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Автор произведения GABRIELLE MARIA
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781649691040

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      “God is within, it is you always has been” - Tobais

      “A funny thing happened on the way to enlightenment – I lost everything’” Kathumi

      "Sometimes you lose everything along the way and that makes way for your new relationship with energy" Adamus

      “I am here. I am in Life. I am allowing energy to serve me, and then it does. This is Freedom.” Adamus.

      All quotes above from Crimson

      cover photo: thanks to Steven King


      Firstly, my story is just a story it is no longer who I am. I have no emotional attachment to it now. It is a multitude of experiences that I have had on this amazing journey of life. I share some of these experiences with you in the hope that in some small way, if this is your time, they will make your journey easier, to know that others have and are on a similar path, having a similar journey.

      My life has been an ordinary one in many respects, I have not achieved success or notoriety, but far more importantly to me, it has been extremely rich in inner growth and realization.

      I have walked the path from Awakening to the doorway of Realization, something I am so blessed and humbled to have done. I want to let you know that it is Real, it works! It is incredible the new life I am living now, for I have moved from the old, heavy energies across the bridge of consciousness into a new world, and there is still more to experience. I have made it to an incredible level of peace and fulfillment and it feels so good!

      For years I seemed to be chasing the carrot of Realization, and it always kept moving in front of me, I am here to tell you it does happen, you will FIND it eventually! And the taste is so very sweet.

      There are many more like me, simple, ordinary people who are following their own inner truth and knowing and in the years to come there with be many, many more.

      I have been on ‘the path’ for over 35 years and some of the experiences I have been through would not be applicable today, we have moved passed them as a society. They do however reflect the breadth and depth of my transition in this lifetime.

      It is only now that I can look back on my life and see it for the journey it was, in simple terms.

      Earth is going through incredible change at the moment, both the planet and many of its people are awakening, finished with their experience here, looking for a better way to live, an expansion of their being into new worlds, new adventures.

      This journey is not for just a few, it will happen to every human on the planet at some time, whether in this lifetime or another. It is part of a natural process, a process of evolution. Like the flowers in a field, one is not superior or better because they open early, before the majority; each flower is unique with its own journey and beauty. We are all blessed, we are all equal.

      I didn’t realize I was on this path until much later. I was moved from experience to experience not sure where I was going. If you know what is happening to you, that there is purpose and reason for your experiences, it will be so much easier, there will be less resistance to change, and it will be faster and with much more grace.

      I have not delved into any of the teaching that I received along the way here, this is more my perception of them, you are more than capable of exploring them if you are interested, there is so much information available to us now online, and if you go directly to the source it will be expressed in a deeper more meaningful manner than I could express here.

      Many will awaken and begin to walk the path to Realization in the coming years. The planet is going through incredible change at present, corona virus, political and social unrest, job losses and much more and this brings disruption in many people’s lives. Disruption is often the trigger to awakening as it was with me.

      Further there are thousands of energy workers on the eve of their Realization at this time, the first group of individuals go through in large numbers at a similar time, and many more will follow in the years to come. This will dramatically shift the consciousness of the planet.

      No one can teach Realization, it is something you have to experience for yourself. All I can do is tell you my story, with my own experiences and awakenings on this path that has been unique to me. My issues may not be your issues. Your path will be your path, perfect for you and beautifully designed for your being to address you’re healing and integration.

      My path was mostly a spiritual path, it doesn’t have to be, you don’t even have to believe in a god, it is an awakening to the knowledge and awareness of who you really are, the God I Am, perfect and complete a true child of the universe.


      At 33 I found myself on the floor of my bedroom, in a beautiful country mansion, with all the trappings of wealth.

      I was rocking on the floor back and forth, trying to sooth myself, in so much internal emotional pain and suffering that I felt I only had to let go and I would go insane, a way out, I would not have to deal with the world and all its anguish any longer. It was a major crossroad. In my turmoil I remembered a place in my heart that I had experienced when I was a child, a place of peace and beauty and love that I had not been to since then. At that moment I decided that I would find that place again, I would find my way there; I made a decision then and there to seek healing for myself. To fight my way back to sanity and that place of peace. There had to be a better way to live, I was absolutely through with the pain of relationships and the world, there had to be a better way to function and thrive and I had to find it. I had to; there was no life for me on the earth otherwise.

      I had followed a man through love into his suffering. I had been so consumed with his problems, his depression and alcoholism, I had given him my all, given up my own life my own self for him and I could do it no longer. I had to choose life for me, put myself ahead of his journey, heal myself; this was my pivotal point of change.

      This was my awakening. It would awaken a passion in me to become real, to find my true self.

      After making this decision, I had without knowing it, called in all the powers of myself and the universe to lead me step by step, little bit by little bit to restoration within myself and a fulfillment and peace on a unsurpassed level. That one decision changed my life as it will change yours.

      It’s a decision to change, to grow, to open to the unlimited potential of your being and it totally changes the game.

      Awakening is a realization by the human self that there has to be something more, beyond the everyday human life we are aware of and a willingness to find that truth. This one conscious decision by the human starts an incredible process where everything you need on your journey will be there, every support, every teacher, and every experience for your unfolding will come to you. It doesn’t feel like this at the time, I can only state this awareness, looking back over my journey. It takes time, for me over 30 years to where I am today, but for the new ones coming in a lot less time, pain and suffering.

      I was born into a loving middle class catholic family, the eldest of 4 children. I was a shy, sensitive child. My mother was a devout catholic and daily communicant and took me to church with her. As a very young child I loved playing in nature, the beauty and magic of it, a wondrous place. I played with my light being companions, mother Mary and the archangels and I lived in the early years in a world of the spirit. It was a sharp contrast to the pain and anxiety of daily life that I picked up sometimes in my parents, grandparents and family, though by most people’s standards they were happy people. I just didn’t understand the harshness of life and the anguish about everyday issues that seemed to radiate from them at times. I found it jarring. My natural space was peace.

      I started kindergarten and in my first year had a lovely old nun who taught me that if I was still and listened to my heart I would be able to sit in it with Jesus. I did this meditation and I found a love that would