The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy. Harold J. Reilly

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Название The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy
Автор произведения Harold J. Reilly
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876047392

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soldiers and that “the entity had the ability to be masterful in the games in the arena,” which possibly explains my interest from boyhood in athletics and conditioning. I had always been puzzled by my bent, since no one in the family before me had been particularly inclined to athletics or therapy: “Hence the games of the Romans, the baths of the Romans, dress of the Romans, are to the entity in the present . . . of particular interest; and much may be gained by the entity in the present by following those lines of thought pertaining to the particular activity of the entity in the past,” also a possible explanation of my early interest in hydrotherapy.

      In Egypt, Cayce said, I kept the records on the arts of healing and those of music: “The entity then through these activities brought much to a disturbed people; and aided those that would be called physicians of the day in establishing places of retreat and conditions that might aid the individuals and groups in cleansing their bodies, purifying their minds, by the activities of the body, and by the classifying of the foods during the period.” (438-1)

      Perhaps this explains my exceptional success with musicians right down to the date of this writing.

      The reading dealt with two other incarnations: one as a member of the company of Eric the Red “when the entity was among those of that company who made the first attempts for the permanent settlement in the land known as Vineland on coasts about Rhode Island and portions of the land lying north of Massachusetts. Then the entity was strong in body, in mind and in the activities both on the land and the sea and was in name Osolo Din.”

      Another incarnation dealt with a sojourn in Atlantis. There was much more about my character, emotions, spiritual life—all of it remarkably accurate and perceptive in describing me as I now am and the roots of my present characteristics in previous incarnations. In any case, the reading established beyond a question that I was predestined for the work of healing through physiotherapy and drugless therapy, and that I would be doing this work in many future lifetimes as I had in past lives.

      In the question period I was able to ask about something that was giving me sleepless nights. I had been negotiating to get space for an enlarged Reilly Health Service Institute in Rockefeller Center, which was then under construction. David Kahn and a wealthy client who had worked closely with officials of RCA were helping me. My client had opened a line of credit for me, for I had not nearly enough money to finance the $125,000 necessary to set up such an establishment. However, we had run into snag after snag in dealing with the building’s sponsors and management.

      Cayce said that among my incarnations I had been a Roman gladiator in the arena and had served with Nero’s soldiers and that “the entity had the ability to be masterful in the games in the arena,which possibly explains my interest from boyhood in athletics and conditioning. I had always been puzzled by my bent, since no one in the family before me had been particularly inclined to athletics or therapy.—H.J.R.

       At the time of my life reading I had been negotiating for over two years and I was very discouraged. In fact, I was ready to drop the whole thing. I put the question to Cayce: “Is it advisable to continue my efforts to secure an establishment in Radio City?” —H.J.R.

       I have always been deeply grateful to Cayce and I tried to express that gratitude in concrete ways. If at any time a person had secured a reading in which the type of work that was to be done at my institute was beyond the means of the patient, I would gladly give them all the necessary treatments free of charge. This commitment I honored during the life of the institute. —H.J.R.

      At the time of my life reading I had been negotiating for over two years and I was very discouraged. In fact, I was ready to drop the whole thing. I put the question to Cayce: “Is it advisable to continue my efforts to secure an establishment in Radio City?”

      “Advisable to continue,” he replied. “As we find, this should culminate in the latter part of the coming year, when those influences from the efforts of others from without are attracted to the activities of the entity and bring better relationships.”

      There were other words of guidance and reassurance. Encouraged by the reading, I persisted. Fourteen months after the reading—in December 1934—the lease was sent to me for signing. Everything I had been working for was incorporated in it. However, during the negotiations and plans for my establishment, I found that my space needs were even greater than originally anticipated. I needed another thousand square feet of space. Should I try to change the terms of the lease or let well enough alone?

      With the confidence generated by the Cayce reading, I took the long chance and asked for the extra space. The Rockefellers okayed my request, making me a very happy man and again corroborating Edgar Cayce’s great gift of prophecy.

      I have always been deeply grateful to Cayce and I tried to express that gratitude in concrete ways. If at any time a person had secured a reading in which the type of work that was to be done at my institute was beyond the means of the patient, I would gladly give them all the necessary treatments free of charge. This commitment I honored during the life of the institute.

      In the years since my friend’s passing I have tried to honor his memory by making full use of the many suggestions he gave for the body and mind. And I have insisted that anyone wishing to be treated by me become a member of the A.R.E. I do this not only because of my interest in supporting the organization but because the patient’s attitude is so important. Unless the patient is attuned mentally and spiritually, results can be very disappointing. Attitude is all-important in achieving success with Cayce treatments. The key word is attunement. Cayce and I shared a common viewpoint. We do not treat diseases—we treat, care for, and teach people. I think this quotation from one of his readings sums up this philosophy of healing:

      ... all strength, all healing of every nature is the changing of the vibrations from within—the attuning of the divine within the living tissue of a body to Creative Energies. This alone is healing. Whether it is accomplished by the use of drugs, the knife, or what not, it is the attuning of the atomic structure of the living cellular force to its spiritual heritage. (1967-1)


      The Cayce Philosophy of Healing

      The attitude of the patient is of primary importance in achieving success with the “Cayce CARE” therapy. Long before the medical profession had generally accepted the concept of psychosomatic illness, Cayce recognized the unity of body, mind, and spirit.

      Some of you may remember Adelaide’s famous song from the musical Guys and Dolls, in which she blames her cold on frustration caused by her lover. Many years before this Broadway success, Cayce told a thirty-six-year-old man: “ . . . when there is the ruffling of your disposition, when there is any anger, it prepares the system so that it blocks the flow of the circulation to eliminating channels. Thus you can take a bad cold from getting mad. You can get a bad cold from blessing [cursing] out someone else, even if it is your wife.” (849-75)

       Edgar Cayce on Anger

      For anger can destroy the brain as well as any disease. For it is itself a disease of the mind! (3510-1)

      (Q) Any other advice or counsel?

      (A) Only as to the attitude. As indicated for most people and it is very well here: don’t get mad and don’t cuss a body out, mentally or in voice. This brings more poisons than may be created by even taking foods that aren’t good. (470-37)

      (Q) Am I working too hard for my health?

      (A) If the body imagines that it is working too hard, it’s working awfully hard! But if you will make play of the work [seeing] that as an opportunity, it’s not so hard. (1968-6)

      (Q) How can I keep from worrying so much about my wife’s health?

      (A) Why worry, when ye may pray? Know that the power of thyself is very limited. The power of Creative Force is unlimited. (2981-1)

      To be sure attitudes oft influence the physical