The Root of Chinese Qigong. Jwing-Ming Yang

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Название The Root of Chinese Qigong
Автор произведения Jwing-Ming Yang
Жанр Медицина
Издательство Медицина
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781594391378

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during the day you should face the east simply because the influence of the sun’s energy is more significant than that of the Earth’s magnetic field. During the night, when the influence of the sun has waned, it is probably best to face south if you are in the Northern Hemisphere.

      Within the human magnet, we may again assume that there are millions of smaller magnets that correspond to the cells (Figure 4-10). Just as every cell has its own minute electrical field, so too does each cell have its own magnetic field. Indeed, the two are merely different aspects of the same force. When all of these small magnetic fields are combined together, they form a complete human magnetic field. All of these magnetic fields remain steady as long as there is no other energy source to disturb them. However, whenever any extra energy is generated either inside or outside of this field, the field will no longer be steady, and an electrical current will be generated. Each time this happens, the body’s field must rebalance itself, and a new pattern of energy must be formed.

      This means that if there is no energy source for the human magnet, the magnetic field will not be disturbed and naturally there will be no energy circulating in this field. In this case the body is dead. However, when you are alive, food and air Essence generates energy inside your magnetic field through biochemical reaction. This energy builds up in your solar plexus, and then circulates throughout your body by way of the Qi channels, which are highly conductive paths through the fascial tissue. As the energy circulates in your body, it is important that every part, especially the organs, receives the right amount in order to function properly.


      Let us take an even closer look. According to Chinese medical science, the electricity (Qi) circulates throughout your body from one channel to the next in a specific order. One end of each channel is therefore positive, and the other end negative. If an acupuncturist wishes to use a magnet to correct the Qi level of a channel, he must know how the magnetic field will influence the internal Qi circulation. He must know how Qi circulates and in what direction it circulates. He must also know how to orient the poles of the magnet. Wrong orientation will only worsen the situation. According to reports I have read about the use of magnets in acupuncture, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Possibly the failures are due to the acupuncturist’s not taking the orientation of the magnets into account.


      Time and the Human Electromagnetic Field. Since we are part of the Earth’s electromagnetic field, our own fields are affected by variations in the Earth’s energy field. These variations can be caused by such sources as the moon, the sun, or even the stars. The most obvious cycle that we are exposed to is that of the day. Every twenty-four hours our bodies should go through a cycle as the Earth rotates once and goes through a cycle of light and day. The rotation of the Earth is in turn affected by the sun’s energy. It has been proposed that there is another cycle generated by the moon’s influence on the Earth’s energy pattern which repeats every twenty-eight days. Since the sun moves higher and lower above the southern horizon throughout the year, our bodies also go through a yearly cycle as well. The Chinese believe that the Earth and human beings go through other cycles every twelve and sixty years because of the influence of the stars. If you wish to study the human electromagnetic field, you must also take all of these cycles into your consideration.

      Human Magnetic Model. Based on the above information, I would like to offer a magnetic model for a human being in the Northern Hemisphere on Earth. In Qigong society it is common knowledge that there are three energy storage areas from which energy can be taken and used without limit. These three places are called Dan Tian, or the Fields of Elixir. The Lower Dan Tian is thought of as the furnace of Original Qi. Let us consider it the north pole of the human magnetic field since the energy originates there. Let us consider the Upper Dan Tian (the third eye) to be the south pole because it receives energy (Figure 4-10). Science tells us that the lines of force in a magnetic field start from the north pole and end up at the south pole. In Qigong practice, the Qi originates at the Lower Dan Tian and ends up at the Upper Dan Tian to nourish the brain. The north pole is higher in energy and is in a relatively excited state while the south pole is lower in energy and is in a calm and steady state.

      In his report on biomagnetics, Richard Leviton states: “One magnet practitioner, both a physician and a researcher, is Dr. Richard Broeringmeyer, a chiropractor, nutritionist, and publisher of the Bio-Energy Health Newsletter in Murray, Kentucky. ‘Life is not possible without electromagnetic fields,’ he said, ‘and optimum health is not possible if the electromagnetic fields are out of balance for long periods of time. Magnetic energy is nature’s energy in perfect balance.’ Each of a magnet’s two poles has a different energy and influence, says Broeringmeyer. The bipolar function is near the heart of biomagnetism.”3

      In regard to the two poles, I believe that it is the magnetic north pole at the Lower Dan Tian which offers energy or Qi. It is able to increase the overall vital life force, strength, and development of a living system. In contrast, the south pole or the Upper Dan Tian accepts energy or Qi. It acts to slow down, to calm, and to control the development of a living system.

      You may understand now why I have located the poles of our magnetic field on either side of the Middle Dan Tian (solar plexus). The Middle Dan Tian can be considered the furnace where the Essences of food and air are converted into electricity and generate an EMF for circulation.


      The above assumptions are based on Chinese Qigong systems that were developed in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth over the last several thousand years. I do not know if this theory is accurate, or how the poles affect living things in the Southern Hemisphere. The implication, however, is that people in the Southern Hemisphere have their magnetic poles reversed from how they are in the Northern Hemisphere. In other words, their Upper Dan Tian will offer energy while the Lower Dan Tian will receive it. Can this mean that, while the brains of people in the Northern Hemisphere are constantly being nourished, the brains of people in the Southern Hemisphere are being depleted? Does this explain why most technology was developed in the Northern Hemisphere? Do people in the Southern Hemisphere live longer because their Lower Dan Tian is their south pole and it absorbs and retains Qi better than the Dan Tian of a person in the Northern Hemisphere? I have heard of several doctors who recommend that patients who have lost their energy balance spend time on the equator, where the Earth’s magnetic field has a minimal affect, and their bodies will be able to rebalance themselves. These are exciting and challenging ideas. It is time for a wide-scale study of human energy or Qigong in every corner of this world.


      If Qi channels are areas where the electrical conductivity of the body tissue is higher than elsewhere, then we have answered one of the great questions of Qigong. In addition to explaining how Qi circulates, this can also enable us to learn what the ancients were never able to discover: the shape of the channels, and their exact location. In the past we have only been able to do Qi research on living people, but now we should be able to use cadavers and measure electrical conductivity throughout the body, and thereby determine the precise location and shape of the channels.


      We may assume that what are called the Qi vessels are tissues that can store electrical charges like a capacitor. The body has eight of these capacitors (called the eight extraordinary vessels) that are responsible for regulating the current circulating in the twelve channels. If this assumption is true, we should be able to determine the exact location and characteristics of these vessels with today’s technology.


      Acupuncture cavities are small spots on the body where the electrical conductivity is higher than the surrounding areas.2 Electricity is conducted between the main electrical channels (Qi channels) and the surface of the skin more easily