Blessed Names and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad. Abdur Raheem Kidwai

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Название Blessed Names and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad
Автор произведения Abdur Raheem Kidwai
Жанр Культурология
Серия Blessed Names
Издательство Культурология
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781847740908

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of Allah chosen by Him to communicate and elucidate His message to mankind. He does not share any trait with divinity. It is all the more necessary to clarify this point in that some of his names mentioned in the Qur’ān itself and recounted in this book, are the same as those of Allah.

      Throughout his career, the Prophet (peace be upon him) devoted himself heart and soul to preaching and practising the message of Islam and achieved amazing success in transforming the polytheistic, ignorant Arabs into champions of monotheism and knowledge. It is therefore not surprising to note the American author, Michael Hart acclaiming the Prophet (peace be upon him) as the most important person in history (The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History). Allah directs us to treat the Prophet (peace be upon him) with love and respect:

       O Believers! Do not put yourself forward before Allah and His Messenger. But fear Allah. For Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

      (al-Ḥujurāt 49: 1)

       The Prophet




      THAT Allah and angels send blessings upon the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) (al-Aḥzāb 33: 56) points to his exalted status. The Qur’ān directs us: “Believers, send blessings on him” (al-Aḥzāb 33: 56). It also indicates that Allah praises him and blesses his mission. Allah has exalted his name and fame. His name figures along with Allah in the credal statement of Islam:

and in acts of devotional worship by billions of Muslims. This again shows how widely he is praised.

      Muslims have immense love and respect for Him. Little wonder then that according to The Columbia Encyclopaedia, Muḥammad is the most common given name in the world. More than 150 million males presently bear this name. All this underscores Muslims’ tremendous admiration for him. More significantly, it brings out the truth that he has been the most praised person in the annals of history.

      We should recite ṣalawāt (benediction) as much as possible, particularly when his name is mentioned. This brings immense rewards from Allah.

       From Sūrah Āl ʿImrān 3:144



      THE Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) holds the distinction of having praised Allah most by his acts of worship and by accomplishing the mission of Islam, which has enabled billions of people to recognize and worship and thus praise Allah.

      Another remarkable point, according to the Qur’ān, is that the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) announced the Prophet’s advent, saying that his name will be Aḥmad: “O children of Israel, I am Allah’s Messenger to you. I give you the glad tiding of a Messenger who shall come after me, his name being Aḥmad.” (al-Ṣaff 61: 7).

      The Prophet (peace be upon him) referred to it as one of his distinctions that Allah had named him Aḥmad (Al-Tirmidhī, Al-Shamā’il Al-Muḥammadiyyah, Bāb Mā Jā’a Fī Asmā’ Rasūl Allāh, 356).

      Like Muḥammad, Aḥmad happens to be a favourite name among Muslims. Out of their love and esteem for the Prophet (peace be upon him) Muslims regard it as their great privilege to name their beloved babies after him.

       From Sūrah al-Ṣaff 61:6



      NOT only did the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) praise and glorify Allah profusely, he also did so in a befitting manner. In an extensive Ḥadīth it is related that all Messengers will direct the distressed people on the Day of Judgement to the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) for his intercession. He will prostrate before Allah and earnestly seek forgiveness for them. At that point too, he will invoke and praise Allah in the best manner.

      The Prophet’s Sunnah guides us how to invoke and praise Allah.

       From Al-Bukhārī Kitāb al-Tawḥīd: 6,975



      THAT the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) will win wide acclaim was foretold by the Qur’ān thus: “Your Lord will soon raise you to an honoured position.” (al-Isrā’ 17: 79). Since then and up to our time he has held an eminent position, indicative of universal appreciation and admiration for him. In the Hereafter too, his glory will be enviable.

      His piety, laudable morals and manners, and above all, his total devotion to Allah earned him such unrivalled fame and glory.

       From Sūrah al-Isrā’ 17: 79



      THE Prophet (peace be upon him) benefitted humanity in many ways by sensitising them to faith, excellent morals and immense knowledge.

      Furthermore, he distributed on Allah’s behalf the ‘spoils of war’ and many assignments and opportunities to people which helped them much.

      As a true, devout servant of Allah, he always credited Allah for all that he gave, declaring: “As to me, I only distribute. It is Allah alone Who grants all things.”

      The above Ḥadīth is yet another testimony to the Prophet’s modesty and truthfulness. He was never after personal glory or grandeur; he attributed his success to Allah.

       From Al-Bukhārī Kitāb al-Khums: 2,949



      THE Qur’ān foretold the Prophet (peace be upon him) about his imminent victory: “(O Prophet), surely We have granted you a clear victory.” (al-Fatḥ 48: 1) It is not, therefore, surprising that he gained victory in all the battles, though he lacked the numbers and resources which his enemies had in plenty. More importantly, he won over the hearts and minds of millions through his excellent conduct and noble words.