A Healing Legend: Wisdom from the Four Directions. Garry Flint

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Название A Healing Legend: Wisdom from the Four Directions
Автор произведения Garry Flint
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456601362

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      A Healing Legend:

      Wisdom from the four directions


      Garry Flint


      Jo C. Willems

      NeoSolTerric Enterprises

      Vernon, British Columbia

      Copyright 2011 Flint, Garry A. & Willems, Jo C.,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0136-2

      NeoSolTerric Enterprises

      c/o Garry A. Flint

      5609 Allenby Place

      Vernon, BC V1T8P6

      Email: [email protected]

      Website: www.neosolterric.com

      Cover by Jo C. Willems

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic, tape, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise permission from the authors.


      The reader assumes entire responsibility for what he or she may do with the information presented here. The material in this book is experimental and is based on clinical results. There has been no peer-reviewed research proving the efficacy of this treatment method.

      The authors offer this information with the clear understanding that the information presented here is not a substitute for professional mental-health advice or any other professional advice, he or she should seek the services of a competent professional.


      Garry A. Flint

      Thank you to First Nations Elder Patrick Adrian for giving me a valuable gift that changed my spiritual and professional life. I thank Roger Callahan, the developer and principle teacher of Thought Field Therapy (Callahan, 2006), who taught me the treatment method he discovered.

      I also want to thank all the patients who were my teachers while I developed the Process Healing Method (Flint, 2006). I especially want to acknowledge the patient who first showed me that it was possible to do Callahan’s external treatment method internally without conscious involvement.

      Garry A. Flint and Jo C. Willems

      We are grateful to Jason, Ryan, and Joy Haxton, Denise Farmer, Donna Cameron, Joan Davidson, and Margaret Peterson who read and critiqued the book as we developed it. We also want to thank Christopher Butler of WordsRU.com who offered significant editing suggestions for the manuscript and Claudia Volkman of Elance.com for the final proofreading.


      A First Nations Elder told Garry Flint that, before 1900, Elders would meet and communicate in a manner that didn't involve spoken language. After a meeting, the elders did what they agreed on with their unspoken communication. The idea of unspoken communication caught our attention and Garry started thinking about different ways to teach a healing process. Storytelling is a natural way of doing this.

      The authors designed this little book to teach a healing process to your inner-self that can heal many of your emotional issues. They present the healing process metaphorically through a delightful tale about a boy who has problems with his thoughts and a schoolyard bully.

      Teaching the inner-self how to treat personal issues is the basis of the Process Healing Method (Flint, 2006). During the twelve years of using this method, Flint occasionally noted something very interesting. Some patients reported that they noticed positive changes beginning to happen to those around them-the spontaneous transfer of the healing process. Was this communication without spoken language? Clearly, in some way, this healing process was being shared with others. After you listen to the book, will you notice others changing around you?

      This little book has had significant impact on some people’s lives. While not true for everyone, the authors believe that many readers will experience positive life changes after reading this book.

      A Healing Legend:


      from the

      Four Directions

      A Story Before the Story


      THINGS change, that’s the way it is in the mountains— that’s the way it is everywhere. Sometimes things in nature change very slowly and cannot be easily seen, like the trees growing in the forest. Sometimes things change on a regular basis, like the day-to-day living of a squirrel and baby birds growing up. Sometimes things change very quickly, then settle to a new way of being and don’t change for a long time. That is where our story begins...

      A long time ago, a great glacier covered the peaks and valleys of a mountain range. For thousands of years, the movement of the glacier ice wore away the loose soil and softer rock along the highest crest. Eventually this created the towering rocky walls of a circular valley near the top of one of the peaks. When the glacier melted at the end of the last ice age, the ragged stone walls of the cirque were revealed, making the peak look a lot like the indented crown of an old-fashioned ranger’s hat.

      Winter and spring, the water on the walls froze and melted repeatedly, breaking off many chunks of rocks. Most of the chunks of rock that fell away got caught up in the soft soils of the alpine meadows or rolled farther down the mountain where they became stuck behind trees or other rocks. And there they remained, seemingly unchanged forever. However, some of the largest chunks rolled all the way down to the bottom of the valley and ended up in the riverbed.

      Over time, the f low of the river water changed the stones. Some were worn as smooth as the inside of a bathtub. Some of them rolled around in the current until they were broken into pebbles, then into even smaller pebbles and finally ground to sand, all the while moving further down the stream. In this way, a goodly amount of the mountaintop, mostly in the form of fine sand and silt, had traveled all the way to the ocean. And the ocean was hundreds of miles away.

      Then, on no particular day, one large boulder cracked off the stone walls far above the valley and rolled down the steep mountainside to settle into a shaky balance on a mess of rubble just above the river. The very weight of the rock’s great size held it into place, jammed against many other smaller rocks. It was bigger than a house and leaned at an odd angle, over hanging the valley, where it remained for thousands of years while the rest of the valley, and indeed the world, changed around it.

      The broad river valley below the rock was a special place. It was sheltered and faced south, exposing the land to the warming rays of the sun, even in winter. And it was one of the first spots to melt out every spring, making it a good place for all living plants and animals. When this unusual valley was discovered, it became a popular winter home for the first peoples of this land.

      The people were special too, having learned to live from what nature offered. Their customs and their ways of doing things were based on knowledge gained through the experience of many generations. Part of that knowledge was the importance of working for the good of all and thus ensuring the survival of the whole nation. For many generations they wintered