The Great Secret of Holy Death. Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth

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Название The Great Secret of Holy Death
Автор произведения Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth
Жанр Эзотерика
Издательство Эзотерика
Год выпуска 2020
isbn 978-5-532-05059-4

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cannot be left on the altar unless the work is for you or for a close relative.

      Offerings must be thrown away; you must not drink, eat or smoke them. In theory, their essence has been lost because the Holy Death has taken it.

      You must throw away the withered flowers and water, because they absorb the bad energy of the environment. The candles, when burnt out, must be thrown away, especially those that are special offerings.

      The Holy Death is asked for special favours in times of need: she protects you and your family. To get good results, personal rituals must be done with a lot of faith, devotion and confidence in what you are doing. It must be something necessary or considered fair. Everything has a price and satisfying a whim can be very expensive.

      Do not be in a hurry, it is important to devote as much time as necessary to do the rituals, look for hours. You must also be in the best possible physical conditions and take care that your health is optimal at the time of doing the rituals, including not being sleepy, drunk or drugged.

      If another person asks you for a petition, remember that you will need twice as much faith, devotion and confidence in doing the ritual. To help others you need to have the vocation and the gift to do so, there are people who were born for it. You should not do it for money, or for any personal interest.

      You cannot do two rituals at the same time. If you work with a single energy you will get better results.

      You must fulfil all the promises you make to the Holy Death. Wash your hands before and after doing a ritual. If you do not know the prayers, you can read them.

      Another Ritual of Consecration

      This is another way to consecrate your image so that the entity enters it as many times as you need. It is more effective if you do it on a Saturday.


      – liquid of rose

      – liquid of rue

      – petals of red roses or red carnations

      – incense and myrrh (in grain)

      – 1 censer

      – natural water

      – 1 bucket to wash the Holy Death

      – bee honey

      – 1 spoon


      Put the natural water and the liquids of rose and rue in the bucket. Add the petals and a little honey. Mix everything with a wooden spoon and wash the image. Light the candles on the altar to welcome the image. Light the incense with the mixture of myrrh. Immerse the image in the bucket and ask her to come and enter the image while saying:

      Holy Death,

      I am calling you

      to come to this place

      and take this image that I bless

      in the name of the Father,

      the Son and the Holy Spirit.

      So be it.

      When you finish, place the image on the altar that should be already prepared.

      6.1. Offerings

      Wines and Liquors

      Wines and liquors are essential because the Holy Death loves alcoholic beverages and the stronger the more she likes them, and it is an ancient and traditional offering. The offering of wines and liquors will depend on how much each person can spend to buy them. The most important thing is to offer them with a lot of love and faith. Wines and liquors should be served in glasses or glass goblets and changed when they are cloudy, mouldy or have dust.

      The wines and liquors that she prefers are those with a high alcoholic content, such as: spirits, tequila, rum, mescal and beer. They should be served in a glass or glass goblet.

      Cigars and Cigarettes

      Our Holy Death likes them very much. It is recommended that you keep the cigar unlit during the first day and you light it during the second day. Cigars are used in many special rituals or when you profess an African-origin religion such as Santeria or Palo Mayombe. It is better to used them as leaf tobacco since it contains less harmful substances.

      Once the cigar is lit, you should place it next to the Holy Death. This will help to ward off envy around your work, business or family. If it is a cigar, smoke it and exhale the smoke to purify the altar and remove all negative energy. This can be done as often as you think is convenient.


      Flowers are frequent offerings and any flowers can be used as long as they are offered with faith. The Holy Death likes roses, carnations, tuberoses, gardenias, tulips… The important thing is that they are fresh, and the most recommended are the flowers from the fields because they are pure. Roses are the most commonly used. White flowers are used to attract health and to prevent spiritual and physical illnesses. Red flowers are related to love, emotions, spiritual stability, passion and desire. It is important to remove the flowers when they start to wither, because they capture all the surrounding negative energy and we do not want this energy to remain. If you need to get money and work, good economy, the flowers should be yellow.

      In general, white flowers were usually offered to the Holy Death.


      One or two incenses can be burned per week. The symbolism of incenses is related to the purification of the air and people. Their use in religious and spiritual rituals is very old, since they have been used in all cultures.

      You can use the incense you want depending on what you need:

      – Copal: transforms the negative energy that exists in your home or business, it acts as a Road-Opener for businesses. Once the incense is lit, it is recommended to open the doors and windows to allow ventilation and the entry of new energies.

      – Sandalwood: related to economic prosperity and abundance, liquidity and success in what you have asked.

      – Myrrh: it cuts jealousy, troubles, gossip and hatred. If you burn two incense sticks or cones next to our Holy Death, the requests are obtained more quickly.

      – Roses: it is, par excellence, the smell of love. It is used in any ritual of love since it attracts it. It is aphrodisiac; it awakens the passion and sexual drive towards the couple. If you place three cones or sticks it promotes the arrival of a love.

      – Musk: related to good health, both physical and mental. It prevents diseases at your house.

      – Jasmine: to attract sales in business.

      – Carnation, vanilla and lilac: for emotional and loving affairs, to attract harmony in relationships.

      The first incense that was used in worships was copal incense during pre-Hispanic times and it was used by the different cultures populating our country. The use of incense on our altar is a synonym of respect to ancient traditions. It is recommended to use an incense-burner of natural origin such as: clay, stone, wood, etc.

      4 Elements

      The 4 elements are essential offerings on an altar to the Most Holy Death, since they are important to channel our requests. Fire is represented by candles. Water is essential: a glass of fresh water for our Holy Death is sufficient. Earth is found in our offerings in flowers, fruits, etc. Air is also represented with candles and with our prayers.


      Water is essential and must never be missing on your altar, because it is necessary in the physical and in the spiritual worlds since it helps to channel the energy. Always use clear, clean water (either form the tap or purified), and put it in glasses or glass goblets. Do not fill the glass or goblet to the brim and keep it on the altar for at least 15 days or a little less if the water gets dirty, or becomes dark.

      If bubbles come out of the glass, it means that there will be economic tranquillity or that your projects will be carried out without problems. If the water stays the same as the first day, it means