Santaklaus EVOL 1. Klaus Peter Wagner

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Название Santaklaus EVOL 1
Автор произведения Klaus Peter Wagner
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9783902870063

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before it falls completely apart.

      To love your neighbor can be a fight,

       first you must set your own heart right.

      But if you prefer in life the easy road,

       just make sure that love in your heart’s been sowed.

      Love over the long run surely will

       your heart with light also fill.

      People should love themselves much more,

       then we’d have only peace, not war.

      Being able to forgive is often tough;

       and our own mistakes are common enough.

      Yes, in the depth of our hearts, we can unlock

       and let them rise up like a peacock.

      In to heart a shadow they cast,

       the real pain is vast.

      No one can break another’s heart,

       we are cause ourselves of this part.

      Dishonesty lets the peacock in our heart live on,

       and sing its song.

      But if you give the peacock enough light,

       he won’t find the shadow of the night.

      The journey is the reward,

       it would be a miracle, if no one ever tripped on a board, even his own board.

      The important thing is: falling’s not a disgrace,

       but you must keep the light in your heart in place.

      If everyone themselves would forgive,

       where would the guilt end up - it could no longer live.

      The cross, our shoulders need not bear,

       it’s just the light that is not there.

      If the peacock were not in our heart,

       then life would not tear us apart.

      But thanks dear peacock, that in us you dwell,

       you show the shadow the light as well.

      If only one could shine right through you,

       that’s something many people would do.

      The solution to the riddle is easy to share,

       you twist and turn like a little bear.

      If we don’t want to understand the truth of another,

       the light in the shadow we will smother.

      The lamp - yes, we hold it in our hand,

       to create shadow where we need it, that is grand.

      Whether you say cross, peacock or bear,

       we make our lives hard for ourselves out there.

      Did not Christ hang on the cross,

       because of a stab in the heart he left us.

      The cross, the peacock, and the little bear,

       no one was the wiser there.

      He did not die with his heart quite,

       because there is space for the eternal light.

      The path he showed us is really not steep,

       but sometimes our thoughts are just not that deep.

      The heart should be lit from 360° to the center,

       then it would be impossible for a shadow to enter.

      We’d all be happy in life, no doubt,

       if we never needed to go round about.

      If we listen to our hearts more,

       those detours in our lives won’t be such a chore.

      Because - be sure - no one’s banished to the earth, as long as he sees his path and its worth.

      04 | Striving for more

      We are always striving for “more,”

       it’s just the golden calf we’re looking for.

      Our energy is gone,

       we don’t feel newly born.

      Stress is not good for a healthy life,

       yet we’re sadomasochistic and look for the strife.

      We need the torture to know we’re alive,

       such is humanity’s latest drive.

      Be it a buck or the golden calf we chase,

       yes, we make things hard for ourselves in this race.

      Satisfaction is the PIN,

       we should find it deep within.

      But when the love in our hearts has spilled out,

       we kiss the beast, without a doubt.

      A seeker, even a runner on this earth,

       always chasing his money’s worth.

      Because as the manipulated fruits of Mother Earth simulate,

       materialism opens the gate.

      Mistakenly believed in this world by many.

       But you can find true joy - love - without a penny.

      He who searches will not find,

       because it can also be felt by the blind.

      What you have with your eyes sought,

       means really with your mind you thought.

      No, the heart must always sense -

       then true love will stay there hence.

      When coldness in your love does rise,

       you were probably fooled by your eyes.

      Yes, material things can be seen,

       but for them the heart is not keen.

      For this reason, with people be candid,

       for this reason with love be candid,

       for this reason with yourself be candid,

       and you will not by temptation be commanded.

      If you speak from the center of your heart

       you will not on others pain impart.

      Everything is one, everything is energized,

       love knows no borders, love never dies.

      It holds its place in the universe,

       and guides you to your true treasure in due course.

      You should listen to your heart, to your inner voice,

       then true love will always be its choice.

      When the leaves fall to the ground,

       it’s time for man to clear around.

      To tidy up in his true inside,

       so love can always there abide.

      We get this chance every year,

       nature is reborn again and again,

       oh, how wonderful when spring is near.

      Love should be guided by the four seasons -

       throughout our lives, for many reasons.

      It needs to pause at any rate,

       otherwise like smoke it will evaporate.

      If you make with love too fast a start,

       you might chase