Mindwalking. Nancy Eubel

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Название Mindwalking
Автор произведения Nancy Eubel
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780876046333

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the first step on the path of remembrance . . . As you walk, begin counting backwards from 100, either out loud or silently to yourself . . . placing one foot in front of another . . . Each step taking you further and further back in time . . . Walking further and further back with each number . . . Feeling more relaxed, more peaceful as you continue to walk this path . . . having a sense of anticipation as you come closer and closer to that time . . . Continue to walk down the path until you see or experience an opening of some kind in front of you . . . Discontinue counting and walk with your Higher Self through the opening into another place and time . . .

      When you have walked through the opening, orient and ground yourself . . . First, notice where you are in relation to your body . . . Are you looking out of your eyes or are you looking at yourself from outside? . . . Are you above, behind, or to the side of your body? . . . If you are not completely in your body, direct your consciousness there, and look out of your eyes . . . Feel your feet . . . Send a grounding cord from your root chakra at the base of your spine down to the center of Mother Earth and connect there . . .

      Once you are in your body and grounded . . . become aware of what you are wearing, how old you are, what your sex is, and anything else about yourself that is important . . . Then take time to look at your surroundings . . . Enlist all your senses so that you might fully experience this life . . . Notice whether you are inside or out . . . Are you alone with your Higher Self or are there other people there with you? . . . What is this place like? . . . What time of year? . . . Are there buildings, and if so, what are they like? Set out with your Higher Self and explore . . . Perhaps you even hear someone call your name.

      When you are ready, ask your Higher Self to take you to the most significant event for you in this life, whether it be further back or forward time . . . to re-experience the event and people that will allow you to recapture the sense of joy, happiness, and fulfillment you felt then . . . You will be able to bring that good feeling back with you to this current life . . . Take it all in with each of your senses . . . Feel, hear, smell, touch, and even taste this life in which you found great joy and satisfaction . . . Take in every aspect that will benefit you in your current life . . . Spend as much time here as you desire . . . Feel it deep within your heart . . . Ask to experience all the important events and people of that life that was so fulfilling . . . and when you are ready, place your hand on your heart to retain this feeling, and prepare to return . . .

      With your Higher Self by your side, you easily find the opening in time . . . and walk back through it . . . back through the archway of trees . . . and back into your safe place . . . If you choose, take a moment here to dialogue with your Higher Self about the experience . . . Thank it for its help, and say goodbye for now . . . knowing that you are able to contact and communicate with your Higher Self whenever you desire by setting your intention and asking for that to happen . . .

      Slowly count from 1 to 5 as you breathe deeply and exhale . . . feeling your energies aligned and balanced . . . happy and at peace . . . remembering everything you experienced . . . being able to recall that happy past-life any time you wish just by closing your eyes for a moment and putting your hand on your heart . . . When you reach the number 5, slowly open your eyes and smile.

       About the Regression Stories

      The individual stories reported in the various chapters are descriptions of actual regressions. They are being offered for your benefit by my clients, A.R.E. members, members of the A.R.E. Search for God Study Group to which I belong, friends, family, and volunteers. Some of these people I have known for some time, personally and professionally, while others I met for the first time at their session. I was even fortunate enough to regress several members of the same family, and that gave a unique perspective to their issues. Through their generosity all of these people allowed me to share their experiences in this book. For most of them, their actual first name has been used with their permission, but for some I have used an alias.

      I think that you will find great benefit in reading not only the details of their former lives, but how what happened so long ago and under very different circumstances affected them in their current lives. Many are down-to-earth stories of the difficulties that are often faced in our physical existence. Others have expansive themes which will lift your spirits. Regardless of the nature of the regressions, the results of their past-life explorations and healing work were sometimes profound while others were more subtle. Merely knowing the circumstances of a prior life is often sufficient to effect change, as in Dean’s case. Other times more work is needed or the person is not ready and must progress more slowly. Regression work provides an amazing opportunity for self-growth, and I invite you to come along on the journey.

      1P.M.H. Atwater, We Live Forever: The Real Truth About Death (Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 2004), 42.

      2Richard Llewellyn, How Green Was My Valley (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009) 12.

      Chapter 2

      The Body Remembers

      image The vessel of our body holds our spirit, and our soul looks out through our eyes. Even though we are spiritual beings, by definition we cannot experience the material world without being in the physical. On Earth we learn what it is to be human and yet be of Spirit. The body acts as a focal point for the immense transitions that will take place during a lifetime. It is the vehicle for our manifestation in this plane of existence, and we must care for it lovingly. If we were not such capable beings, “gods in the making” (699–1) as Cayce told us, this would not be possible.

      Our physical form is a product of all we have ever done, thought, and experienced with each lifetime contributing to the totality. Old memories are stored as patterns in the cells of our body. The energetic imprint of life-ending or -threatening injuries and accidents can carry over to future incarnations with their residue showing up as birthmarks or physical ailments. Current illnesses and conditions can be a direct result of something that we did or experienced in a prior life. For example, a person may be obese in this life, and he or she died of starvation in a previous one and made a death vow never to be hungry again. Perhaps the person laughed at overweight people and must now learn how that feels. The current life condition may not always manifest exactly as it occurred when the pattern was initiated. In one Cayce reading a man was told that his stuttering was due to an incarnation in which he had not hesitated in voicing his negative opinions. Another learned that his asthma was the karmic manifestation of previously having pressed the life out of others. Many past-life regressionists believe that any challenge encountered in the physical body can be related directly to one or more past-lives.

      We are each the direct cause of and are responsible for the physical form we now have. Our bodies are the product of habits begun long ago, often over many lifetimes. The body is a finely-tuned machine that desires love, comfort, nourishment, and care. Spiritual distortions eventually manifest in the physical if they are not corrected, and the body tells us when we are off track. When it is out of alignment, we are meeting self. Pain is a reminder that the physical body has reacted to our thoughts in a way that is in conflict with what the body would want for us. Back pains, for example, can be fear based resulting from our not feeling supported or by trying to hold onto something that does not support us. The nature of the problem points to the very issue we must address. For example, being nearsighted might indicate that our vision of ourselves, others, and the world is too narrow, perhaps too focused on our own ego or personality. An ankle injury could result from fear of moving forward, and cancer is often caused by bottled up anger. As you will read in one of the regressions that follows, intestinal surgery was necessary after the awakening of the memory of someone close to this person trying to eliminate her, mentally, if not physically. Looking at this from the soul’s perspective, illnesses and conditions of the body prompt us to take responsibility for our creations and to change our ideals and thoughts to those more in keeping with our higher purpose. By correcting our limiting choices, they can then be expressed in a different form of manifestation. As Cayce said in one of the readings, “All healing, all correcting of the spiritual and of