimpse of a mammoth butterfly.

      In Eastern philosophy, it is believed that life and the natural world are inseparable from one another. As we become more attentive to nature, we become more aware of ourselves. During my studies, I realized that if I could find ways to bring nature’s elements into indoor spaces, the effects on the inhabitants would be extremely positive. The possibilities of benefits seemed innumerable:

      •Attainment of personal goals such as wealth, love, happiness

      •Physical and mental well-being

      •Moving forward after a loss or crisis

      •Taking back the reins of control over one’s life

      •Living in harmony and balance

      When applied to businesses, it also adds other organic benefits:

      •Improving ROI (Return on Investment)

      •Happier employees resulting in lower turnover

      •Healthier working environment and reduced absenteeism

      •Satisfied customers and brand loyalty

      •Environmental responsibility for our planet and lower energy costs

      Once I realized the potential of EcoChi, my passion deepened. The idea of sharing this with as many people as possible became my life’s work.

      What is unique about EcoChi? How do I combine these disciplines in a way that offers transformational results? I will answer these questions in the chapters ahead and share with you how EcoChi performs in my own life, in businesses, public spaces and the lives of individuals. Many people generously shared their stories about their personal and business experiences with me. To protect their confidentiality, I have changed their names and other identifying characteristics. But their stories are true, and the results were, if anything, even more remarkable than I can adequately convey.

      By implementing the EcoChi system, you can open doors to new possibilities that will advance you professionally, while also bringing greater joy to you in all aspects of your personal life. EcoChi favorably impacts not only the inhabitants of a space, but also those who visit, work in spaces you provide or spend leisure time in public spaces you create. As you are about to discover, EcoChi is truly an equal opportunity transformational system.










Chapter One

      The Birth of EcoChi

      The birthing of EcoChi was a happy accident, one that began, as many such life-changing journeys often do, with a confluence of overwhelming events. One such event was the dot-com crash, which just about wiped out the Internet-based corporate gift business I had built and run with great success over the previous 17 years. Days filled with hundreds of orders became days when there were almost none. My business was in critical condition, so I was forced to close the larger of my two factories and reduce payroll by letting go of nonessential employees and cutting hours back for others. I also canceled any back orders with my suppliers. Debra Hope Creations, Inc. was on life support.

      On September 11th, 2001, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon took our loved ones before their time, rocked our souls and left our emotions raw. It was also devastating to businesses. This event landed the second knockout punch to my company and it was down for the count.

      It was during that time that I went to Chinatown to visit a Chinese Master of Acupuncture that a friend had recommended. I had a frozen shoulder and it was very painful. My doctor had me on a variety of anti-inflammatory drugs and excruciating physical therapies. Nothing was working but I was determined to avoid surgery. My friend Donna suggested that I give alternative medicine a try. I have to be honest with you; the thought of having a complete stranger sticking needles in my body made me queasy. This was also my first trip into Chinatown so the whole experience was very foreign, and I was definitely out of my comfort zone. As I lay on the table, the Master tried to move my