E.S.P. Extra Sensory Perception. J. B. Rhine PhD

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Название E.S.P. Extra Sensory Perception
Автор произведения J. B. Rhine PhD
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780828322881

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Prince, at the end of his introduction, directed readers to address their questions or comments to me or this Laboratory. I renew that invitation in our mutual interest. Today as part of our educational program we even have plans for the aiding of students (of whatever age) who want to turn their attention, in whatever degree, toward learning more about this still fascinating, still challenging, still enormously promising though far from easy field of inquiry.

      J. B. rhine, Director Parapsychology Laboratory

      Duke University

      Box 6847, College Station

      Durham, North Carolina

      The More General Introductions

1961 Murphy, Gardner: Challenge of Psychical Research. New York: Harper. Selected researches are reviewed to introduce: Telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis and the question of post-mortem survival.
1957 Rhine, J. B. and Pratt, J. G.: Parapsychology, Frontier Science of the Mind. A textbook, reference work, giving an introduction to the field, methods for testing, tables for evaluation, reading lists, and other research aids.
1947 Rhine, J. B.: The Reach of the Mind. New York: Wm. Sloane, 1947
1961 (Also, New York: Apollo Editions, 1961. Paperback edition.) A step-by-step review of the first 15 years of experiments on ESP and PK, beginning with the Duke research and covering main advances.
1937 Journal of Parapsychology. Twenty-five volumes. Published quarterly by The Duke University Press, Durham, N. C. A technical periodical, but articles are preceded by abstracts in non-technical language. There is a glossary of special terms.
Special Topics
1961 Rhine, Louisa E.: Hidden Channels of the Mind. New York: Wm. Sloane. The author reports on the studies she has made on the large collection of spontaneous psi (psychic) experiences, using selected examples to illustrate.
1960 Soal, S. G. and Bowden, H. T.: The Mind Readers. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co. ESP tests on two Welsh youths, carried out under a variety of conditions. Rewards of money were used, high scoring obtained.
1959 Schmeidler, G. R. and McConnell, R. A.: ESP and Personality Patterns. New Haven: Yale University Press. Deals first with general case for ESP, then with Schmeidler's ESP results correlated with subject's attitude toward ESP and certain other mental states.
1954 Soal, S. G. and Bateman, F.: Modern Experiments in Telepathy. New Haven: Yale University Press. Along with a review of other work on ESP, the authors report mainly on their own extensive ESP research done in England.
1938 Tyrrell, G. N. M.: Science and Psychical Phenomena (1938) and Apparitions (1953) (One volume, two books.) New York: University Books. 1961. The first is one of the clearer introductions to the earlier ESP researches (and mediumistic studies). The second is indicated by its title.
1956 Ciba Foundation Symposium: Extrasensory Perception. Boston: Little, Brown. A critical discussion of ESP work held in London in 1955 by a medical foundation.
1940 Rhine, J, B., Pratt, J. G., Stuart, C. E., Smith, B. M., and Greenwood, J. A.: Extrasensory Perception After Sixty Years. New York: Henry Holt. (Reprint?) This sums up the experimental work on ESP up to 1940. It contains invited criticism and replies, as well as reviews of methods, tables for use in evaluation, and a bibliography on ESP to 1940.
Other Books — Since 1934
1961 Gudas, Fabian: Extrasensory Perception: New York. Charles Scribner's Sons. Written to aid college freshmen in writing papers on ESP. Contains a wide variety of types of articles, some critical, some philosophical, and some to aid in writing a paper.
1961 Heywood, Rosalind: Beyond the Reach of Sense. New York: Dutton. A non-technical review mainly of the English SPR's research history, with large coverage of the studies of mediumship.
1960 Murphy, Gardner and Ballou, Robert 0.: William James on Psychical Research. New York: Viking Press. The writings of James on the subject with biographical and interpretative chapters by Murphy.
1957 Eysench, H. J.: Sense and Nonsense in Psychology: Baltimore, Md.: Penguin. One long chapter evaluates the case for ESP from the viewpoint of a neutral psychologist.
1954 West, D. J.: Psychical Research Today. London: Duck- worth. An English psychiatrist who has worked in parapsychology reviews the field critically—giving much attention to mediumship.
1953 Flew, Anthony: A New Approach to Psychical Research. London: Watts and Co. One philosopher's critical review of the field.
1947 Tyrrell, G. N. M.: Personality of Man: Baltimore, Md.: Penguin. A review for the general reader of studies mainly in British psychical research.
1946 Carington, W.: Thought Transference. New York: Creative Age Press. An English (psychologist) research worker's review mainly of his own investigation of ESP.

      Other Periodicals in English, devoted mainly to Parapsychology.

Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1, Adam & Eve, Mews, Kensington, London, W.8.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 1, Adam & Eve, Mews, Kensington, London, W.8.
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 880 Fifth Avenue, New York 21, N.Y.
Parapsychological Monographs, 29 West 57th St., New York 19, N. Y.

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