Moon Spell Magic For Love. Cerridwen Greenleaf

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Название Moon Spell Magic For Love
Автор произведения Cerridwen Greenleaf
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781633538733

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the ends of your pinkies on your left hands, and squeeze a drop of blood onto the paper on each other’s names. As each of you completes this, speak aloud:


      Friend so dear,

      friend so near,

      our blood is mingled forever.

      Our bond is true, together forever,

      soul mate true blue.

      So mote it be.


      Now your friendship is consecrated in the eyes of the gods and, most importantly, to the two of you. Now bury the parchment, the roses, the candles, and the feather outside in a safe place you choose together. If you don’t bury these things, you risk having your friendship interfered with.

       Celestial Celebration Sacred Scents Incense

      To purify and enhance the space where you perform spells, here is the best incense to burn before and after every circle gathering with your friends.

      Mix together one part of each:

      •Cinnamon, sandalwood, bay leaves, benzoin, vervain, amber resin, myrrh

      Add two parts each:

      •Rosemary, rose petals, frankincense

      With your mortar and pestle, grind the mixture until it is a crumbly, albeit sticky, mixture. Store in a colored jar with a stopper top. Burn on a charcoal wafer known as incense charcoal, available at any metaphysical store in packs of ten.

       Friendship Is Love, Too

      Helping a jilted friend get over a bad relationship is good medicine, which can be therapeutic for you, as well. For example, a wonderful male coworker of mine was dumped unceremoniously by a woman he had been seeing for two years. He quickly went into a deep depression, and my heart went out to him. I felt compelled to help. I knew my friend walked to work each day, so I decided to let the cleansing winds work a little magic on his behalf.

      At the nearest florist I bought two long-stemmed white roses. I took the petals from one and mixed them with a cup of aromatic lavender. I blessed the concoction, chanting:


      Eastern wind, wise and free,

      help (friend’s name) to see,

      a better love will come from thee.


      A few minutes prior to his arrival, I scattered the petals in the wind along his path to work, so he would step on the flowers and release their curative powers. When he arrived at the office that morning, he found the other single long-stemmed rose on his desk with a friendly note and invitation to lunch. His spirits improved that very day, and I was blessed with wonderful company.

       Lemon Balm Soothes Those Aches and Pains (Including Heartbreak)

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