Your Key to Good Health. Elaine Hruska

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Название Your Key to Good Health
Автор произведения Elaine Hruska
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876048498

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either or both my hay fever and sinuses, with my asthma . . . ?” The answer was, “Well, all of these are associations with the lymph circulation, and with this engorgement these naturally cause—from the sinus—a general disturbance; as also does the hay fever.” (3127-1)

      What happens in the lymph system during an infection? It is as though a battle or a war were taking place within our bodies, which react to the invasion by assembling troops. The security forces are called upon. Our mucous membranes swell, while lymph vessels and nodes enlarge. The white blood cells destroy the invaders and remove them, taking them away like prisoners. However, if we have a poorly functioning lymph circulation, our defense system may be compromised. This circumstance, then, opens the door to an exacerbated condition, such as catarrh, sinusitis, chronic colds, sore throats, and so on. The resultant congestion, in other words, can be traced to a worsening and stagnation of lymph. (Chapter 6 will describe various methods to get the lymph circulation flowing more efficiently.)

      Swelling. Any abnormal enlargement of a body part is described as a swelling. When an abnormally large amount of fluid accumulates in connective tissue or intercellular spaces of the body or in body cavities, it is known as edema (also called dropsy). If the fluid accumulates in the tissue spaces and organs in the cavity of the abdomen, it is known as ascites.

      A number of people occasionally experience puffiness in certain areas of their bodies, such as fingers, ankles, face, wrists, feet, or legs. For many, the condition is not serious, only symptomatic. While several causes exist for fluid retention, or swelling, by one’s body, a few instances in the readings pointed to improper or poor lymph circulation. Here are some extracts as examples:

      (Q) What is cause and cure for swelling on face?

      (A) As indicated, there is the tendency for the emunctory [excretory] and lymph circulation to be so increased—by the humor created by subjugation in other portions of the body—as to create this activity.

      Drainages set up by the stimulation of those centers as indicated, from the mechanical way and manner, will relieve these conditions.


      This twenty-one-year-old woman harpist, who received this reading on May 17, 1934, was also experiencing erosion of the head of her femur (thighbone), which had first become apparent in February 1925. The recommendation of “Drainages . . . from the mechanical way and manner” referred to osteopathic adjustments, leading to successful relief of the swelling. In her later years, however, she wound up in a wheelchair, having to wear a brace, and eventually passed away on Thanksgiving morning, November 26, 1992, at the age of eighty.

      On Halloween Day, October 31, 1930, a forty-year-old woman, according to the information in her reading (no background or follow-up reports and no check reading), had a hyperthyroid condition. She was also suffering from asthenia (weakness; loss of strength or energy), shortness of breath, poor circulation and digestion, and pleurisy. The reading noted the swelling in her limbs, ankles, and feet and the cause: “This is the lack of lymph circulation, or may be termed oppositely, in that the lymph is full without the proper amount of pressure in the lower extremities to carry circulation back properly.” (130-1)

      The reading advised the Wet-Cell Appliance with iodine solution gradually added to create a proper balance in her digestive system; osteopathic manipulations; a diet rich in iron, calcium, silicon, and phosphorus; plenty of rest; a moderate amount of exercise; and mullein stupes for the “swollen side, caused by pleurisy and swollen veins.” When she asked how long it would take “to bring the body to normal,” this answer, reflecting the balance between mind and body, was given:

      In three to five weeks, as given, there will be the definite change for the betterment of the body. As to the responses from then on, will depend upon the conditions in the body itself—the mental attitude, the rate of vibration as is kept, and the activities of same. Don’t eat too much—don’t get scared—don’t work too fast—don’t think too hard!


      Imbalances in pressure, mentioned a number of times in the readings, are responsible in part for poor lymph flow, as in [130]’s case above. For Mrs. [1433], who received her first of ten readings on August 27, 1937, and was suffering from uricacidemia (an accumulation of uric acid in the blood), this comment was offered:

      In the nervous system, we find the pressures from poisons that dilate the emunctory and the lymph centers produce a little swelling in the lower limbs and the knees, about the abdomen, and those areas in the brachial centers and the limbs in the upper portion of the body—all cause acute conditions from pressures and from the poisons in the system.


      A series of sal soda (washing soda) packs was recommended as well as Toris Compound (a laxative preparation), colonics, adjustments, the Wet-Cell Appliance with atomic iodine (Atomidine), and a diet of more vegetables, fewer starches. She had difficulty in getting help to follow her readings, required nursing care, and in 1942 a routine mailing to her address was returned unclaimed.

      One fifty-five-year-old man asked in his reading about a small swelling on the left side of his spine. It was neither red, inflamed, nor painful, so it did not really bother him.

      This is an accumulation of lymph. The Glyco-Thymoline Packs should be applied over this area, for these will take away the pressures that have been causing other disturbances in the body. Let the Packs be applied about twice a week, leaving them on until the two or three thicknesses of cotton cloth have dried out from the body absorption.


      In his next reading, he was advised to continue the packs, “for through this means [the packs] we are gradually reducing the tendency for the accumulation of lymph pockets in the tissue through those areas.” (3079-3) The term lymph pockets was used in a number of readings, suggesting the formation of sacs or pouches where excessive lymph accumulates. These pockets, if not dissipated over time, seem to be the forerunner of cysts, hence the encouragement in [3079]’s reading to continue use of the Glyco packs to prevent cyst formation.

      Another reading made a reference to the possibility of the formation of tumors, as a condition of a swollen abdomen. This forty-five-year-old woman apparently was diabetic, according to the information in her reading (“too great a quantity of sugars for a nominal balance”), and overweight. In her only reading (no background information or follow-up reports), she asked just two questions: about the pain in her back and the swelling in her abdomen. She wondered if she had a tumor. The response to her latter question was that the swelling was a “natural reflex . . . It is only of the lymph and emunctory circulation, which causes

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