The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy. Harold J. Reilly

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Название The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy
Автор произведения Harold J. Reilly
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047392

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. . general massage . . . over the whole of the system, specifically in those areas along the cerebrospinal system, following some heat (not too great a heat) from a sweat and a rubdown.

      The general massage, following the sweat and shower and rubdown would be with oils, preferably for this body combined in this way and manner: to 4 ounces of Russian white oil as the base, add—in the order named

       1 ounce olive oil;

       1 ounce oil of wintergreen;

       ½ ounce of compound tincture benzoin; and

       1 ounce of rosewater.

      Then would follow a rubdown with grain alcohol (not rubbing alcohol, but grain alcohol). This would be along the cerebrospinal system and over the abdomen, and especially across the diaphragm area.

      Such a treatment would be given about four times each week for three weeks, then rest from same for a week and a half to two weeks. Then it would begin again. (1030-1)

      Later the woman wrote Cayce, “When Dr. Reilly gave me my first therapy, he was sure (he told me later) that I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Now I’m so much better that he doesn’t fear that any more.”—H.J.R.

      The above cycle of treatments was to be alternated during the rest periods with diathermy treatments given twice each week:

      We would have the diathermy treatments; that is, the electrical forces to make for the stimulation to the body itself in the areas as indicated by the massages.

      And we should find, by the second or third period or round of these treatments, these conditions will be almost entirely eliminated. (1030-1)

       Case 5288

      A forty-three-year-old woman wrote Cayce in desperation after three hospitals and many doctors had been unable to diagnose her “baffling disease.” One doctor had said that the symptoms came nearer to resembling disseminated lupus erythematosus than anything else and the only treatment was rest and keeping out of the sun. She had been doing that for months, she said, and the disfiguring skin eruption was still all over her face and neck.

      Cayce correctly described all the symptoms she was experiencing along with the rash—nausea, headache, weakness, poor elimination, and disturbances with the sensory organs.

      The trouble, Cayce said, came from a breakdown of the normal channels of elimination, and poisons that should be eliminated through the respiratory system or kidneys were coming out though the skin.

      Treatment included application of shortwave electrical appliances to empty the gallbladder and stimulate central forces in the kidneys, and twice-a-week gentle, relaxing massage. She should take internally once a day three to five drops of elixir of lactated pepsin in half a teaspoon of milk of bismuth in one-half to three-quarters of a glass of water.

      Later the woman wrote Cayce, “When Dr. Reilly gave me my first therapy, he was sure (he told me later) that I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Now I’m so much better that he doesn’t fear that any more.”

      There was a large element of emotional and mental strain in her illness. Her husband had been in prison and she had made great sacrifices to get him home. Then, when he returned, he was mentally ill.

      “The worry, the strain, the constant watching resulted, I am sure, in my becoming ill with what the doctors considered an unknown disease. Not one doctor of all those that treated me had ever asked me if I were worried or had any problems,” she wrote.

      Today, medical practitioners would immediately look for psychosomatic causes in a skin disease, but not that many years ago. But Cayce was treating the whole person, not symptoms, and already preaching the doctrine that “healing begins in the mind.”

       Case 3040

      Mrs. “EMA,” Garden City, New York, was a fifty-two-year-old woman who had had so many operations, there seemed scarcely anything left of her normal bodily functions. Over the years, to try to relieve severe low spinal pain, frequent attacks of indigestion, and severe headaches, doctors had removed her appendix and right ovary, gallbladder, the fundus of the uterus (due to large tumors), and her tonsils. She had undergone operations for suspension of the uterus and suspension of the right kidney, and a septum operation, but all to no avail. She was getting weaker and losing weight; had become allergic to many foods and materials, which caused intense pain and pressure over the eyes, lasting for days; had lost fingernails; and had suffered arthritic condition of the joints, recurring spastic colitis, indigestion, distension, and gallbladderlike attacks.

      The treatment that Cayce prescribed was as follows:

      First, then:

      As demonstrated first at Reilly’s, we would use the ultra-violet with green light projected—doing this about twice each week—for twenty minutes. This would necessitate that the light be at least several feet from the body—eight to ten feet, but the green light only about eighteen or twenty inches from the body, and this moved to include the area from the throat and lungs to the end of the spine—that is, so as to cover the whole spinal area during the twenty minutes, see? For this particular body, do not use the ultra-violet without the green glass between same and the body.

      Once each week, immediately following such a light treatment, have a thorough rubdown with an equal combination of Peanut Oil and Witch Hazel. It is best that these be mixed just as they are to be used on the body, or just before they are to be used, see? Massage this combination into the spine, all the body will absorb. And then, not too roughly, but gently, knead this into the activities of the alimentary canal—that is, by the gentle kneading so that there will be an aid to the general peristaltic movement through the alimentary canal. Hence knead the abdomen, you see, which would include the stomach itself—gently.

      Then, be careful as to diets. Do not mix too much starches, ever. There should be taken considerable of the fruit juices, and do include in same a great deal of watercress and beets and beet tops.

      These as we find, if they are followed, would be the better forces for this body.

      For the general glandular system—we would take internally one drop of Atomidine in half a glass of water each morning for five days—before the morning meal, you see. Then leave it off five days. Then take again. Keep repeating this procedure for at least several months. (3040-1)

      This case was interesting because it was one where I could not follow the language of the directions given in the reading without some danger to the patient, and I used my own judgment in interpreting and modifying the reading. When the patient wrote to Cayce, Cayce sustained my judgment and the exchange of letters illustrates the growth of mutual confidence between us.

      The difference involved was the timing and the placement of the lights. Mrs. “EMA” [3040] wrote this to Cayce:

      I have been to Dr. H.J. Reilly for the massage with the peanut oil and witch hazel, but he says that it would be impossible to have the light 8 to 10 feet away from the body and the green glass close (18 to 20 inches) from the body. He put it about two feet away with the green glass directly in front of the ultra-violet light. What do you think—will this be just as beneficial [?]

      Dr. Reilly mentioned that usually it is suggested how many times one should have these treatments. In your reading, it is suggested that I have the light 20 minutes, but I received it only 3 minutes as he was afraid it might burn my skin . . .

      Mr. Cayce responded on June 22, 1943:

      Have yours of the 18th. I do hope you will be able to obtain the Atomidine. As for the light treatment let Dr. Reilly direct that. If he is not able to have light far away he is correct in the short time, for a burn would be very bad and that long a period close would burn, am sure. Feel sure you will get the benefits, but do keep trying to find the Atomidine.